The special elections are very important for local decisions. There is going to be millions of dollars going through the school districts especially concerning the Community Enhancement Plan and it would be nice to have a few fiscal conservatives on these boards. Please consider running for office in the special districts election of Coos County....Rob T.
Here is a list of the open positions: |

Vote YES on Coos County Measure 6-168 & End the Debt
Coos County Press Release ~ Tax Bill in the Mail ~ Tax Repeal on the Ballot
Feel-Good Tax Repeal on the Ballot in Coos County
Coos County Commissioners Approve Tax Free Living in Bay Area Enterprise Zone
Coos County Clerk Certifies Petition to Repeal the North Bay Urban Renewal Plan
Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Deserve Public Reprimand for Deception
Commissioner's URA Vote Triggers Tax Referendum ~ Meeting on Friday the 13th
Coos County Considering Ordinance to Extend UR Tax Debt March 27, 2018
Board of Commissioners Postpones Vote on Coos County Urban Renewal Agency
Update on The Campaign to Shut Down the Coos County Urban Renewal Agency
Coos County Public Hearing on Extending the Urban Renewal Tax Debt Dec. 13, 2017
The Continuing Saga of the Coos County Urban Renewal Agency
Coos County Board of Commissioners FINAL VOTE on Extending the URA Debt
Information on the Campaign to Shut Down the Coos County Urban Renewal Agency
Coos County Proposed Ordinance Adopting North Bay UR Plan ~ FOREVER
Coos County Commissioners Hearing on Extending the Debt of the North Bay URA
Cribbins & Sweet Utilize Voter Suppression on Urban Renewal Extension