I note that Mr. Barton wasted no time responding to my recent letter. Health problems make matching Mr. B. letter for letter difficult; but, he deserves an overdue response.
Apparently unable to effectively refute the message content, Mr. B. again attacks the messenger. I am not alone; I was not surprised; and, I expect more. I appreciate that Mr. B. is attempting to improve Pembina / JC Energy public image. Mr. B. is a tad loose with the facts. Of his six quoted remarks attributable to me, only a single word appears in my letter.
I worked with some of the highest level of business and government leaders on four continents. Fifty years ago, I met Mickey Mouse at Disneyland. I am not among the great Buddhist, Christian, Ancient Greek, Hindu, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrian or LNG prophets. I am not impressed by people with monumental egos. I do not have a need to impress others. I cannot and do not predict the future. I support job creating industry; but, I cannot hide from the fact that local LNG represents a threat to our safety.
Does Mr. B. fear folks with an open mind? He apparently believes that you and I need help thinking. Reading his letter we learned that Gordon who failed to site a LNG factory is known to him. He compares forestry and commercial fishing incidents to natural gas incidents. He reports that about 10% of Oregon residents die each year in traffic related accidents. Say what! He cavalierly disregards the well documented world - wide catastrophic gas transmission and LNG incidents (some are listed at phmsa.dot.gov). Does he believe that because nobody has been killed during the high school Javelin toss, there could never be a catastrophic LNG vessel event a half mile abeam of Sunset and Madison schools, with a mile wide fireball, and loss of a generation of children?
Become educated in the LNG matter; become overqualified for the jobs; form an opinion; make decisions based on fact; elect like - minded candidates. Demand that Pembina (and its contractors) immediately reduce promises made by Mr. B. to employ locals first, and the promises by other paid and unpaid Pembina spokespersons, to writing, in a contract with significant penalties for non – performance, that is enforceable in a US court.
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
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