Desperate? Walrus attacks Gurney’s character ![]() As if John Sweet outspending Don Gurney by almost 4 to 1 isn’t enough, Jon Barton is now trying to imply that challenger Don Gurney is engaging in illegal campaign practices. Barton was a member of the structure advisory committee that tried to perpetrate a fraud in the form of a “study” in order to foist an administrator on the county. Having Barton challenge someone’s ethics is a little like listening to his buddy John Knutson defending his false and self-serving allegations against Captain Yates or the philandering ex governor Mark Sanford claiming he was just hiking the Appalachian Trail. In a nod to just how desperate the pro-gas crowd are becoming, in a letter to the editor, Barton complains about the content of a local radio talk show hosted by Jim Bice and over which Gurney has no control whatsoever. Barton goes a step too far. In the end, they turn out to be little more than a campaign commercial for Don Gurney. Presumably, these shows are not coordinated with the Gurney campaign because if they were, they would be illegal without disclaimers and declaration of in-kind contributions in Gurney’s campaign filings under state election laws. The implication is unnecessary as well as undeserved and a low blow even for Barton and his cronies. Does the Kitzhaber campaign have a claim against Richardson and Lars Larson? To top it off Barton completes his dishonest and childish implications by encouraging a vote for “adult leadership”. Yes, let’s vote for adult leadership and elected Don Gurney! Related Posts: Candidate Don Gurney is the Right Choice for Coos County Commissioner OPRD ~ Fascinating Email Exchange Involving Stuntzner, Sweet, & Bandon Biota LTE ~ Sweet Deals for Sweet Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty Commissioner MGX ~ Cribbins, Wiese, Heaton & Political Elite Show True Colors & Insult Public Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014 LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare LTE ~ Why do #CoosCounty Commissioners Support Failed Economic Policies Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation GROUP IN NEED OF DONATIONS The Bandon Marsh Mosquito Farm The Republican Party of Coos County Should Take a Stand The Ghost of Tricky Dick ![]() Commissioner Cribbins Rebuttal It seems Commissioner Cribbins has short memory loss, not the voter. What Ms. Cribbins conveniently forgot to mention is that the BOC also placed a measure on the same ballot as measure 6-144. This measure was written by politicians for politicians, to create an unelected position of “County Administrator” to serve as a scapegoat for the BOC. This measure, 6-144 also failed. Measure 6-149 was written by citizens and expressly for the citizens of Coos County. It is unlike any other charter in the state. It expresses how they wished to be governed and what is expected of those elected to govern. It also provides “term limits”. It provides for penalties when elected officials fail to follow the rules. Politicians hate being the governed and having to follow rules of law like regular citizens. The BOC is receiving guidance from the Hatfield School of Governance, aka Portland Law School, on how to “govern” the citizens of Coos County. We, the taxpayers are paying for this advice. This NGO (non-governmental organization) continues to recommend a County Administrator and “just call it another name like “County Manager.” Currently the BOC holds “work sessions” were decisions are made and votes taken. Citizens are allowed to observe these work sessions. The problem is in the meeting notice does not provide enough detail of the agenda item to do advance research. A summary / report of these work sessions are never provided at the BOC meeting or in the minutes. A rubber stamp vote is taken at the official BOC meeting. Currently, no commissioner must state their position on any matter before the commission. The citizens of Coos County are left to wonder just who represents their view. The reason for five commissioners was decided upon, by a committee of citizens, was put a stop to the normal 2 to 1 vote of the commissioners. If there is an item that affects the entire county and four commissioners cannot agree, then they need readdress the issue to the benefit of all citizens of the county and not just the “special interest”. The county should already have a maintenance department to create and administrate a maintenance plan. Recently there was an article in the newspaper that the county was working with other counties to bulk purchase supplies, no new person needed. Respectfully, Theo Stanley, Bandon Your Views: A county charter we don’t need Related Posts: LTE~ Stupid Idea to Include the Voters in Decision Making Process, so They Say LTE~ Beware #CoosCounty of the Chicken Little Mentality on Home Rule Charter LTE~ #CoosCounty Citizens have to Take Control & Support the County Charter LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty Letter to Editor ~ In Defense of the Charter for #CoosCounty MGX~The Irony of Barton Complaining on Proposed #CoosCounty Charter Oregonian Prints Article on Landowners & Eminent Domain for #JordanCove Letter to Editor---Curry County Charter does not equal Coos County Charter BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement Letter to Editor---Jordon Cove Expects Tax Relief Agenda 21---Sustainable Development & Regionalism Community Vs. Collectivism Regionalism - The Blueprint for Your Serfdom Letter to Editor---WHY DID THE CHARTER BALLOT MEASURE 6-143 NOT PASS? BOC---Regulatory Streamlining and why they want an Administrator ![]() October 29, 2014, It was “April Fools” day in 1952, just two weeks after his 17th birthday when Don Gurney enlisted to serve his country in the United States Navy. It was 21 years of service starting in the Korean conflict streaming through to the Vietnam War with very few breaks in-between. Don served on the USS Mathews AKA-96 and the USS Ranger CVA-61. He was part of the fleet deployed during the Cuban Missile Crises. It was a successful military career where he attained the honorably rank of Chief Warrant Officer. Gurney attended Metal Works and Fire Fighting schools where he earned the title of Fire Marshal. He has a proven record in leadership skills, which is why he has been very successful in logging and ranching. One of his red Angus bulls won National Champion, establishing a new breed “The Coquille Red Angus.” His reputation in the community as a problem solver led him to be an advocate for children. He was instrumental in starting the auction for the county’s 4H club, which is very successful today and still providing scholarships for local teens. There are many in the community who owe him thanks for their education. Jackson and Curry are among several rural counties in Oregon that are currently facing bankruptcy and, except for the foresight of Don Gurney, Coos County would be in the same situation. Don convinced a former Board of Commissioners to set aside twelve and half million dollars in timber funds until the county generated more revenue sources. Unfortunately, that fund will expire unless the current Board finds creative and aggressive tactics to manager the resources that are supposed to be available to support our economy. Don will use the Referral system to put public measures on the ballot to show the feds that the people of Coos County will not be intimidated. He intends on collaborating with legal foundations to use the court system to break the federal bureaucracy. Administrators have intentionally constructed these regulatory barriers to deny the people of Coos County the right to utilize county property. Don is a defender of the free market, so that is why he strongly opposes the corporate welfare and union baiting incorporated in the Community Enhancement Plan, which simply privatizes property taxes. The plan would take $1.8 million from the county for fifteen years. He believes all businesses should play by the same rules, so he opposes allowing the owners of the LNG to receive the property tax exemption offered by the Enterprise Zone. This taxing scheme will benefit a foreign corporation, while forcing homegrown companies to pay more than their fair share, because of the money lost to crony capitalism. Don also opposes the use of eminent domain for the private sector, because it erodes the right to own property. The voters of Coos County have a choice of voting for the incumbent, who is a bought and paid for member of “The Good Ole Boy Club” or the voters could choose someone who has a proven record of loyalty and success. Don Gurney is the right choice for Coos County Commissioner. Related Posts: OPRD ~ Fascinating Email Exchange Involving Stuntzner, Sweet, & Bandon Biota LTE ~ Sweet Deals for Sweet Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty Commissioner MGX ~ Cribbins, Wiese, Heaton & Political Elite Show True Colors & Insult Public Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014 LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare LTE ~ Why do #CoosCounty Commissioners Support Failed Economic Policies Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation GROUP IN NEED OF DONATIONS The Bandon Marsh Mosquito Farm The Republican Party of Coos County Should Take a Stand The Ghost of Tricky Dick The Better Candidates for the Port of Bandon Public Meetings on Agenda 21 Support SB478 NO on Measure 6-148 The Bandon Lighting Ordinance City of Bandon---Outdoor Lighting Ordinance Measure 6-148 Bandon: The City of Ordinances Keep the Lights ON in Bandon Public Law 107-40 The National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation ![]() DEQ proposes temporary rules to revise greenhouse gas permitting requirements DEQ proposes temporary rule amendments to remove certain parts of Oregon’s greenhouse gas permitting requirements temporarily while DEQ determines how to recommend EQC take into consideration a recent change to federal greenhouse gas permitting rules. On June 23, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated portions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas regulations known as the Tailoring Rule. EQC approval of the temporary rule amendments would prevent some facilities from spending thousands of dollars to comply with Oregon’s current requirements until EQC considers permanent rules in 2015. Visit DEQ's website to view the staff report and proposed rules. DEQ will take the proposal to EQC for decision at the commission's November 5-7, 2014 meeting. Questions? Contact George Davis at 503-229-5534 or [email protected]. Related Posts: #DEQ ~Eats Crow & Proposes Temporary Revisions to Greenhouse Gas Permitting DEQ---Extends Public Comment to August 28 for Proposed Air Quality Permitting DEQ---Public Comments by July 31, 2014 Proposed Revisions Air Quality Permitting EPA---Public Comments on Proposed Water Rule to Make Federal Land Grabs Easier EPA---Public Comment on Disapproval of OR Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control SCOTUS---Did EPA Overstep on Global Warming EPA---Public Comments on New Stricter Performance Standards for wood heaters Federal Legislative Action Alert: Vote YES on S.890 to Protect Private Property The Natural Resources Report---Two Stories Showing Cause and Effect EPA---Article in the Western Mining Alliance Newsletter on Oregon Spotted Frog EPA---Victims of Government: The Case of Steve Lathrop, Sounds Familiar Port Orford---Government Ownership equals Poverty and hungry children The Nature Conservancy---Contact the Oregon Leadership Team The Nature Conservancy---Oregon Grasslands: Crucial for Wildlife Survival The Bandon Marsh Mosquito Farm USFWS---Public Responses to the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Invasion Letter to Mr. Lowe of the USFWS about the Bandon Marsh Mosquitoe Problem Department of Interior---Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations AKA The Coquilles Related Posts: LTE ~ Sweet Deals for Sweet Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty Commissioner MGX ~ Cribbins, Wiese, Heaton & Political Elite Show True Colors & Insult Public Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS It's Time for More Oregon Counties to Have A 'Home Rule'Just what is 'Home Rule' here in Oregon? It is, simply stated, a written contract (constitution) between the people and their county government. That said, all Charters (Constitutions) are individual and can include generally almost any structure and requirement as long as they do not go against the state constitution or specific Oregon Statutes....... by Jaye Bell Related Posts: LTE~ Stupid Idea to Include the Voters in Decision Making Process, so They Say LTE~ Beware #CoosCounty of the Chicken Little Mentality on Home Rule Charter LTE~ #CoosCounty Citizens have to Take Control & Support the County Charter LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty Letter to Editor ~ In Defense of the Charter for #CoosCounty MGX~The Irony of Barton Complaining on Proposed #CoosCounty Charter Oregonian Prints Article on Landowners & Eminent Domain for #JordanCove Letter to Editor---Curry County Charter does not equal Coos County Charter BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement Letter to Editor---Jordon Cove Expects Tax Relief Agenda 21---Sustainable Development & Regionalism Community Vs. Collectivism Regionalism - The Blueprint for Your Serfdom Letter to Editor---WHY DID THE CHARTER BALLOT MEASURE 6-143 NOT PASS? BOC---Regulatory Streamlining and why they want an Administrator ![]() Subject: Letter to Editor Has Coos County municipalities been barking up the wrong trees. County Commissioners’ sign a letter to Oregon State Governor, prosperity for our County citizens, and the state school fund, it is the Elliott State Forest trees where the barking is to take place. However, the municipalities have been barking up the tourist tree, focusing Urban Renewal dollars to enhance local businesses, taking from all the citizens in the county, giving to business who focus on tourist revenue. The letter, “Tourism will not allow us to climb out of poverty or cure social ills” ie. unemployment, our superior ranking for child poverty, domestic abuse, and children enrollment in free and reduced cost meal programs. Employment in Tourism, employee in poverty. Employment in wood products manufacturing, a middle class job, and hope for curing the Counties social ills. If this is the commissioners real view, then why have they supported the LNG, dollars in Lieu of taxes to be used to promote and enhance goals and infrastructure directed toward the problem, drawing tourist to our County, encouraging employed poverty. When, all that money could be focused toward the Elliott forest, and other forest production, putting our citizens to work in the middle class jobs, and funding the schools to the benefit of all? The Coos Bay Wagon Road, the O&C lands, also, just waiting to be barked at. Denny Powell Related Posts: OPRD ~ Fascinating Email Exchange Involving Stuntzner, Sweet, & Bandon Biota LTE ~ Sweet Deals for Sweet Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty Commissioner MGX ~ Cribbins, Wiese, Heaton & Political Elite Show True Colors & Insult Public Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014 LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation News Briefs and Updates October 24, 2014 Dear SAOVA Friends, Campaign financing information has been released by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that includes contributions through September 30. We have a few notable updates for you from these figures. The Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF) spent a total of $78,493 supporting the campaign of Congressman Gary Peters (D) to win the open Senate seat race in Michigan against challenger Terri Lynn Land (R). A close second is Senator Jeff Merkley (D, OR) where HSLF has contributed $75,150 to assist his re-election. We reported previously that HSLF had contributed $41,794 to the campaign of Tony Strickland (R) in the California district 25 open Congressional seat race against Steve Knight (R). Rounding out the list of top expenditures is the HSLF contribution of $50,941 to Congressman Bruce Braley (D) challenging Joni Ernst (R) for the open Iowa Senate seat. As of October 23, HSUS/HSLF contributed approximately $2 million to Mainers for Fair Bear Hunting, headed by HSUS state director Katie Hansberry, in support of their ballot initiative. Question 1 on the November ballot would ban the use of bait, dogs and traps for bear hunting in the state. The current report from the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices shows only one percent of the campaign funds raised by supporters of Question 1 actually came from Maine donors. In addition, HSUS/Mainers for Fair Bear Hunting filed a lawsuit in September requesting an injunction against the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to prevent them from speaking out publicly against Question 1 and to have all content opposing Question 1 removed from their website. Last week Superior Court Justice Joyce Wheeler rejected the injunction request. “Restricting speech on contested public issues is directly contrary to the public interest, which favors a robust and dynamic public discourse,” Wheeler said in her 15-page decision. “It is [for] the voters, not the plaintiffs or the courts, to assess the relative merits of conflicting speech. Judge Wheeler continued, “The public interest would be adversely affected if plaintiffs’ request for a temporary restraining order were granted when DIF&W’s speech is on topics squarely within its competence as governor of statutory directives from the Legislature.” HSUS/Mainers for Fair Bear Hunting plans to appeal the decision. Please read and share the rest of our updates. The world not only belongs to those who show up, it's controlled by the best informed and most motivated. Make your vote count on November 4th! Susan Wolf Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance - Working to identify and elect supportive legislators [email protected] ALDF PETITIONS TO REGULATE GREENHOUSE EMISSIONS SAN FRANCISCO — On October 16, the national nonprofit Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) filed a formal rulemaking petition with the California Air Resources Board to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture, as it does for the energy and transportation sectors. The petition calls on the agency to require “factory farms” to report greenhouse gas emissions to the Air Resources Board, which will “cap” these emissions. California’s groundbreaking cap-and-trade program stems from the state’s 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act. ALDF’s first-of-its-kind state petition asks the Air Resources Board to include animal agriculture in that program. California uses more than 25 million acres of land for agriculture. “Animal agriculture is systematically responsible for cruelty to millions of animals, pollution of natural resources, and health problems in our state,” said ALDF Executive Director Stephen Wells. “Our state agencies should regulate pollution from the animal agriculture industry like they do for cars and trucks.” YET ANOTHER HSUS AWARD The inaugural “Humane Filmmaker” award will be presented this month to Director Darren Aronofsky for using computer-generated images instead of animals in the movie “Noah”. According to HSUS the film shows that animals can be a large part of entertainment production without risking their welfare. “As more directors like Aronofsky choose digital alternatives in film, TV, and advertising, animal actors could become as obsolete as celluloid film” said Debbie Leahy, HSUS Manager of Captive Wildlife Protection. PERDUE/HSUS JOINT PRESS RELEASE October 13, 2014. Perdue Farms, Inc. and The Humane Society of the United States are pleased to announce the settlement of two federal cases in New Jersey and Florida concerning Perdue's "humanely raised" claim on its Harvestland chicken labels. The settlement requires the plaintiffs to dismiss their claims with prejudice, in exchange for Perdue agreeing to remove the "Humanely Raised" label claim from its Harvestland chicken packaging. The proposed class action cases were filed in 2010 and 2013 by individual consumers who contended that Perdue's "Humanely Raised" claim on the packaging of its Harvestland brand chicken was misleading. Perdue vigorously opposed plaintiffs' claims. "We are pleased to see the claim removed from Harvestland's packaging, which we view to be misleading," said Peter Petersan, Director of Animal Protection Litigation for the HSUS. "We will continue to work to protect both animals and consumers." "Perdue rejects the plaintiffs' allegations and maintains that its labels are not misleading in any way. Nonetheless, it has agreed to discontinue the labeling claim at issue," said Herb Frerichs, General Councel for Perdue Farms. "Perdue is committed to treating animals with respect and to ensure their health and safety. We are pleased this lawsuit has been resolved." Source: HSUS press release SANCTIONS ISSUED IN 'PUPPY MILL' ONLINE DEFAMATION SUIT Burlington County Superior Court Judge M. Patricia Richmond awarded $25,000 in legal fees on October 16 to Clifford Mintz of East Windsor N.J. to be paid by plaintiffs Donna Roberts and Dawn Abrams. The fee decision comes four years after Richmond granted summary judgment dismissing Roberts' and Abrams' claims against Mintz. Mintz had been ranting on his blog against Roberts and Abrams, accusing them of running a puppy mill. According to reports the dispute began when Mintz purchased a second dog from the breeders. Mintz claimed he thought the dog was another purebred, but that it turned out to be an unhealthy mix-breed. Roberts and Abrams claimed they told him the dog had been rescued from a pet owner who could not care for him. Roberts and Abrams compared the blogging attacks to cyber-bullying and after two years filed a defamation suit against Mintz; however, the suit was dismissed on First Amendment grounds by Superior Court Judge Patricia Lebon. HSUS had joined the lawsuit in defense of Mintz, arguing the suit was designed to stop him from warning the public through protected speech about the unscrupulous business practices of dog breeders. NATIONAL SHERIFF’S ASSOCIATION, HSUS JOINT PROJECT John Thompson, executive director of the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA), believes animal abuse is too common. “So if we can stop a case of animal cruelty, we may intercept violent crimes against people as well”, says Thompson. The NSA was instrumental in working with the FBI to have animal cruelty offenses, including animal neglect, listed as a separate category in the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), the prime source of information on crime in the U.S. Animal cruelty crimes will now be classified as distinct Group A offenses, joining other major crimes such as arson, assault, and homicide, and will require the reporting of both incidents and arrests. The reported crimes will be categorized as simple/gross neglect; intentional abuse and torture; organized abuse; and animal sexual abuse. NSA in partnership with ICE BlackBox and the HSUS have launched a new feature within the ICE BlackBox app to report animal abusers. The ICE BlackBox app not only records the abuse, but also notes the GPS coordinates. When someone begins recording an event, the recording is uploaded to the NSA secure servers in Alexandria VA to its National Law Enforcement Center on Animal Abuse (NLECAA). Kaema Akpan is heading up that effort as the center's attorney and will filter the videos to the right police agencies. According to the NLECAA website, HSUS-funded agents will be used to assist in alerting local authorities and district attorneys. Thompson noted that local law enforcement departments taking part in pilot programs tied directly to ICE BlackBox would instantly receive recordings of animal abuse from local citizens. In the HSUS press release Thompson said: “We encourage everyone who has a smartphone and cares about protecting animals and our communities to download this new app.” Thompson added, “We want to give special thanks to Cesar Millan and the Cesar Millan Foundation for their contribution in the public service announcement video that was shown at the news conference.” This PSA is the first in a series on reporting animal abuse with the ICE BlackBox App. The app originally developed for the National Neighborhood Watch program was modified to allow the public to report animal abuse. Sources: ABC News; AL.Com; HSUS press release National Sheriffs’ Association website National Sheriffs’ Association media contact: Susan Crow [email protected] Related Posts: SAOVA updated 2014 election website SAOVA~ Reporting the Real Story Behind the HSUS Annual Conference SAOVA---Animal Rights Activists Political Contributions to DeFazio & Blumenhauer SAOVA---The Clowns at the Humane Society lost to the Clowns at Ringling Bros. SAOVA---Warning to Pet Owners, Kangaroo Courts are Coming SAOVA---Legislation Briefs January 15, 2013 SAOVA_West---Lawsuit filed against APHIS Retail Pet Store Rule [SAOVA_West] Legislation Briefs November 3, 2013 SAOVA---Final Rule Revising Pet Seller Exemptions and You [SAOVA_West] APHIS Final Rule Revising Pet Seller Exemptions and You [SAOVA_West] Legislation Briefs June 5, 2013 [SAOVA_West] SAOVA 2012 CONGRESSIONAL CHAMPION AWARDS [SAOVA_West] 2012 Legislation Review---Fido gets an Attorney [SAOVA_West] Animal Law in the News [SAOVA_West] HR 835 PUPS Call to action September 24, 2012 [SAOVA_West] News Briefs; APHIS proposed rule updates SAOVA Alert the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) licensing and regulations ![]() 10.24.14 A Bloomberg anti-gun dream team. That's what we will have if we lose a single Republican seat in the Oregon Senate. Here is what else we will have: Mandatory gun registration. A ban on modern firearms. Warrantless searches of your home for guns. An end to transfers between friends and family members. A ban on self defense in schools. A new patchwork of local restrictions on firearms owners. More restrictions or an outright ban on licensed concealed carry. Prohibitions on open carry. Prohibitions on self defense and a mandate that you run away from a violent attack on yourself or your family. Think all this is wild speculation? Every single one of these dangerous attacks on you and your rights has already been introduced by Democrats in the Oregon Legislature. The only thing that has stopped them has been you. But now, Bloomberg and other billionaires have pulled out all the stops to guarantee you lose your gun rights and they are doing all they can to buy or steal the Oregon Senate. Every single seat counts, but the big bucks now are going to defeat Senators Bruce Starr and Betsy Close and replace them with Bloomberg lackeys Chuck Riley and Sara Gelser. Make no mistake. If these two are elected, the anti-gunners in the Senate, led by extremist and liar Floyd Prozanski, will be able to pass anything they want. And we know what they want. It is absolutely critical that you vote in this election. These races are won or lost on tiny numbers of votes. Your vote does matter. If you live in either Bruce Starr's or Betsy Close's district be sure to mail your ballot. But remember, you can still help them and protect your rights by volunteering or contributing to their campaigns. Don't wait for the "other guy." These are YOUR gun rights at stake. You can connect with Bruce Starr here. You can connect with Betsy here. Click here for all of OFFPAC's candidate ratings. Bloomberg and his big bucks friends are sending boatloads of money and out of state foot soldiers to take away your freedoms. Fight back. If you don't vote, you don't matter. This message is brought to you by OFFPAC. Related Posts:
OFF~ Gabby Giffords' War On Women Coming to Oregon OFF~Lead Ammo Ban Update #ODFW Skirting Extreme Environmental Agenda OFF---It May be Illegal to Lend your Girlfriend a Gun for Protection OFF---Supreme Court Rules Against the Transfer of Guns Between Approved Buyers OFF---Ban on Lead Ammo Is on the Horizon OFF---The OR Firearms Educational Foundation Taking on Connecticut Gun Ban OFF---Candidate Rating for the Primary 2014 OFF---Two Gun Bills Back in the OR House Ashland, OR debates the Right to Bear Arms, Two must see videos on the subject OFF---Public Comment needed for Gun Registration Bill SB1551 OFF---Public Comment needed on the First Gun Bills Scheduled for 2014 Legislature OFF---Obey The Law, Go To Jail OFF---Gun Bills Officially Posted OFF---Five Years In Prison For Giving a Gun to Your Best Friend OFF---More on Portland Slime Moving South OFF---Update on anti-gun bill introduction, suggested message, troubling video. OFF---IS PORTLAND EXTENDING ITS TENTACLES? OFF---Santa Claus is Coming To Town. So Is Michael Bloomberg. OFF---ACTION ALERT: Comment On Obama's Anti-gun Rule Proposal OFF---Supreme Court to Hear "Straw Purchase" Case Related Posts: LTE ~ Sweet Deals for Sweet Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty Commissioner MGX ~ Cribbins, Wiese, Heaton & Political Elite Show True Colors & Insult Public Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014 LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation Hey Folks, Below are five reason to Vote NO on Measure 6-150. The city officials of Bandon are trying to convince people that they are thrifty with our money, but they need to do better. The following are examples of $257,816.85 worth of places the city could cut the budget and these are all annual expenses, which compound over the years of continual spending.......Rob T. First Reason: Excessive Overtime for Bandon City Employees = $160,192.85Second Reason: Bandon Community Center Running Deficit of $40,464 Community Center Revenues & Expenditures Fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 Revenues $21,595 Expenditures ($62,059) Difference ($40,464) Third Reason: City Gave Away Public Money to Questionable Groups $25,030STATE REVENUE APPROVED BY BUDGET COMMITTEE FY 2014-2015 Group and Amount Approved
TOTAL REQUESTED $25,030 Fourth Reason: Overpriced Pay Increase for the City Manager $20,000Fifth Reason: Useless Expenditure for LOC Conference $12,130The anticipated costs to the City for the 2014 Annual Conference are shown below: NAME REGISTRATION ROOM TOTAL Brian Vick $ 310 $ 428 $ 738 Chris Powell $ 310 $ 428 $ 738 Claudine Hundhausen $ 410 $ 571 $ 981 Mary Schamehorn $ 310 $ 428 $ 738 Matt Winkel $ 310 $ 428 $ 738 Mike Claassen $ 295 $ 428 $ 723 Nancy Drew $ 335 $ 571 $ 906 Shala McKenzie $ 75 $ 428 $ 503 --------- --------- --------- Total $2,355 $3,710 $6,065 Friday and Saturday breakfast and lunch are included in the above registration fees, as is the cost for the annual banquet for those attending. For other meals while on the trip, and for those not attending the annual banquet, meals are reimbursed at actual cost upon submission of a receipt. The City only pays for meals, but does not pay for alcoholic beverages. Related Posts: 18th Annual Oregon Land Use~Central Planning~Law December 10-11, 2014 Portland Local Governments Suffering from Systemic Incentives Illness EcoDevo is a symptom League of Oregon Cities Class of Slanted View on History of Urban Renewal in OR City of Bandon---Expanding Government Cheese #CoosBay Urban Renewal Monies Siphoned from Public Basic Services Port of #CoosBay Blowing Through Your Tax Dollars Like Drunken Sailors Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding State Government Surveying Government Planners The International Code Council and You... Urban Renewal in Portland takes Money from Everyone to Build Private Hotel Hell Lessons from the Detroit Bankruptcy Example for Community Enhancement Plan Urban Renewal---Oregon schools could recoup money Bandon---Combine Private Public Partnership w/ Urban Renewal and you get cheese... Urban Renewal---Tax fight aims at PSU renewal district Urban Renewal Money in the hands of the Politicians B-Corporations: The Redefining of what it means to be a Corporation Cities are using Monopoly Utilities to Game the System Action Alert:---State Legislation SB 478 The Federalization of Local Urban Renewal Agencies Urban Renewal gone bad---read the stories ![]() October 19, 2014, Commissioner John Sweet is a nice man, but his association with several nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations seem to conflict with his position on the Board of Commissioners, which may have contributed to several bad decisions on his part. Recently, Commissioner Sweet voted to give the management of 84.3 miles of county roads over to the authority of the Coquille Indian Tribe, which eliminates the ability of the Roads Department to prioritize road improvements. It also gives the Tribe an edge in negotiating for other projects, such as the management of the Wagon Road Lands. County voters passed a resolution against allowing the Coquille’s from managing these lands, but that did not stop Mr. Sweet from relinquishing his authority to the tribe as an elected official. Voters should note that John Sweet has a very close working relationship with the Coquilles and he refuses to release his response to the tribal survey given to candidates during the last elections cycle. The Commissioner is a board member of the Coquille Tribal Community Fund, which is a nonprofit organization involved with several undertakings throughout the county. As a voting member of this board, John has the ability to direct the revenue stream of this organization, giving him the opportunity to choose who receives this funding. The ability to give away money to benefit his constituents is the first conflict. Mr. Sweet is also a member of the Family Ford Foundation, an organization that has worked closely on projects financially supported by the Coquille Tribal Community Fund, giving the commissioner a considerable amount of undue influence in the county. Many in the community believe John Sweet is using this influence to keep his positon on the County Board of Commissioners, demonstrating a second conflict of interest. In a work session absent of Commissioner Bob Main, John Sweet and Mellissa Cribbins voted in favor of the county joining the South Coast Community Foundation and then the two voted to make Sweet a board member of this group. Public tax dollars will fund the SCCF and all the money is discretionary where open meeting laws do not apply, which many see as an extreme conflict for Mr. Sweet. Commissioner Candidate Don Gurney does not have these conflicts of interest, and therefore he has a clear conscience to vote on these issues. So I am voting for Don Gurney for Coos County Commissioner. Gary Haga, North Bend Related Posts: MGX ~ Cribbins, Wiese, Heaton & Political Elite Show True Colors & Insult Public Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014 LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation Hey Folks, The cowards on Facebook were to afraid to allow people to see them as they really are, small people. They took down a FB post of a misspelling that was done by a third party in an ad for Don Gurney and made fun of him and his supporters. They acted like children, making fun of a minuscule mistake, while completely missing the fact that Commissioner John Sweet and Mayor Mary Schamehorn are lying about the Bandon mosquito problem, saying it is fixed. It is sad the political elite make such a big deal over a misspelling when what Sweet is doing should be criminal. I am very disappointed with Terri Turi, I have always spoken highly of her and expect her to always be above the fray. However, the Coquille Councilors, Heaton and Wiese, are the A-Typical "Political Elitist," who find fault in the citizens they serve while missing their own political and personal inadequacies. They have never understood the importance of leadership and that was proven with the way they treated our group, when we asked the Coquille city council for a resolution against the unconstitutional parts of the N.D.A.A. It is pathetic the voters pick these types of people as our leaders, Let's hope the voters get it right in November.......Rob T. Commissioner Cribbins goes all “mean girls” on social media![]() Coos County deserves maturity from its elected leaders but unfortunately, Commissioner Melissa Cribbins has sunk to a low rarely seen beyond high school. Cribbins has a thread running on her personal Facebook page relating to a Don Gurney ad published last week in The Sentinel with a misspelled word. The ad is admittedly a disaster and the misspelling typical of the types of errors littering this particular paper. To be clear, Gurney had nothing to do with the ad, never vetted the ad and the ad is not paid for by the Committee to Elect Don Gurney, a point Cribbins should be experienced enough to notice. Considering Cribbins received some free advertising from Knife River on an electronic reader board last spring that met with a fair amount of derision, one would think she might appreciate the predicament. Even if Gurney had approved the ad, however, it would not condone Cribbins’ conduct. She must be worried about John Sweet’s chances of reelection but to devolve to this level speaks volumes about her character. This is not the first snarky remark about Gurney that Cribbins has tossed out through social media once tweeting that Gurney is the “self-professed CBWR historian” even though he’s never made the claim. Cribbins isn’t the only elected official to behave like the Plastics in Mean Girls. Our supposedly neutral head of elections, Coos County Clerk Terri Turi, (she’s responsible for counting the votes), couldn’t resist joining the pecking session with a short but nonetheless impolitic, “Oh my.” Coquille City Councilman Loren Wiese adds his two “cents” worth The one who takes the cake, however, is Coquile City Councilwoman Susan Heaton who succeeds in insulting just about everyone. Several other Sweet supporters avail themselves of the opportunity to behave like high school kids, including Al Pettit for which this type of behavior is characteristic. Pettit, by the way, is rumored to be running a write-in campaign for Coos Bay City Council. Throughout it all, our esteemed commissioner takes the time to “like” each comment because Cribbins is just so classy. Shame on her. Related Posts: Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014 LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation ![]() Measure 90 Is Bad for Oregon We’re the county chairs of the Democratic and Republican parties in Coos County. As party leaders, we often disagree on a number of issues. But this election cycle, there is one idea so bad we have no difficulty agreeing: Both the Democratic and Republican Parties oppose Measure 90 because it eliminates choices for voters in Oregon. Measure 90 will hurt Oregon’s democracy by capping the number of candidates that can participate in our November election to only two. This “Top Two” election system is opposed by nearly all of Oregon’s political parties because it would likely close out minor parties, limit debate, and force voters in some places to have to choose between only Democrats or only Republicans. While we might love the idea of a ballot with only one party – if it were our own –we understand that a healthy democracy is one where all sides have a voice in our elections. We know voters like to have choices too. When we look at our neighbors to the north and south, we can see the consequences of a “Top Two” election system. In California and Washington, 25% of general election races are between two candidates from the same political party who largely share the same views on major political issues. Studies show that fewer votes are cast in “Top Two” elections because voters want real choices. We think they deserve real choices. Making matters worse, Measure 90 is full of flaws. Under Measure 90, it appears that candidates getting more than 50% in the May election would automatically win their race and eliminate the November election for many important offices. Measure 90 even seems to eliminate the possibility of write-in candidates. Before we dramatically change the way Oregon handles elections we need to be careful and make sure that we are doing it right. We may not agree on much but we agree that Measure 90 is not right for Oregon! Hello Folks, We had a second biologist examine the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Preserve and he makes the claim the mosquito problem has only been delayed by the drought. Commissioner John Sweet and Mayor Mary Schamehorn are claiming to have FIXED the mosquito problem on radio ads promoting Sweet's reelection bid. It is sad that the residents of Coos County are being lied too by these elected officials--All for their political gain. Please read the short analysis by a vector control expert who has a Masters in Biology and 40 years of experience. Who are you going to believe? Politicians bidding for your vote, or a well renowned scientist?....Rob T. Message from a Biologist after examining the Bandon Marsh
Related Posts: John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014 LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation ![]() Did you know this about bats? The newsletter from "The Texas Gardener Seeds" said: "Put up a bat house to encourage the presence of these shy animals. Bats consume 3,000 or more mosquitoes and other insects nightly, and bats are less likely to be rabid than dogs are." Need another reason? "Bats are responsible for up to 95 percent of the seed dispersal essential to the regeneration of forests. Our planet is populated with plenty of bizarre and astonishing creatures." Here are three from the Bat Family...The Sucker-footed Bat Left-Winged (Socialist) Ding Bat So 2 out of 3 Bats have a useful purpose! Central Planning from both parties have caused problems like the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation...Rob T.
“Good Old Boys Club” We all hear about the “Good Old Boys Club” in Washington D. C. and Salem. Well, let me tell you that it is alive and well here in Coos County. You cannot make up these stories. You have to witness the crime in-progress. Here is something I witnessed in the last three weeks. On Thursday, September 18, 2014, I was approached by a young lady about a letter she had received regarding changes to be made to the Coos County Planning Ordinances. She said she had gone to the Planning Department to get a copy of the changes and was told it would cost 50 cents per page and there were over 700 pages. Sunday, September 21st I looked at the County web-site for more information on this topic. I found that a work session was scheduled for Monday, September 22nd regarding ordinances changes. I went to the “work session’, not having information as of the agenda, I simply acted as an observer. One interesting point I picked up on was a comment by Commissioner “A” “how can we hold the public to a higher standard than we are?” Commissioner “B” stated “the feds and state do that to us all the time!’ Commissioner “C” stated “but we are doing it for the public good”. After completing looking at the changes to Coos Planning Ordinances, chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8, a commissioner made a motion to accept the changes and motion passed with three ayes. Normal procedure is this item will be place on the BOC agenda, at a later date, under item 4. “Consent Calendar- administrative matters not up for discussion”. Now jump to October 16th, the Planning department has a meeting scheduled to accept “Public Comments” on changes to these same chapters which the BOC already approved. So much for “public comment”, I thought public comments came before a decision was reached. That folks is why you need to “Vote YES on 6-149, Coos County Home Rule Charter’. We may not be able to affect Washington D.C. or Salem but it is time to take our county back from “special interest groups” so that Your Voice is Heard! You cannot make these stories up!! Respectfully, a Concerned Coos County Citizen and I proudly wear the badge of “Noisemaker” that Mr. Barton bestowed upon me. Theo Stanley, Bandon Related Posts: LTE~ Stupid Idea to Include the Voters in Decision Making Process, so They Say LTE~ Beware #CoosCounty of the Chicken Little Mentality on Home Rule Charter LTE~ #CoosCounty Citizens have to Take Control & Support the County Charter LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty Letter to Editor ~ In Defense of the Charter for #CoosCounty MGX~The Irony of Barton Complaining on Proposed #CoosCounty Charter Oregonian Prints Article on Landowners & Eminent Domain for #JordanCove Letter to Editor---Curry County Charter does not equal Coos County Charter BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement Letter to Editor---Jordon Cove Expects Tax Relief Agenda 21---Sustainable Development & Regionalism Community Vs. Collectivism Regionalism - The Blueprint for Your Serfdom Letter to Editor---WHY DID THE CHARTER BALLOT MEASURE 6-143 NOT PASS? BOC---Regulatory Streamlining and why they want an Administrator Hey Folks, The Mayor of Bandon and Commissioner Sweet are claiming victory on the mosquito problem in Bandon. Of course, if that was the case, then why is the city and the county officials still getting complaints from citizens? The people should show up to this meeting and ask the members of the board if the mosquito problem "has been fixed". Ask the residents off Randal Road on 42s if they think this problem is over. The winter weather will take out this seasons infestation, but as soon as spring arrives the mosquitoes will follow. Sweet and Schamehorn have only delayed the problem, they have fixed nothing. Hopefully, county voters will vote for Don Gurney for Commissioner, which is a vote to Drain the Swamp and Dike the Marsh......Rob T. ![]() COOS COUNTY VECTOR ASSESSMENT & CONTROL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA THURSDAY OCTOBER 23, 2014 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Bandon Conference and Community Center (aka Bandon Barn) 1200 W 11th St. SW Bandon OR 5:30 – 5:35 Roll Call & Approve minutes of 9/25/14 meeting 5:35 – 5:45 Staff Report 5:45 – 6:00 Bat House Program/Event Planning 6:00 – 6:15 Mapping Project Next Steps 6:15 – 6:25 Public Comment 6:25 – 6:30 Committee Member Comment 6:30 Adjourn Related Posts: LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation From a Watchdog in Curry County
There were also four debates prior to the May 2014 primary. Having been involved in hosting two debates in 2012 and participating in nine debates in 2014, there is a lot of hard work and preparation for both the hosts and participants. Thank you hosts for sponsoring these debates. The first thing that was evident during the five recent debates was when someone doesn’t ALWAYS tell the truth, they need to keep really good track of what they said the last time they answered the same or similar question. Simply put, elected officials and candidates alike need to tell the whole truth EVERY time. While various ‘Recommendations Going Forward’ have been prioritized and listed on my campaign literature, some recommendations require additional information be provided by county officials prior to implementation. Given my recent experiences requesting such information, that is not going to happen anytime soon. Below is a sampling of debate examples: A: Primary Debate April 19, 2014 - Brookings: Complementary video of the debate was provided to all candidates by the Brookings TEA Party. There were four commissioner candidates at this debate. Question to all Curry County Commissioner candidates: "How much money have you spent on your campaign and what is the source of the funds?" Commissioner Itzen: "Honestly I can't ah I haven't looked at it recently. I know it's over a thousand dollars. It may be close to two ($2,000). I'm just not sure what the expenditure level is presently." Those interested can watch the video clip here. September 19, 2014: Notice of proposed civil penalties of $676.82 by the Oregon Secretary of State Elections Department to Commissioner Itzen for failing to file any required campaign finance transactions for the months of February, March and April 2014. Actual contributions received as of the April 19 debate totaled nearly $5,000. Actual expenditures as of April 19 totaled around $4,000. You can view or download the correspondence and proposed penalties below. B: Debate September 20, 2014 - Brookings: Video of the debate was provided to both candidates. Audience Question to Commissioner Itzen: Why did you approve giving all employees including yourself a 2.8% COLA and 6.4 % raise? Commissioner Itzen to the citizen on the COLA question: "For those of us that are on Social Security we got a raise virtually every year (Loud moans from the audience saying NO.) Based on, maybe not every year. OK you got two. So at least you got a couple." Those interested can watch the video clip here. C: Debate October 8, 2014 - Port Orford: This debate was not audio or video recorded. There were six candidates for Port Orford City Council present; two candidates for county commissioner and one state representative candidate present. This audience question was directed primarily to current members of the Port Orford council some of whom apparently attended a meeting together without proper notice required by the Oregon Public Meetings Laws. The incident did not appear to be intentional. Commissioner candidates were then asked to also provide their position on the subject of commissioners meeting together without proper public notice. Commissioner Itzen stated Curry County Commissioners made it a point NOT to meet together as two commissioners meeting comprised a quorum. April 19, 2014 during the videotaped debate: Audience question to Commissioner Itzen: "At another forum you mentioned that you never meet with other commissioners outside of a public commission meeting. How are you able to cofound a Political Action Committee with Commissioner Smith without meeting with him?" Commissioner Itzen's response begins with: "That isn't exactly what I said. Ah, and if it if I did say that I didn't mean to say that. But I , I I'm sure ah I'm absolutely certain that isn't what I said. We can't I think ah to folks who think we cannot meet together. I think it's a misunderstanding of the public meeting laws. I know Tom (Huxley) has had that opinion for some time but he went to the Secretary of State and they threw it (complaint) out. Ah, rightfully so. We can meet. We regularly do." Oh, it gets better. Those interested can watch the complete video clip here. D: Debate September 20, 2014: Question to both candidates regarding commissioner appointed committees and surveys. Commissioner Itzen referred to recommendations of the Citizens' Advisory Committee that included a county sales tax. In subsequent (LOWV) debates Commissioner Itzen stated Huxley voted to support the sales tax recommendation of the Citizens' Advisory Committee. Huxley responded he did not support any such tax. Furthermore, there was never a recorded vote on any of the committee recommendations as required by the Oregon Public Meeting Laws. Those interested can watch the video clip here including Commissioner Itzen's commitment to provide Huxley county video of the Citizens' Advisory Committee meeting that met the requirements of Oregon state law. Commissioner Itzen later declined via email to provide the video stating "I think you may have misunderstood my comments earlier." Remember the “Protect Your Right to Vote” ads in the May 2014 primary? Those interested can watch the video clip (part 2) of the January 13, 2012 Citizens' Advisory Committee. How would you like to have the folks at Portland State University count your votes? Let me close with two final comments. On at least two occasions during the LOWV debates Commissioner Itzen was asked the following question. Huxley says he will do the commissioners job for $10,000 a year with no benefits. Will you? Incumbent Commissioner Itzen snidely responded "No. You get what you pay for." He then continued with cynical remarks that I simply dismiss as no purpose is served doing otherwise. What I do not dismiss is all those who volunteer for so many great causes including search and rescue; hospice; local fire departments, etc. There is a gold mine of talent out there being and waiting to be tapped because they want to help their local communities and not because of the money. Lastly and on a lighter note, attached is a recent piece published on page 5A of the October 8, 2014 Curry Coastal Pilot titled "The Davids At The Bat." Enjoy. Tom Huxley Related Posts: Questions Remain on the Current State of Curry County's Finances Rebuttal to #CurryCounty Workers Pay Increase Article in Coastal Pilot Write-in Candidate for the City of #CoosBay Congratulations for Another Choice Bandon Voters Get Your~Vote NO on Measure 6-150~Signs Available NOW LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty MGX~Lobbyist a Big Waste of #CoosCounty Money for Wagon Road Lands Commissioner Sweet's Family Farm Mentioned in Emails on Bandon Biota Exchange Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Letter to Editor~ #Coos Bay Citizens should understand the job of Mayor #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille #CoosCounty Releases List of Local Candidates in November General Election ![]() Subject: Letter to the Editor Vote yes, ballot measure 6-149, “Voice of the Voters” Home Rule Charter. “The future of this Republic is in the hands of the American voter.” Dwight David “ike” Eisenhower. WOW! Voters, stopped voting, and leaves government operations to career politicians and Bureaucrats. Now Voters are involved by: voting, running for office, paying taxes, political contributions, appointed to be on committees, commissions, and boards, and receiving tax dollars by partnering with government. But, to be part of the decision process in spending the tax dollars through a voting process, no, you are too dumb, or stupid, probably only fitting into one or two of the above involved activities, paying taxes, and making a contribution. Thus, Coos County Home Rule Charter is a threat to the intrenched influence receiver and peddlers, it will involve the voters through voting on how much and where, but, not all, of your tax dollars will be use in the County. Yup, that is a dumb and stupid idea to include the voters in how tax dollars will be spent. Vote yes, ballot measure 6-149, “Voice of the Voters” Home Rule Charter. Denny Powell Related Posts: LTE~ Beware #CoosCounty of the Chicken Little Mentality on Home Rule Charter LTE~ #CoosCounty Citizens have to Take Control & Support the County Charter LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty Letter to Editor ~ In Defense of the Charter for #CoosCounty MGX~The Irony of Barton Complaining on Proposed #CoosCounty Charter Oregonian Prints Article on Landowners & Eminent Domain for #JordanCove Letter to Editor---Curry County Charter does not equal Coos County Charter BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement Letter to Editor---Jordon Cove Expects Tax Relief Agenda 21---Sustainable Development & Regionalism Community Vs. Collectivism Regionalism - The Blueprint for Your Serfdom Letter to Editor---WHY DID THE CHARTER BALLOT MEASURE 6-143 NOT PASS? BOC---Regulatory Streamlining and why they want an Administrator ![]() 10.14.14 Gabby Giffords is coming back to Oregon to spread the gospel of gun control. Although a date has not been announced, the Associated Press has reported that Giffords "will begin a nine-state tour in Maine, where she will advocate for tougher gun laws that she says will help protect women and families." Giffords is bankrolled by millions from New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Giffords "will seek to elevate the issue of gun violence against women" and no doubt will be promoting universal gun registration ("background checks.") Among the dead when Giffords was wounded were Chief Judge John Roll and Giffords' community outreach director Gabe Zimmerman. Both apparently were men. Of course, as is so often the case, the murderer who killed John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman and a nine year old girl when Giffords was shot, passed a background check. According to the State Police's own figures, many law-abiding Oregonians cannot. So while good people have their rights delayed or denied, killers like Gifford's attacker and the Virginia Tech shooter are approved for gun purchases. According to AP: "Among the changes Giffords has sought is to include people with misdemeanor-level stalking crimes among those who are prohibited from buying firearms and to expand background checks to ensure that domestic violence abusers can't buy firearms at gun shows." Of course, persons with domestic violence misdemeanors can't buy guns at gun shows now, no matter how old, trivial or trumped up their charge was. Remember, for many years people who were arrested for "domestic violence" were encouraged to plead to misdemeanors even when they were innocent, because it would "save them thousands in lawyers fees." Few knew they were giving up their rights forever. Oregon law now requires that people be informed they will lose their rights before pleading, but for far too long many innocent people were ensnared by dishonest DA's and ill-informed police. People who are subject to "stalking orders" have not been accused of a crime, let alone convicted. And yet Giffords wants to see their rights violated with no due process. Even now, a person can have their rights eliminated simply because someone else makes an unfounded accusation. Any attempt to refute the accusation, no matter how false, puts the accused in further jeopardy! But Gifford's handlers, and she by proxy, are actually waging a war on women and expediting violence against them. Giffords is using her Bloomberg pay off to endanger the most vulnerable in our society. By pushing an expansion of the failed background check system to include transfers between friends and family members, Giffords is putting a bullseye on the back of every woman who fears for her safety from a real stalker or abuser. The State Police's own figures demonstrate that the majority of people who are denied a firearm are denied in error. So while encouraging women to seek "restraining orders" against abusers (which provide exactly zero protection) Giffords is working overtime to assure that women won't be able to access the one thing that might actually protect them from harm. The universal background checks Giffords is pushing are gun registration pure and simple. The ballot measure currently being promoted by her sugar daddy Bloomberg and other millionaires in Washington State will make criminals out of thousands of good people. And make no mistake, Oregon is next in line. We will never compete with their bankrolls, but we have to be prepared to spread the truth in the face of their lies and distortions. Please consider a donation to our Political Action Committee. You not only help us prepare for the battles that are certainly coming to Oregon, you get a tax credit. Out of state millions can buy lots of votes. Help send Bloomberg and his billionaire buddies back home. View this alert in your browser. Related Posts: OFF~Lead Ammo Ban Update #ODFW Skirting Extreme Environmental Agenda OFF---It May be Illegal to Lend your Girlfriend a Gun for Protection OFF---Supreme Court Rules Against the Transfer of Guns Between Approved Buyers OFF---Ban on Lead Ammo Is on the Horizon OFF---The OR Firearms Educational Foundation Taking on Connecticut Gun Ban OFF---Candidate Rating for the Primary 2014 OFF---Two Gun Bills Back in the OR House Ashland, OR debates the Right to Bear Arms, Two must see videos on the subject OFF---Public Comment needed for Gun Registration Bill SB1551 OFF---Public Comment needed on the First Gun Bills Scheduled for 2014 Legislature OFF---Obey The Law, Go To Jail OFF---Gun Bills Officially Posted OFF---Five Years In Prison For Giving a Gun to Your Best Friend OFF---More on Portland Slime Moving South OFF---Update on anti-gun bill introduction, suggested message, troubling video. OFF---IS PORTLAND EXTENDING ITS TENTACLES? OFF---Santa Claus is Coming To Town. So Is Michael Bloomberg. OFF---ACTION ALERT: Comment On Obama's Anti-gun Rule Proposal OFF---Supreme Court to Hear "Straw Purchase" Case ![]() Letter to the Editor Yes The World, there are differences between Coos County Commissioner candidates Don Gurney and John Sweet; starting with their Facebook page where Gurney labels himself a member of the “community” and Sweet labels himself a “politician”. That says much. Sweet and The World have convinced me to vote for Gurney. I voted for Sweet two years ago; relying, in part, on his promise not to run in 2014. Sweet’s campaign literature states that “we need” “a vision for the future”; “a strategic plan”. Why do “we need” something that Sweet should have brought with him two years ago? Gurney has a vision and a plan. We are told that Sweet has “20 years combined experience in finance” as a Director of two long ago sold small Coos Bay banks. I’m certain that your bank branch manager would agree that sitting on a board of directors would not be considered “finance” experience. Recently The World told us that Sweet has a “lengthy resume working for giants like Sause Bros., Weyerhaeuser and Georgia Pacific”. I would not consider a 400 person privately held company to be a giant. Nowhere, in campaign literature, in campaign filing papers, or elsewhere does Sweet suggest extensive and related transferable experience with Weyerhaeuser or Georgia Pacific. Sweet as a leader of the SCCF / CEP effort to place hundreds of millions of your anticipated tax dollars under the control of unelected, unappointed, people who you do not control turns me off. In a recent candidates debate Sweet told us that Bandon Dunes, Jordon Cove Energy, and Southport are in our community because of tax relief offered to them. Southport did get a sweetheart deal from the Port; a deal that came with penalties; a deal that caused the taxpayers to lay a rail spur to the factory and in part to buy the choo choo. Bandon Dunes and Jordan Cove have told us that they did not seek tax relief. Read Pulitzer Prize winning author David Cay Johnston’s book on the subject of Bandon Dunes’ tax relief. The people of Bandon, including the mayor, should be furious. They voted for a natural gas pipeline to their community; they have been paying for that pipeline; they will continue to pay for that pipeline; but Sweet will avoid spending county money by not building that pipeline. There is no doubt in my mind that, if defeated, Sweet will land on feet as one of the high paid self - appointed SCCF Directors. Related Posts: LTE~ Beware #CosCounty of the Chicken Little Mentality on Home Rule Charter LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation Yes to LNG, No to the CEP #USFWS Admits Fault for the Bandon Mosquito Infestation #CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation ![]() Dear Editor – There is no Season like Political Season to bring out the Chicken Littles among us. If every sky fell that these cluckers say is going to fall, we'd be in darkness. But we're not. Life goes on. And yes, the sun will rise in the East on November Fifth, regardless. So, just what is it the Naysayers and Natterers are saying about this “Voice of the Voters” Coos County Home Rule Charter? Plenty! And they've got it all wrong. (Again.) Let's start with, The Charter creates nine new positions! How will we pay for them and all their perks! Well, let's see. The Veteran's officer already exists. So does the Human Resource Director. Likewise, the two wildlife services officers, and the Forestry guy. The Maintenance Chief and the Procurement person can be designated from existing staff. That leaves us with two: The two new commissioners that will be elected next May. Two new commissioners are one of the featured highlights of this Home Rule Charter. It brings the total of commissioners to five with four being required to vote “AYE” for an issue to pass. This is a tremendous protection for the voters: no more two people passing rules that impact 63,000 citizens! Let's continue with, We're going to have to vote every day! Every week! ...Every morning, the Red Button or the Green Button! Cluck, cluck... The State sets up four voting days a year: March, May, September, and November. Surely any qualified commissioner could preplan sufficiently to place any needed ballots on the calendar for one of those dates? There is no need whatsoever for any special ballots, not if commissioners are competent. Here's some more. It's going to hogtie the county government! It's going to slow down county government! Yes, they've grasped it, however dimly. That is one of the chief goals of the Charter, to slow things down to a point that the voters get a chance to see what is actually going on behind all those closed doors. This is a very good thing. It will result in some very enlightened votes by the people. Are you ready for this one? The administrative costs may be... millions! The reference here is to the costs of putting information on the county web site and making available copies of certain ordinances and documents in the county commissioners' office. How much does each keystroke cost, anyway? This information should already be available; it shouldn't take this Charter to make it available to you. This one is fun! The meetings will last six hours! The meetings will last two days! What they are going on about is the requirement that you be allowed to speak at county meetings, be allowed to ask questions of your commissioners on any issues before them, before they vote. Imagine that! You get to be part of the proceedings. And yes, the first couple meetings might be long. We have suggested to the commissioners that they provide snacks. We were greeted with stony silence. And this is probably the corker of them all. Why not three to vote in something? Why four? You'll never get four to agree to anything! This “four” is in place to protect the voters. If four people cannot agree on an issue that is to impact 63,000 then they can just take it back to the drawing board. This is not a difficult concept... The Naysayers don't want this Home Rule Charter because it upends certain perks and privileges, disturbs the Status Quo. Yes it does. And this is a good thing. Jaye Belle Related Posts: LTE~ #CoosCounty Citizens have to Take Control & Support the County Charter LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty Letter to Editor ~ In Defense of the Charter for #CoosCounty MGX~The Irony of Barton Complaining on Proposed #CoosCounty Charter Oregonian Prints Article on Landowners & Eminent Domain for #JordanCove Letter to Editor---Curry County Charter does not equal Coos County Charter BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement Letter to Editor---Jordon Cove Expects Tax Relief Agenda 21---Sustainable Development & Regionalism Community Vs. Collectivism Regionalism - The Blueprint for Your Serfdom Letter to Editor---WHY DID THE CHARTER BALLOT MEASURE 6-143 NOT PASS? BOC---Regulatory Streamlining and why they want an Administrator ![]() The End of Transit and the Beginning of the New Mobility: Policy Implications of Self-Driving Cars Policy ForumTuesday, October 14, 2014 12:00PM Featuring Randal O’Toole, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Marc Scribner, Research Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute; and Adam Thierer, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center. Moderated by Matthew Feeney, Policy Analyst, Cato Institute. Experimental self-driving cars have successfully operated more than 700,000 miles on American highways. Such cars will be on the market by 2020 and will radically transform the 21st century. What should Washington policymakers know about the future of American mobility? Randal O’Toole will describe the implications of self-driving cars for urban transit and regional transportation planning. Marc Scribner will discuss the laws and regulations that should govern self-driving cars. Adam Thierer will review the privacy implications of self-driving cars. Please join us for a preview of the future of American transportation. or Watch online Oct 14 Related Posts: 18th Annual Oregon Land Use~Central Planning~Law December 10-11, 2014 Portland Local Governments Suffering from Systemic Incentives Illness EcoDevo is a symptom #CoosBay Urban Renewal Monies Siphoned from Public Basic Services Port of #CoosBay Blowing Through Your Tax Dollars Like Drunken Sailors Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare Yes to LNG, No to the CEP MGX---Controversial Alliance for Progress Co-Founder Donates to Sweet Campaign #CoosBay Uses Urban Renewal Money for Confederate Tribe Private Development Bribed Surgeons Implanted Counterfeit Medical Devices into Patients MGX---County Assessor has Real Disconnect on Community Enhancement Plan #Coquille & #MyrtlePoint School Districts Among Worst at Utilizing Public Funding BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation MGX---CEP/SCCF will Impact ALL of Oregon AFP---Information on the CEP/SCCF Presentation at the Red Lion on May 1, 2014 Letter to Editor---SCCF Should pay for Coos Bay Sewer Upgrades Letter to Editor---Promises in the Dark with the Jordan Cove Project BOC---Public Meetings Coos County Planning Changing Land Use Laws Letter to Editor---County Politicians Keeping Public in the Dark on SCCF RPCC---Republican Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" April 24, 2014 Critique of the BOC Town Hall in Bandon---"PUT IT ON THE BALLOT" BOC---Public Meetings on South Coast Community Foundation "Put it on the Ballot" BOC---Public Meeting for Vote on South Coast Community Foundation April 1, 2014 Letter to Editor---South Coast Community Foundation Scam will Top All Past MGX---Geddry Slams Koch over Forced Cooperation & Jordon Cove Funding League of Oregon Cities Class of Slanted View on History of Urban Renewal in OR City of Bandon---Expanding Government Cheese |
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