It was “April Fools” day in 1952, just two weeks after his 17th birthday when Don Gurney enlisted to serve his country in the United States Navy. It was 21 years of service starting in the Korean conflict streaming through to the Vietnam War with very few breaks in-between. Don served on the USS Mathews AKA-96 and the USS Ranger CVA-61. He was part of the fleet deployed during the Cuban Missile Crises. It was a successful military career where he attained the honorably rank of Chief Warrant Officer.
Gurney attended Metal Works and Fire Fighting schools where he earned the title of Fire Marshal. He has a proven record in leadership skills, which is why he has been very successful in logging and ranching. One of his red Angus bulls won National Champion, establishing a new breed “The Coquille Red Angus.” His reputation in the community as a problem solver led him to be an advocate for children. He was instrumental in starting the auction for the county’s 4H club, which is very successful today and still providing scholarships for local teens. There are many in the community who owe him thanks for their education.
Jackson and Curry are among several rural counties in Oregon that are currently facing bankruptcy and, except for the foresight of Don Gurney, Coos County would be in the same situation. Don convinced a former Board of Commissioners to set aside twelve and half million dollars in timber funds until the county generated more revenue sources. Unfortunately, that fund will expire unless the current Board finds creative and aggressive tactics to manager the resources that are supposed to be available to support our economy. Don will use the Referral system to put public measures on the ballot to show the feds that the people of Coos County will not be intimidated. He intends on collaborating with legal foundations to use the court system to break the federal bureaucracy. Administrators have intentionally constructed these regulatory barriers to deny the people of Coos County the right to utilize county property.
Don is a defender of the free market, so that is why he strongly opposes the corporate welfare and union baiting incorporated in the Community Enhancement Plan, which simply privatizes property taxes. The plan would take $1.8 million from the county for fifteen years. He believes all businesses should play by the same rules, so he opposes allowing the owners of the LNG to receive the property tax exemption offered by the Enterprise Zone. This taxing scheme will benefit a foreign corporation, while forcing homegrown companies to pay more than their fair share, because of the money lost to crony capitalism. Don also opposes the use of eminent domain for the private sector, because it erodes the right to own property.
The voters of Coos County have a choice of voting for the incumbent, who is a bought and paid for member of “The Good Ole Boy Club” or the voters could choose someone who has a proven record of loyalty and success. Don Gurney is the right choice for Coos County Commissioner.
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