April 16, 2019
For Immediate Release: Coos County Litigation
Effective immediately, Coos County is entering into litigation against the U.S. Department of
Interior (DOI), acting by and through the Bureau of Land Management, and the Secretary of the
Interior, David Bernhardt.
The Board of Commissioners voted today in favor of seeking a federal judgment requiring, in part, that the DOI to meet its statutory duties under the 1939 Coos Bay Wagon Road Act (1939 Act). For many years, DOI has failed to convene a committee designed by the 1939 Act to fairly appraise Coos Bay Wagon Road lands. Convening this committee every ten (10) years is an unconditional requirement of the 1939 Act. DOI’s failure has wrought tangible harm and forced the County to make difficult financial decisions.
The County views this lawsuit as a last resort after years of efforts to bring DOI into compliance. While this litigation continues, Coos County will not provide further comments. “All we are asking the federal government to do is comply with their own law,” stated Commissioner Robert “Bob” Main. “Since we have been asking them for over six years, we have no other choice than to believe they aren’t listening.”
250 No. Baxter Street, Coquille, Oregon 97423
(541) 396-7535
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