Supporters, Friends, and Members of AFP Coos, What was formerly AFP Coos is now COOS COUNTY CONSERVATIVES: Thursday, September 18, 2014 6:00PM TO 8:00PM ESD Building in Coos Bay We are having Don Gurney, Casey Runyan, Merv Cloe, and Rob Taylor come in on Thursday and talk to us about the Elliott State Forest. We hope as many of you can make it as possible. Steve Noorlander, Big Daddy Noorlander, will be there cooking up his delicious Pulled Pork Sandwiches. We ask that you bring with you a potluck dish of your choice, store-bought or home-made so there will be enough food for all. The meeting will start at 6:00PM and run until about 8:00PM. The ESD Building is located at 1350 Teakwood Avenue, (one block south of Thompson Rd) just off of Koosbay Blvd. in Coos Bay. Kindest Regards, Rick Hoffine COOS COUNTY CONSERVATIVES Related Posts: DON'T MISS International Author of "The Enemies Within" Trevor Loudon in #CoosBay 2nd Annual Gathering of Patriots w/Author Trevor Loudon August 16, 2014 AFP---Information on the CEP/SCCF Presentation at the Red Lion on May 1, 2014 AFP---Public Presentation on the Opposing Views of the SCCF Thursday May 1, 2014 AFP---Monthly Meeting at ESD Thursday April 10, 2014 POTLUCK AFP---Holding our Elected Officials Accountable just got a lot easier Rachel Maddow Vs. The Koch Brothers AFP---Things to do while stuck inside AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 ![]() Trevor Loudon in Oregon Aug 8th to Aug 16th AUG 8th 6:30 pm AFP Clackamas Public Safety Training Center, 12700 SE 82nd Ave, Clackamas, 97015 AUG 9th Gathering of the Eagles AUG 11th 6:30 pm Cottage Grove 912 Project Special Event! Stacy's Covered Bridge Restaurant, 401 E Main, Cottage Grove Aug 12th 6:30 pm Sutherlin Tea Party Sutherlin Community Center on Wilamette Street Call 541-459-9715 to RSVP Aug 13th EVE 912Lane Location TBA Aug 14th NOON to 1:00pm Rubican Society Kowloon Resturant 2222 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Eugene Aug 14th 6:45 pm Capitol City Republican Women Salem Aug 15th 6:00 pm Oregon 912 ProjectWest End Building 4101 Kruse Way, Lake Oswego Coos Bay Event: Aug 16th 11:00 am to 4:00 pm AFP Coos Red Lion Hotel 1313 Bayshore Dr, Coos BayTickets $20 Order Tickets to the 2nd Annual Gathering of Patriots Tickets Saturday August 16, 2014 Read More about the Trevor Loudon Summer Tour: Related Posts: 2nd Annual Gathering of Patriots w/Author Trevor Loudon August 16, 2014 AFP---Information on the CEP/SCCF Presentation at the Red Lion on May 1, 2014 AFP---Public Presentation on the Opposing Views of the SCCF Thursday May 1, 2014 AFP---Monthly Meeting at ESD Thursday April 10, 2014 POTLUCK AFP---Holding our Elected Officials Accountable just got a lot easier Rachel Maddow Vs. The Koch Brothers AFP---Things to do while stuck inside AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 Order Tickets to the 2nd Annual Gathering of Patriots Tickets Saturday August 16, 2014 Read More about the Trevor Loudon Summer Tour: Related Posts: AFP---Information on the CEP/SCCF Presentation at the Red Lion on May 1, 2014 AFP---Public Presentation on the Opposing Views of the SCCF Thursday May 1, 2014 AFP---Monthly Meeting at ESD Thursday April 10, 2014 POTLUCK AFP---Holding our Elected Officials Accountable just got a lot easier Rachel Maddow Vs. The Koch Brothers AFP---Things to do while stuck inside AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 ![]() To All Supporters, Friends, and Members of Coos AFP: This Thursday, May 1st at The Red Lion Hotel, from 5:30 to 8:00 PM., in Coos Bay, Steve Jansen and Rob Taylor will be the featured speakers at Americans for Prosperity's (AFP), Coos Chapter meeting. Order dinner and chat with friends before the meeting gets started. The food's delicious with plenty of entrees to choose from. Steve plans to explain a 25-35 minute PowerPoint presentation (attached) about the Jordan Cove property tax projections and Community Enhancement Plan (CEP). He is the Coos County Assessor. Although Steve is NOT an official spokesman for the CEP, he has a pretty thorough working knowledge of it. He will include in his slide show and discussion an explanation of the education and economic development parts of the CEP, plus the currently-existing tax districts located in the North Spit area. To reiterate: He is not acting as an official spokesman for Coos County, nor any of the parties involved, but will explain all the moving parts and relationships within the overall plan. Jordan Cove will be locating within an Oregon Rural Enterprise Zone, which offers certain property tax benefits. The North Spit is also located within the North Bay Urban Renewal District. Those two programs both have financial impacts of who gets the money, when they get it, and how much they get. He will offer an explanation of how the two programs work and how they work together. In developing those financials, he has worked for nearly a year with the Jordan Cove Project owners, the Oregon Department of Revenue, and the four Enterprise Zone sponsors. Steve has delivered similar PowerPoint briefings to citizen groups in Lakeside, Coos Bay, Myrtle Point, Coquille, and to the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Wednesday Business Luncheon. The Property Tax white paper is attached in this email and can be found on the Coos County home page: Rob Taylor will give his perspective of the CEP and the South Coast Community Foundation, (SCCF). He will explain how the CEP will lead to "crony capitalism" and how the SCCF is a payoff to the public school unions. Will the average taxpayer have to dig into their pockets to pay higher taxes? Yes, Rob says. He will explain how the people of Coos County can STOP the CEP and how they can learn about alternatives to the creation of more taxing schemes. Rob is the owner and webmaster of The local citizen activist watchdog site lists three aspects to its mission:
This won't be one to miss. See you there. Regards, Rick Hoffine Asst Chapter Leader Coos AFP Related Posts: AFP---Public Presentation on the Opposing Views of the SCCF Thursday May 1, 2014 AFP---Monthly Meeting at ESD Thursday April 10, 2014 POTLUCK AFP---Holding our Elected Officials Accountable just got a lot easier Rachel Maddow Vs. The Koch Brothers AFP---Things to do while stuck inside AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 Related Posts: AFP---Monthly Meeting at ESD Thursday April 10, 2014 POTLUCK AFP---Holding our Elected Officials Accountable just got a lot easier Rachel Maddow Vs. The Koch Brothers AFP---Things to do while stuck inside AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 From a Watchdog in Coos Bay:![]() To All Members, Friends, and Supporters of AFP Coos, Publicity Release Americans for Prosperity (AFP) 3/18/2014 For Immediate Release The Coos County chapter of Americans for Prosperity, aka AFP, is hosting a presentation by Kathy Jones, the owner of THE SENECA FAMILY OF COMPANIES, of Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday, April 10th, at the South Coast Education Service District, 1350 Teakwood Ave., Coos Bay. Ms. Jones will address various topics, including, but not limited to: · The current political agenda concerning O & C lands. · The Environmental movements effect on lumber harvesting and the financial impact on the rural areas of the state of Oregon. · Since the Federal Government owns 63% of our forest lands, should those lands be managed by our state rather than east coast environmentalists. · It cost us over 70,000 jobs thereby choking the life out of our local economies, impacting schools, road maintenance, law enforcement, fire protection, and every other aspect of our local governments. · We were once the foremost timber/lumber producers of the world with prosperous self-sustaining communities. What happened? What do we need to do to reverse this destructive movement? The SENECA FAMILY OF COMPANIES, of Eugene, considers these tough questions and requests your presence at the program. This presentation is open to the public, Thursday, April 10th at the ESD building, just off of Koos Bay Blvd., on Teakwood Ave in Coos Bay, 5 to 8pm. Come enjoy a potluck and enter into the discussion. Ready to deliver the action items to questions regarding our timber industry that have affected the south coast for decades, Ms. Jones is on a mission to impact an industry that hasn't seen this type of enthusiasm in a long, long time. There is no admission charge and the public is welcome. Regards, Rick Hoffine Asst Chapter Leader Coos Co. AFP "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday, April 10, 5 to 8 pm 1350 Teakwood Ave Coos Bay, OR 97420 No Host Pot Luck Dinner---Bring your favorite dish.... Related Posts: AFP---Holding our Elected Officials Accountable just got a lot easier Rachel Maddow Vs. The Koch Brothers AFP---Things to do while stuck inside AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 Holding our elected officials accountable just got a lot easier. Now that the first year of the 113th Congress has come to an end, it seems like a good time to look back and take notice of how our Representatives and Senators voted. Americans for Prosperity ranks members of Congress based on their votes in favor of economic freedom, and thus, a better, brighter, more prosperous future. Go here to see how your US Senators and Representative rank in AFP's Congressional Scorecard. AFP's Scorecard is an easy, interactive way for our grassroots activists to keep an eye on Congress. You can easily track how members of Congress are voting on important policies that affect our everyday lives, such as taxes, health care, federal spending, and energy. This is your guide to holding your elected officials accountable. AFP included the most critical votes from the first year of 113th Congress. See how your federal lawmakers stack up against the other members of Congress in AFP's Congressional Scorecard! Thank you for being a part of our ongoing efforts to hold politicians accountable. Let me know if you have any questions about the Scorecard! In Liberty, Chrissy Hanson AFP Federal Affairs Manager P.S. Want to see how your Senators and Representative voted this past year? Check out the AFP Scorecard. Related Posts: Rachel Maddow Vs. The Koch Brothers AFP---Things to do while stuck inside AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 Hey Folks, I have been accused of working for the Koch Brothers in letter to the editor and by people in the community, but that is absolutely untrue. I have never worked for or received money from the Koch Brothers or any of their organizations. It's funny the depth's people will go to to discredit their adversaries, so that's why this article about Rachel Maddow and the Koch Brothers was just hilarious....Rob T. From a Watchdog.orgMaddow embarrasses herself with Koch brothers accusation By Jon Cassidy |
Charles and David Koch have donated some $20 million to the American Civil Liberties Union, which just won a court victory overturning a Florida law requiring the drug testing of welfare recipients. Given the brothers’ libertarian views and support for drug decriminalization, you might expect them to be happy about the ruling, if they had any opinion at all. But they weren’t involved in this debate, saying plainly and publicly that “we have no involvement in the Florida issue.” That wasn’t good enough for MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who insisted not only that they were involved, but that they were supporting the other side — the side to which they didn’t give any money. It’s one thing not to accept an assertion at face value, and to try to refute it by searching public records. But the “follow the money” approach only works if you actually follow it. On one side of this debate, you can follow the Koch’s $20 million straight to the ACLU. On the other side, you can follow some $40,000 the Kochs have given over eight years to a group called the State Policy Network, a sort of trade association for scores of free-market state policy think tanks. One of the State Policy Network’s members is the Foundation for Government Accountability, a new Florida think tank that supports the state law. Based on that pittance donated to the umbrella group, Maddow felt free to label the think tank a “Koch brothers group that has been promoting this idea.” The Foundation for Government Accountability’s CEO, Tarren Bragdon, said his group did some work with Americans for Prosperity on the Medicaid expansion issue — no money changing hands — but that was the only connection to the Koch brothers. “We did not work with Koch on the Florida welfare drug testing issue,” he said. “To the best of my knowledge, Koch wasn’t involved at all at any level. This is just another example of the shoddy and biased work from Rachel Maddow. Welfare drug testing was signed into law before FGA was even incorporated. Ms. Maddow could have learned this if she or her staff had ever contacted us directly.” John Hinderaker, writing at Powerline, noted that by Maddow’s logic — donating to SPN equals advocacy of welfare drug testing — she should have been pointing the finger at her own employer, as Comcast, which owns MSNBC, has also donated to SPN. “Maddow could equally well have said that MSNBC ‘ha(s) been promoting forced drug tests for people on welfare,’ and that FFGA is an ‘MSNBC-affiliated group.’ She didn’t do this for obvious reasons. She knew that she was addressing a stupid audience that would never know the difference,” he wrote. It wasn’t just a stray remark. Maddow built a 17-minute segment of her show last week around her wild accusation, so correcting her mistake wouldn’t just be some routine correction. It would mean retracting the piece, which can have ruinous consequences for a journalist’s career. The next day, she refused to correct her error. “I’m not going to renounce my own reporting on this story because the reporting on this story stands. It is true,” she said on the air. The reporting that she mentions isn’t her own, and it doesn’t establish her claim that the Koch brothers were behind the Florida law. On screen, she flashed a cluster of headlines from stories during the past year about conservative fundraising, all in the vein of this recent Washington Post story connecting the dots in the Koch brothers’ network. Even with the very broad brush used in these stories, in which every group connected to a group connected to a group that once took a donation from Koch is linked until nearly every conservative in the country is nothing but a Koch lackey, you’ll notice the absence of the name State Policy Network from the Post graphic. That’s because, contrary to Maddow’s fevered imagination, the free-market movement is not a conspiracy. It’s not the invention of two wealthy brothers. And it’s not a monolith. There are free-market advocates like Bragdon who don’t want to see tax dollars spent on drugs. And there are conservatives of a more libertarian outlook, who are chilled to their core by the sort of argument made by Gov. Rick Scott in favor of his program. “Any illegal drug use in a family is harmful and even abusive to a child,” Scott said. “We should have a zero-tolerance policy for illegal drug use in families — especially those families who struggle to make ends meet and need welfare assistance to provide for their children.” So drug use equals child abuse, and we all know how the state handles child abuse. I don’t even want to think about the horrors that sort of thinking would produce. But I would like to know what sort of political featherbrain hears that quote, and concludes that its real author must be the guys who founded the Cato Institute. Contact Jon Cassidy at [email protected] or @jpcassidy000. Please, feel free to "steal our stuff"! Just remember to credit Find out more From American for Prosperity National Fierce weather is gripping much of the country, so if you get stuck inside today we have a few ideas to promote freedom and keep away terrible boredom. You're welcome.
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AFP---Monthly Meeting on November 21, 2013 AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 To All Coos AFP Members and Friends, Chapter Leader Steve Noorlander invites you to join us this Thursday, November 21st, for the monthly meeting of the Coos Co. Americans for Prosperity chapter held at the South Coast ESD Building, 1350 Teakwood Ave in Coos Bay, 5:30PM. After a prayer and pledge there will be an open mic. We are constitutional law abiding citizens. We are watchdogs against an over-bearing government. Invite your like-minded acquaintances. Let's ask ourselves: What can I do do be involved? America needs you. Bring a potluck dish of your choice and wake up your taste buds to the delicious, mouth watering BBQ Big Daddy will be serving up. Donations are accepted. We welcome the public and admission is free. Regards, Rick Hoffine Asst Chapter Leader Coos Co. AFP "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson Related Posts:
AFP Update---Video Clips of the Patriots Picnic AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013
Related Posts: AFP---Monthly Meeting Thrusday September 19, 2013 AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 AFP---More pressure needed to stop the CRC AFP---Americans for Prosperity Monthly Meeting 2/14/2013 Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm Wed. 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! From: Rick Hoffine ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 9/16/13 7:48 AM To: Cc: AFP Coos ([email protected]) To All Coos Co. AFP Members and Friends, We'll meet Thursday, September 19th at 5:30pm at the ESD Building, Coos Bay. Republican Chair of Coos Co., Jason Payne, will address us. Big Daddy Noorlander's pulled pork sandwiches will also be featured. Donations, as always, accepted. There is no admission charge. Regards, Rick Hoffine Asst Chapter Leader Coos AFP Related Posts: AFP & Oregon Capitol Watch Rally Wednesday, September 18, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting Thursday June 20, 2013 AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 AFP---More pressure needed to stop the CRC AFP---Americans for Prosperity Monthly Meeting 2/14/2013 Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm Wed. 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! AFP Monthly Meeting 6/20/2013 The Education Service District (ESD Building) 1350 Teakwood Avenue, Coos Bay OR, 97420 Thursday 5:30 pm Potluck Dinner, so bring your favorite dish. AFP meets every second Tuesday of the month at the ESD Building on Teakwood Contact: Rick Hoffine [email protected] To All Members and Friends of Coos Co. AFP: On June 20th at the ESD Bldg., 1350 Teakwood Ave., Americans for Prosperity-Coos County Chapter will hold a Townhall featuring James Loftus on KitzCare, Oregon's Version of ObamaCare. Most people think that ObamaCare kicks-in in 2014. The reality is, that's when it has to be implemented. That means your insurance company will start transitioning you to new plans this October (since they have 90 days to do so). That's only 4 months away! Big Daddy's BBQ will be there. Also, bring your favorite potluck or store-bought dish. Come out, Attend a meeting, and Learn about your mandated healthcare! 5:30-8:00PM; No admission charged. Public is Welcome. From: Rick Hoffine Sent: Wed 6/12/13 10:42 AM To: Cc: AFP Coos ([email protected]) Hi all members and friends of AFP Coos: We have changed our meeting schedule for the summer and maybe longer to the 3rd Thursday of the month. June 20th and July 18th are our next meetings. Thanks to everyone who has written, vocalized, shared, promoted, cried, and prayed for your county and Consitution this past month. We are with you. Rick From Connie M. Greetings, All, Americans for Prosperity is bringing another great and informative program to our area to keep you up to date on vital issues in our Country. Mr. Loftus from Corvallis, the AFP Coordinator, has studied and put together a Power Point Presentation on Governor Kitzhauber's version of ObamaCare for Oregon. See the talking points in the attached flyer and plan on attending June 20 at 5:30pm at the ESD (Educational Service District) Building at 1350 Teakwood, Coos Bay. KitzCare will affect everyone and it's not going to be pretty! Try to whatever you can to attend this very crucial event so you'll know how the new HealthCare Law will affect you personally. Also, I would recommend you obtain and read a copy of 'ObamaCare 911' by Nick J. Tate. Hope to see you there! Connie Related Posts: AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 AFP---More pressure needed to stop the CRC AFP---Americans for Prosperity Monthly Meeting 2/14/2013 Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm Wed. 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! AFP Monthly Meeting 5/09/2013 The Education Service District (ESD Building) 1350 Teakwood Avenue, Coos Bay OR, 97420 Thursday 5:30 pm Potluck Dinner, so bring your favorite dish. Contact: Rick Hoffine [email protected] To All AFP Friends and Members in Coos Co.: Related Posts: Public Meetings on Agenda 21 AFP---Facing Reality 2013 AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 AFP---More pressure needed to stop the CRC AFP---Americans for Prosperity Monthly Meeting 2/14/2013 Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm Wed. 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! ![]() April 22, 2013 Before any great construction there has to be a plan, the United Nations, with the cooperation of the U.S. federal government, has plans to construct a matrix to control, catalog, and compartmentalize all the natural resources and every living species on the entire planet. The plan has a name and it is very real. It is the agenda, AGENDA 21. It is not a conspiracy theory or a plot to a spy thriller, because there are millions of easily accessible official government documents pertaining to this subject. There is so much of an overabundance of quantitative and qualitative evidence of this agenda that it is impossible for anyone to deny the existence of this plan. However, there seems to be a stigmatic component to the discussion of any aspects of the Agenda or its effects on the public domain. Lucky for the people of Coos County, there are those brave enough to trek headfirst into this quagmire of political intrigue. The nonprofit organization “Coos County Today” will be having two meetings, one in Bandon, and one in Coquille, to discuss the subject of Local Agenda 21. The first meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 11:00 AM in the Bandon Library located at 1204 11th St SW Bandon OR 97411. The meeting will take place in the large conference room. The Second meeting on this subject is on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 11:00 AM in the Large Conference Room of the Owen Building located on 225 N. Adams Street Coquille OR 97423. For more information, please contact me, Rob Taylor at [email protected] or check out my website at I will be giving a power point presentation on Local Agenda 21 and the astounding growth of federal land acquisitions in Oregon and more specifically the Coquille Valley. Other members of the group, Don Chance & Jill Halliburton, will be speaking on future strategies for property owners in Coos County. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend this family friendly event. We will have gourmet coffee and cookies available at both events, as long as supplies last. The group Americans for Prosperity will be having Lieutenant Robert Powell, Retired U.S. Coast Guard as their main speaker for their groups next meeting on Thursday, May 9th, 2013 starting at 5:30 p.m. in the ESD Building located on 1350 Teakwood Avenue Coos Bay OR 97420. This event is a Potluck Dinner, so please bring your favorite dish. Lt. Powell will be discussing the liberty damaging factors of Agenda 21 currently occurring in Crook County. The county officials there have passed an ordinance restricting gatherings on private property, Ordinance #235. One new county ordinance, Ordinance #259, adopts new zoning maps from the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, which will further restrict the rights of property owners. There are many in Crook County who are openly opposing the counties transportation plan, healthy cities campaign and of course, the instillation of smart meters. All these meetings are open to the public and are recorded and videotaped for posterity. Eventually the Agenda will affect you and your family, so it would behoove you to educate yourself on what is happening in the community. The recent “Dark Skies” lighting ordinance passed by the Bandon City council and then defeated by a referendum vote of the people, is very much part of Local Agenda 21. The planned expansion of the Bandon marsh and the closure of the sand dunes to off-roaders are also part of the agenda and these are just a few examples of what is taking place in our county. The people of this country are duty bound to learn about the alternatives and political mechanisms to stop AGENDA 21 or suffer the consequences of its implementation. Related Posts: Support SB478 NO on Measure 6-148 The Bandon Lighting Ordinance City of Bandon---Outdoor Lighting Ordinance Measure 6-148 Bandon: The City of Ordinances Keep the Lights ON in Bandon Public Law 107-40 The National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation The US Forest Service Is Involved With Another Land Grab in Coos County My choices for the Ballot in the General Election of November 2012 The Voice of the Voters The Administrator Matt Rowe for Mayor Rally “Coos County Today” Silent victory over Urban Renewal in Coos County There was an incident at the Fair. The Realm of Business A Meeting About Nothing.... April 8, 2013 PORTLAND, Ore. – Americans for Prosperity-Oregon and Cascade Policy Institute have released a new report, Facing Reality 2013, which calls attention to limited government and pro-growth solutions to current Oregon budget problems. “The Legislature continues to give citizens the false choice of either failing our children or increasing taxes,” stated Karla Kay Edwards, Oregon State Director of Americans for Prosperity. “Facing Reality clearly demonstrates that Oregon can invest in our children’s education without negatively impacting our slow economic recovery.” The report is based on a “Reality Based Budgeting” approach, encouraging political leaders to face reality, stop procrastinating, and adopt ideas to lower the cost of government and get the economy going again. “It’s not too late to refocus Oregon government on its core functions, reduce costs and get out of areas it has no business in, such as the distribution of liquor,” said Steve Buckstein, Founder and Senior Policy Analyst at Cascade Policy Institute. The report focuses on five public policy areas: - Privatize Liquor Distribution and Sales - Reduce Corrections Costs - Eliminate the PERS Pick-Up - Align State Employee Compensation with Private Sector Compensation - Enact Right to Work Legislation With solutions to controversial topics such as PERS reform, the report authors challenge legislative leaders to take effective steps to recharge the state economy. “It is time for the Oregon Legislature to ‘Face Reality,’ as Oregonians have had to do, and adopt these non-partisan recommendations,” said Edwards. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson Related Posts: AFP---Monthly Meeting April 11, 2013 AFP---More pressure needed to stop the CRC AFP---Americans for Prosperity Monthly Meeting 2/14/2013 Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm Wed. 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! AFP Monthly Meeting 4/11/2013 The Education Service District (ESD Building) 1350 Teakwood Avenue, Coos Bay OR, 97420 Thursday 5:30 pm Potluck Dinner, so bring your favorite dish. Subject: Port of Bandon Candidate Jill Halliburton Where's The Line?-Ken Ivory (Part One)
Related Posts: City of Bandon---Outdoor Lighting Ordinance Measure 6-148---Updated 3/09/2013 Senate Bill to fully realize programs under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Bay Area Chamber of Commerce w/guest Roy Lowe from the USFWS 2/27/2013 Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 Action Alert:---State Legislation SB 478 Public Meeting---“SAVE FAMILY FARMS” 3-6-2013 Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2173---Updated 2/25/2013 Congressman Peter DeFazio & The Land and Water Conservation Fund USFWS---Three Articles relevant to the LWCF and the NFWF Senators Wyden and Reid Planning 2013 Omnibus Federal LandsBill USFWS & USDOT---North Bank Lane Project Coos County Today---Sign the "NO Bandon Marsh Petition" USFWS---Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge American Policy Center---news on more Federal Land grabs AFP Action Alert: HB2800Another legislative hearing has been set this Monday, February 18th at 3pm in Room F to continue the testimony on HB2800. HB2800 essentially offers a blank check to fund the boondoggle known as the Columbia River Crossing (CRC). We need you to help us stop this bill from ever moving out of this joint legislative committee by coming and testifying at the hearing on Monday and to make phone calls and send emails to all of the legislators on the committee. Why should you be concerned about CRC? Because last week at the hearing it became very clear that this project would essentially tie up all of the statewide gas tax funding in Oregon. As a result, most other projects around the state will either be put on hold or slowed down. This will result in creating pressure statewide to increase the gas tax in 2015. Are you concerned yet? Here are some other important reasons why this CRC funding bill HB2800 should be stopped: ·The CRC will worsen traffic gridlock in other parts of Portland in residential neighborhoods, and does nothing to increase overall freight mobility which is critical to the future of this region. ·The proposal is based on outdated and incorrect information. ·The construction and financing of the CRC will impact the ability to maintain existing roads and bridges throughout Oregon. ·Clark County Commissioners voted on Tuesday, February 12 to officially oppose the project. However, entrenched Oregon bureaucrats don’t seem to care. They are willing to move forward despite a critical partner’s opposition. ·There is clearly no financial plan or accountability if the project has cost over-runs. In fact, bureaucrats denied there was even a possibility of cost over runs on this project and therefore no need to plan for alternative funding. I can already picture the half built bridge to nowhere. Please plan to attend the legislative hearing on Monday, February 18that 3pm in room F. And make a point to speak with every member of the Joint Interstate 5 Bridge Replacement Project committee before the hearing.Please be sure to also submit comments to the Committee Staffer so that your comments become part of the official legislative record.
Thank you for all you do for economic freedom! Sincerely, Karla Kay Edwards State Director Americans for Prosperity - Oregon Related Posts: AFP---Americans for Prosperity Monthly Meeting 2/14/2013 Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm Wed. 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! AFP Monthly Meeting 2/14/2013The Education Service District (ESD Building) 1350 Teakwood Avenue, Coos Bay OR, 97420 Thursday 5:30 pm Hi: On February 14th, Americans for Prosperity Coos County Chapter cannot compete with your Valentine's Day plans so we'll leave it up to you to make your choice of either a quiet, romantic dinner for two at one of a handful of busy Bay Area restaurants, or, over at the South Coast ESD Building, a scrumptious, mouth-watering, high-grade cut of tender pork loin will be served, heaped onto a fresh hogie roll, and on the side, a delicious potluck dish of your choosing. To top it off, indulge yourselves in a yummy dessert of your choice. Just a reminder, store-bought or whatever, bring your family favorite. It will be a gratifying evening of fabulous food, at AFP's monthly meeting, starring, "Big Daddy" Noorlander's nationally-acclaimed BBQ meat served up hot and juicy, an essential reward for any palate on Valentine's Day. Add in an array of citizen advocates stirring and serving up solutions in the local public policy process, and you have yourselves one Thursday evening that can't be beat! There are no guarantees, but I'm guessing your spouse will just love you! The Education Service District (ESD Building), 1350 Teakwood Avenue, Coos Bay, is where AFP Coos Co. meets each 2nd Thursday at 5:30PM for a lip-smacking dinner and a hand-clapping and back-slapping agenda to better our local government and enrich our liberties. I didn't say "hand-wringing" agenda. That takes place at another meeting across town and on some other dark night. We will be joined by Jason Payne, Chair of the Coos Co. Republican Central Committee. Jason is a bright, energetic, young man with a plan and a reason to bring out real patriotism in all of us. Our country is at stake and Jason is very capable of leading out to help us act to hold on to our economic freedom. We also want to tell you about Oregon Citizens Lobby, a grassroots endeavor that, in a nutshell, we seek to empower citizens to be more involved in their government. We seek to hold politicians accountable for their actions and make their records public. We'll begin with a prayer and a pledge at 6:30PM sharp. Looking forward to seeing you all. Regards, Rick Hoffine Assistant Chapter Leader "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson Related Posts: Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2800 AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm Wed. 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! important case for folks impacted by the proposed Bandon Marsh project AFP National Freedom Phones! Americans for Prosperity Presents the Panal on the Home Rule Charter Next AFP Meeting at ESD on 9-13 From Karla Kay Edwards State Director of the AFPYour ACTION is needed! The Oregon State Legislature has decided to fast-track the Columbia River Crossing despite the public outcry. HB 2800 has been scheduled for a public hearing this MONDAY, February 11 at the State Capitol Hearing Room F from 3pm until 9pm. You can click here for more information on the bill. This boondoggle of a project meets none of our traffic congestion needs. Yet legislators have brought forward a bill that will fund this project, which will have a huge impact on the State Highway Fund and all other needed transportation dollars around the state. They are planning on selling bonds against our future federal transportation dollars in order to fund the project, taking Oregon dangerously close to our maximum bonding authority, despite other potential needs for bonding authority. And on top of that, they are planning on making it a toll bridge! Here are some of the lowlights of the CRC boondoggle: ·HB 2800 imposes large debt service requirements on future motorists to pay for up-front bonds, and that money will simply cannibalize other highway/road projects everywhere else in the state ·Since the state has been doing this very thing for most of the past decade (selling bonds to be paid off by gas tax money), ODOT is projecting that a large portion of gas tax money through 2020 and beyond will be lost to debt service anyway, so HB 2800 makes a bad situation worse. ·The project, if built, will never work because the bridge would be like a big funnel, and south of the Columbia everything would come to a halt right near the Fremont bridge ·Since the current bridge is structurally sound, it should be left standing, and at least 2 new bridges should be built (one to the west of I-5, and one out in Gresham) ·There is no reason for Oregon taxpayers to spend one penny expanding TriMet’s service territory into another state. The light rail portion should be removed. Take Action by attending the bill hearing this Monday and sending emails and phone calls to the Committee members immediately! Please be sure to also submit comments to the committe staffer at [email protected]. This will ensure your comments become part of the official legislative record!
Thank you for all you do for economic freedom! Sincerely, Karla Kay Edwards State Director Americans for Prosperity - Oregon Related Posts: Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2173 NO on Measure 6-148 The Bandon Lighting Ordinance AFP---Monthly Meeting at 5:30 pm 01/16/2013 in the ESD Building Wed, January 16, 5:30pm – 8:00pm Where: 1350 Teakwood Ave, Coos Bay, OR 97420-2537 map Related Posts: AFP---Update to the AFP Lobbying Training AFP---Oregon Citizens Lobby Training AFP---Monthly Meeting w/Tom McKirgan at the ESD Building 12/13/2012 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AFP---2 websites as resources for us AFP National Freedom Phones! important case for folks impacted by the proposed Bandon Marsh project AFP National Freedom Phones! Americans for Prosperity Presents the Panal on the Home Rule Charter Next AFP Meeting at ESD on 9-13 Hey Folks, Mary sends me these links to her articles, but I got over 6 emails from people wanting to make sure this was posted. Here is what was in the email from Rick Hoffine on this subject. Rick Hoffine Asst Chapter Leader Coos Co. AFP Be in the know. Educate yourself. Outgoing commissioner Fred Messerle released the final recommendations from the National Policy Consensus Center (NPCC) at Portland State University today. For those who don’t remember, NPCC offered a limited but free review of county government and administrative issues through the Association of Oregon Counties. The program is headed by a former city administrator and not surprisingly the document wants to support converting to an administrator model except that the report is forced to acknowledge the administrator ordinance advisory vote, “Measure 6-144 failed by a large margin”. The report sidesteps around public objection to hiring an administrator by suggesting a novel solution. “We are not recommending that the Board proceed with the hiring of a County Administrator”, and risk the ire of the public coming down on the commission write the authors grudgingly. “But we are recommending that you consider hiring a Chief Administrative Officer who would also be the Department Director of Administrative Services. Essentially this would move you a step closer to a County Administrator, but would not be the same as Measure 6-144 which failed”. So there you have it, just change the title of the administrator to “director” and the problem is solved. Read the 33 page report plus 75 pages of appendices here Combined Review of Selected Admininstrative Issues for Coos County Government with Recommendations Condensed “The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” — George Washington Related Posts: Letter to Editor---WHY DID THE CHARTER BALLOT MEASURE 6-143 NOT PASS? BOC---Regulatory Streamlining and why they want an Administrator Letter to Editor------Feckless or Hypocritical Must See Documentary---"Battle for Brooklyn" Email Alert from a Watchdog in Myrtle Point INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL Jon Barton of the South Coast Development Council The BOC will decide on the county Administrator and the Urban Renewal Amendment MGX---Spinmeisters at The World newspaper..... Audit report 2012-17 MGX---plans underway to dismantle county government The Nature Conservancy--Ecotrust Study on Salmon Economics February 2012 |
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