I'm proud to announce that PANDA's (People Against the NDAA) proposed state bill against the 2012 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) has advanced to the next step of Oregon’s legislative process. Senator Floyd Prozanski (D), Chair of the Judiciary Committee has sent the proposed bill to our state’s Legislative Counsel (LC) for legal review. This bill would prohibit the federal government from misinterpreting the dangerously broad and undefined language found in the 2012 NDAA. Without this state law Oregon could be classified as an active “battlefield” for the war on terror, authorizing the denial of Oregonians constitutional rights, and the replacement of the American justice system with the military’s “law of war” (For more specifically about the NDAA or the lawsuit against it, go to PANDAunite.org or “PANDA Oregon” on Facebook). I had the privilege of meeting with another interested senator last week to find out more about the specifics of this LC process. The meeting was extremely informative. They informed me that depending on how much political pressure is put onto the LC by those who submit a prospective bill determines the legal result it will receive. Meaning, one of two options could likely occur;
1) Mr. Prozanski hands the LC PANDA’s bill proposal and tells them to give him a legal opinion that shuts this movement down and gives him legal and political cover.
2) Mr. Prozanski hands the LC PANDA’s bill proposal and tells them to make it work.
The specific language used in PANDA’s proposed bill for Oregon is the exact wording used in PANDA’s Wyoming bill, which passed their LC two years in a row. Unless Oregon has become a Constitution free zone, there’s no GOOD reason why it shouldn't be approved in our state’s LC.
CRITICAL ACTION NEEDED: To make sure the proper political pressure is put onto Mr. Prozanski and the Legislative Counsel, we need to do a massive phone campaign to a specific few of Oregon’s Democratic congressional delegates. These delegates include Ron Wyden (D), Jeff Merkley (D), and Peter DeFazio (D). Contacting these specific individuals is important for two reasons;
1) Each of these individuals voted against and have specifically stated their opposition to the unconstitutional provisions of the 2012 NDAA, in which PANDA’s proposed state bill attempts to correct. They’re also very aware of the government’s inability to fix the law at the national level for the past 3 years.
2) Although these individuals are not involved dirrectly with our state legislature, their political and Party influence in Oregon could add the necessary pressure and legal insight into the benefits of enacting PANDA’s proposed state bill.
“I want to thank Mr. ____________ for voting against the 2012 NDAA and its unconstitutional provisions to deny Americans the right to due process. I want to alert Mr. __________ that the Commissioners of 5 counties in Oregon have signed official documents of opposition to the law. Additionally, a state bill has been recently proposed to Senator Floyd Prozanski that would protect Oregonians constitutional rights by providing clarity to the dangerously broad and undefined terms of the 2012 NDAA. I hope Mr. _________ can contact Mr. Prozanski to encourage him and the legislative counsel he has recently forwarded the bill too, to deeply consider its importance since each branch of the federal government has failed to resolve this issue.”
Jeff Merkley (Oregon’s Senator)
Salem Office Phone: (503) 362-8102
Washington, DC Office Phone: (202) 224-3753
Ron Wyden (Oregon’s Senator)
Salem Office Phone: (503) 589-4555
Washington, D.C. Office Phone: (202) 224-5244
Peter DeFazio (Oregon’s Representative)
Eugene Office Phone: 541-465-6732
Washington, DC Office Phone: 202-225-6416
If you haven’t already, please also call and e-mail Senator Floyd Prozanski to encourage him to pressure Oregon’s Legislative Counsel to approve PANDA’s bill proposal against the 2012 NDAA.
[email protected]
Democrat - District 4 - South Lane and North Douglas Counties
For any addition information please contact PANDA~Oregon’s State Coordinator:
[email protected]
Or visit:
PANDA ~ Oregon’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pandaOR1776
PANDA’s National Website: www.PANDAunite.org
Colin Farnsworth
PANDA ~ Oregon State Coordinator
[email protected]
Feel free to contact us at anytime for more information or visit:
1) PANDA ~ Oregon Youtube channel
2)PANDA ~ Oregon Facebook page
3) PANDA’s National website:
Urgent Call to Action ~ Call the Oregon Legislature ~ Oppose the 2012 NDAA
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RCG Resolution Against the NDAA 2012----Updated 9/7/2013
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