Once upon a time in Tyrannical Oregon Once upon a time, there was a tyrannical town called Salem. Life was pretty good there for self-appointed Queen Kate and her despotic minions. Even under the control of the evil public employees union and the perpetually offended and confused village of Portlandia, the ideologues got everything that they wanted. Portlandia was so confused that they didn’t even know what bathroom to use, but these tax eaters were held above all tax payers in the state. These two looney bins joined forces in an effort to control, enslave, and force the good Americans to conform to their nutty ideology against their will. The Ameriphobes in charge cared nothing of history or logic and soon their repeated, failed Marxist policies, had them spending so much of OTHER PEOPLES MONEY that everyone’s grandchildren had a very bleak and indebted future indeed. Plunder of the good people’s money did not satisfy the evil would be tyrants, so they began a long train of the plundering of RIGHTS. The people of the state reluctantly went along with the theft of the fruits of their labor, but when the attack of their RIGHTS continued, the people acted. The people got fed up with the tyranny and decided to nullify the illegal laws that were being written. By putting the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance on their county ballots, they could protect their God given RIGHTs, send a message to the Oligarchs in Salem, and avoid a Civil War. 10 counties put the SAPO on their ballots with 17 more counties working on it for a future election. If you count the 5 counties that already have this law, nearly the whole state was in on it. You would think that the demented employees working for the people would take a hint, but they just made threats and promised more theft of RIGHTS. While the people were working on their SAPO’s, there was another group of people who thought they were morally superior to everyone. These useful idiots tried to put the ultimate evil agenda’s on the ballot, and they called them IP43 and IP44. These two Initiatives infringed every aspect of Liberty, and included confiscation of the peoples privately owned personal property. What the nutty zombies didn’t expect was for the Oregon Firearms Federation to ride in on a white horse with their lawyers blazing and put an end to their evil plot…for now. The people of one county called Columbia decided enough was enough. Columbia County showed their contempt for the Autocracy in Salem by putting their SAPO on the ballot first and leading the way for the other nine. They decided to elect a Sheriff that would support the SAPO and their RIGHTS. The only real choice that they had was Lt. Brian Pixley, who was on the record saying he would support the people, the SAPO, and would be the PEOPLES SHERIFF. His main competition tip toed around questions instead of answering them, was fuzzy on the constitution, and there was a question of cronyism in his campaign. Most of the money he was receiving was coming from a fired ex deputy and many questioned the reasoning behind it. What promises were being made that would get a fired ex deputy to spend $13,000.00 on a county election for Sheriff? There was also a concern of possible bullying tactics and dirty politics. The choice for the people was a no brainer, they needed a PEOPLES SHERIFF, not an ex Federal Agent that had trouble understanding the supremacy clause. They needed Brian Pixley. Now that Columbia County was about to pass the SAPO, and to elect a PEOPLES SHERIFF to protect their RIGHTS, they had another urgent problem to address. The people found out that their representative didn’t represent them at all. Brad Witt represented only himself and had been living off of the people long enough. Nearly 15 years in office and absolutely nothing accomplished. Now this Oath breaker wanted to steal the RIGHTS of our young adults and veterans, and make age discrimination legal for corporations. It was plain to see that Witt-less had to go. Luck would have it that a much better choice was running for Representative in District 31. Brian Stout, a business owner, got tired of all of the regulation and job killing taxes and decided to stand up for the people of Columbia County. With Brian Stout as their Rep, the people would finally have someone in the house that would protect their RIGHTS. With the SAPO, Brian Pixley as the PEOPLES SHERIFF, and Brian Stout in the house, our county will be much safer and a better place to live. Let’s make it so. Please VOTE,…It truly matters. In Liberty, Chris Brumbles Deer Island Related Posts: LTE ~ No Pool for this Self-admitted Nimby LTE ~ Why Does the City of Bandon Do What it Does? LTE ~ Bandon Pool Supporter Making Presumptions Receives a Response LTE ~ Bandon Mayor Confronting Citizens for Making Public Comment on Pool LTE ~ Some Questions for Pembina on the Jordan Cove Energy Project Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer's Opinion Piece LTE ~ Speaking Loud & Clear One County at a Time Series of Opinion Pieces by Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer LTE ~ Socialist Selling Counterfeit Virtue LTE ~ Kirby Responds to Barton's Response Waiting Reply LTE ~ Barton Bothered by Anti-LNG Critics LTE ~ It's Time to Change the Narrative About School Shootings LTE ~ Free Speech is what the Editor says it is at the Chronicle Absolutely NO on 101, no more theft. LTE ~ Elvis, The Bundy's, and the Bureau of Land Management LTE ~ School Tax Sacrifices Property Owners LTE ~ Try Convincing Seniors to Vote for Public School Failure LTE ~ Coos Bay Low Ranking Public Schools Vestiges of a Failed System LTE ~ School Bond is NOT About Education LTE ~ Study History, Robert E. Lee One Honorable Man Ballots are arriving and it is time to vote, contact your conservative friends, family, and acquaintances, and urge them to also vote. It has never been more important than now to vote REPUBLICAN and PRESERVE LIBERTY, EMBRACE RESPONSIBILITY, and PROMOTE PROSPERITY. The COOS COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE is recommending: Candidates: ART ROBINSON, for US Representative, 4TH District KNUTE BUEHLER, for Governor, to end Kate’s failed leadership debacle TERI GRIER, for State Representative, 9th district DALLAS HEARD for State Senate, district 1 DAVID BROCK SMITH for State Representative, district 1 State Measures: A, YES vote on measure 103 to prevent any new taxes on our life sustaining food supply. A, YES vote on measure 104 to insure that any new TAXES by any other name will need a three-fifths majority to pass through the legislature. A, YES vote on measure 105 to insure that our Law Enforcement Officials can deal with criminals illegally in our State. A, YES vote on measure 106 to insure that your tax monies are not be used for any individuals personal decision to abort their pregnancy. And the Oregon Republican Party urges a NO vote on measure 102 to keep your tax dollars from feeding crony capitalists. County Measures: A, YES vote on County Measure 6-168 to repeal Urban Renewal Taxing district Recording of the Jim Bice Election Special October 22, 2018Related posts: Oregon Firearms Federation 2018 General Election Candidate Grades Vote YES on Coos County Measure 6-168 & End the Debt Feel-Good Tax Repeal on the Ballot in Coos County City of Bandon ~ Ballot Measure 6-172 Pool Funding ~ Voting YES Means No Pool Please factor in our candidate ratings when you make your decisions on your ballot. There will be some tough choices. Not all races have good candidates, but many do. You can see our candidate ratings here. You can support our efforts by making a donation here. Thank you for your commitment to the Second Amendment protecting Oregon. Coos County Measure 6-168 comes down to one question. Should the county government use public money to develop the North Spit to facilitate the construction of a private project? The urban renewal money is corporate welfare, not economic development. In fact, it takes money away from other taxing districts. It is $35 million of the people’s money going to fund a seven billion dollar LNG project. The project will go forward no matter how the vote turns out. Either way, this funding will not be a determining factor for this project, so the voters should repeal this tax and end the debt. Vote YES to end the corporate welfare. Vote YES to end the urban renewal tax. Vote YES for capitalism, not corporatism. Vote YES to protect private property. Vote YES to make them pay their fair share. Voter YES on Measure 6-168!!! Feel-Good Tax Repeal on the Ballot in Coos County Here is how the question should be on the ballot:Related Posts: Coos County Press Release ~ Tax Bill in the Mail ~ Tax Repeal on the Ballot Feel-Good Tax Repeal on the Ballot in Coos County Coos County Commissioners Approve Tax Free Living in Bay Area Enterprise Zone Coos County Clerk Certifies Petition to Repeal the North Bay Urban Renewal Plan Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Deserve Public Reprimand for Deception Commissioner's URA Vote Triggers Tax Referendum ~ Meeting on Friday the 13th Coos County Considering Ordinance to Extend UR Tax Debt March 27, 2018 Board of Commissioners Postpones Vote on Coos County Urban Renewal Agency Update on The Campaign to Shut Down the Coos County Urban Renewal Agency Coos County Public Hearing on Extending the Urban Renewal Tax Debt Dec. 13, 2017 The Continuing Saga of the Coos County Urban Renewal Agency Coos County Board of Commissioners FINAL VOTE on Extending the URA Debt Information on the Campaign to Shut Down the Coos County Urban Renewal Agency Coos County Proposed Ordinance Adopting North Bay UR Plan ~ FOREVER Coos County Commissioners Hearing on Extending the Debt of the North Bay URA Cribbins & Sweet Utilize Voter Suppression on Urban Renewal Extension Dear Rob: I am a "nimby" but my backyard is the entire City of Bandon. I am opposed to any large pool, public or private, anywhere in the City Limits of Bandon! Here's why: 1. It will be a huge strain on our already over burdened water system. 2. The pool will not be self-supporting in the long run, becoming a net drain on city finances, and 3. The liabilities it will involve: if a child is molested at the pool, or if a person is drowned or disabled there and when medical conditions start to appear due to the toxicity of pool chemicals and human waste, the City of Bandon will be sued for damages. Max Hand PS if you look back at letters to editor in 2012 you will see that I expressed this position then in the most vehement possible terms...more than once! Submitted by anonymous: WHY? Most residents of Bandon think a proposed pool site is next to the Youth Center. They are unaware of what City Council, the Planning Department and Parks and Recreation are doing under pressure from the pool lobby. On record at their Feb. 5, 2018 City Council meeting, the mayor and members of the Council state the many reasons why a pool would NOT be a good idea in City Park. The 5-1 vote of the Council was “NO POOL in City PARK.” However, on Sept. 13, 2018 City employees from the aforementioned Departments, and at taxpayer’s expense, participated in an extensive “feasibility plan” in addition to plotting out sites IN the Park--the ones near the library and off Eighth Street being most favorable. The big question is “WHY?????” Why did the City order this plan??? As one of the 2/3 of the voters in 2012 who voted against the City having a pool, I think we deserve some answers. Many questions need to be addressed about liabilities and how our taxes would be used to support the infrastructure for a project a huge as this one. Ten or more acres of cement could be poured over green areas in the park, streets could be reconfigured and many residents, not just the ones close to the park, would have their homes and lives impacted. At the Feb. 5 City Council meeting, the mayor and the head of City Council said if not in the Park they would consider “giving the pool lobby a different piece of City land.” WHY would this private enterprise be GIVEN a piece of City property in the Park or otherwise? If some other private enterprise such as a restaurant or a gas station lobbied heavily for a piece of City land would they be given it? Related Posts: LTE ~ Bandon Pool Supporter Making Presumptions Receives a Response LTE ~ Bandon Mayor Confronting Citizens for Making Public Comment on Pool LTE ~ Some Questions for Pembina on the Jordan Cove Energy Project Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer's Opinion Piece LTE ~ Speaking Loud & Clear One County at a Time Series of Opinion Pieces by Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer LTE ~ Socialist Selling Counterfeit Virtue LTE ~ Kirby Responds to Barton's Response Waiting Reply LTE ~ Barton Bothered by Anti-LNG Critics LTE ~ It's Time to Change the Narrative About School Shootings LTE ~ Free Speech is what the Editor says it is at the Chronicle Absolutely NO on 101, no more theft. LTE ~ Elvis, The Bundy's, and the Bureau of Land Management LTE ~ School Tax Sacrifices Property Owners LTE ~ Try Convincing Seniors to Vote for Public School Failure LTE ~ Coos Bay Low Ranking Public Schools Vestiges of a Failed System LTE ~ School Bond is NOT About Education LTE ~ Study History, Robert E. Lee One Honorable Man Has the government taxed you enough already? Do you want to fight back against the Taxman? Are you tired of government wasting your money? It is time for the people to take it back. Join other concerned citizens to Repeal the Empire Urban Renewal Tax Debt GOP Headquarters Friday, October 19, 7:00pm 201 Central Ave. Downtown Coos Bay Oregon The city council of Coos Bay is going to vote to increase and extend the indebtedness of the Empire Urban Renewal Plan and we plan to file a referendum. There will be petitions to sign and copies available for anyone who would like to help gather signatures. The GOP is giving out signs for candidates and ballot measures. There will be discussions on how we are going to get the signatures and how we are going to run the campaign. There will be updates on Measure 6-168 and the Coos County Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance. If the politicians of CB cannot put it on the ballot for the voters to decide then we will have to do their job for them. Here is a link to the CB city council meeting on Tuesday October 16, 2018. Coos Bay City Council Votes to Extend Empire UR Tax Debt Plan October 16, 2018 Related Posts: Feel-Good Tax Repeal on the Ballot in Coos County Press Release ~ Coos Bay Considers Amending Empire Urban Renewal Tax Scheme Registered Sex Offender Who Received UR Money Threatens Legal Action Coos Bay Gave Urban Renewal Money to a Registered Sex Offender Coos Bay Pays Around $406,000 to Repair Mingus Park Pool Coos Bay Considers Eliminating Voter Approval for the Sale of Revenue Bonds Coos County Public Hearing on Extending the Urban Renewal Tax Debt Dec. 13, 2017 The Excesses of Tax-Increment Financing & Urban Renewal Coos Bay URA Spends $300,000 on North-South Gateway While Streets Deteriorate Coos Bay Street Action Plan Open House Thursday, June 8, 2017, 5:30pm Coos Bay Legally Steals from Average Citizens to Decorate a Private Business Coos Bay Taking from the Poor to Give to the Privileged Using Urban Renewal Coos Bay Gives $97,000 of Public Money to the Local Drama Club Coos Bay Redistributing Money to Owners of Historical Places Coos Bay Giving Away Public Money to a Private Business Using Urban Renewal “Pounder” trout stocked in Coos Bay area lakes “Pounder” trout stocked in Coos Bay area lakes Thursday, October 11, 2018 One Willamette Valley family travels to Coos County each year for fall trout fishing. Charleston, Ore – Anglers looking for large rainbow trout should head to Coos Bay area lakes soon. Next week, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is stocking five lakes with 14 to 16-inch rainbow trout for great fall fishing. Upper Empire Lake is getting 3,200 trout. Lower Empire will not be stocked due to low water, warm temperatures and weeds. Instead, Butterfield Lake, accessed through Riley Ranch County Park will now receive 1,400 rainbows. Butterfield anglers might also hook into a warmouth, an unusual fish that looks like a crappie with a bass head. Saunders Lake will receive 1,300 trout. This lake is about five miles north of North Bend and is an easily accessed, pleasant place to take the family fishing. Three miles south of Bandon, Bradley Lake is getting 1,600 trout and Powers Pond will receive 1,300. This is ODFW’s final trout stocking of the year for Coos County and gives anglers a “last chance” opportunity before winter hits and the weather is not conducive to trout fishing. The rainbow trout harvest limit in most lakes is five fish per day, two daily limits in possession. Check myodfw.com for fishing tips and the latest Recreation Report. ### Contact: Mike Gray, 541-888-5515 Meghan Dugan, 541-464-2179 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Melissa Cribbins, Coos County Commissioner, 541-396-7539, [email protected] COOS COUNTY COMMISSIONER CRIBBINS TO ATTEND WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE, DISCUSS LOCAL ISSUES Coquille, Oregon -- Coos County Commissioner Melissa Cribbins will represent Coos County at a conference hosted by the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, being held October 11, 2018 in Washington D.C. Cribbins is part of a delegation of Oregon county officials attending the conference. She will be joined by county commissioners and judges from Coos, Crook, Douglas, Grant, Harney, Josephine, Linn, Marion, Morrow, Polk, Union, and Yamhill counties. The conference will include meetings at the White House with key administration officials to discuss how federal policies impact Oregon counties and residents. Topics are likely to include the opioid epidemic, economic and workforce development, and infrastructure. “It is an honor to be invited by the White House to discuss our county’s priorities,” said Cribbins. “I look forward to discussing topics important to Coos County, including forest management, housing, and veteran’s health care. Prior to the White House meeting, county leaders will participate in a federal policy briefing at the National Association of Counties (NACo) office. This is a great opportunity for county commissioners to tell the White House about the challenges and opportunities we face at the local level,” said Mike Eliason, Association of Oregon Counties interim executive director. “Federal policies have real consequences in counties across our state, and we’ll continue to work with the administration to positively influence those policies.” Oregon commissioners are part of the latest group of county officials to attend such an event. County leaders from approximately 40 other states were invited to the White House over the past year. ### Everyone is welcome to submit a letter to the editor on the CCW website, but that does not mean the views or opinions expressed are the opinion of the editor, publisher, or anyone else on the planet. I do like to respond to inquiries. My opinion on a PUBLIC SWIMMING pool is well known. I do not believe that government should be in the pool business. Size or shape does not matter. I do not believe it should be the responsibility of taxpayers to provide a swimming hole to the people. I do not believe the taxpayers need the extra liability. The government has enough trouble just balancing the basics and in many cases they have failed. My opinion on a PRIVATE POOL is the same as every other business. I wish the best of luck to any individual or group of individuals who want to take on the responsibility of going into the pool business in Bandon. They have the same right of commerce as anyone else. However, they do not have any right to ask me or any other living person to pay for their pleasure. No money, no land, no other resources should be provided to a private business. The government should not force taxpayers to participate or pay for a private endeavor. Otherwise, it is nothing less than the reinstitution of slavery….Rob T. Most people who don't want a community swimming pool in their backyard, or in the city park, claim that it's okay with them if a self-funded organization builds one. CC Watchdog seems to have always resisted the very idea. Presuming you're engaged in a quest for the truth, I have the honor to point out a few random errors which I hope to see you correct. Tons of cement will not be dumped in the city park. The correct term for the construction materials concrete. A 100,000 square foot building would be 316 feet on a side and would cost well over 15 million dollars. Obviously we envision no such project. Your informant is off by more than an order of magnitude. His information may come from a misheard remark or even a misprint, but anyone of ordinary intelligence would realize that the numbers make no sense. And finally the citizens of Bandon never voted against a pool, but turned down a certain means of funding it, which is why we have had to turn to other sources. Cordially, Dan Green City of Bandon ~ Ballot Measure 6-172 Pool Funding ~ Voting YES Means No Pool Related Posts:
LTE ~ Bandon Mayor Confronting Citizens for Making Public Comment on Pool LTE ~ Some Questions for Pembina on the Jordan Cove Energy Project Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer's Opinion Piece LTE ~ Speaking Loud & Clear One County at a Time Series of Opinion Pieces by Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer LTE ~ Socialist Selling Counterfeit Virtue LTE ~ Kirby Responds to Barton's Response Waiting Reply LTE ~ Barton Bothered by Anti-LNG Critics LTE ~ It's Time to Change the Narrative About School Shootings LTE ~ Free Speech is what the Editor says it is at the Chronicle Absolutely NO on 101, no more theft. LTE ~ Elvis, The Bundy's, and the Bureau of Land Management LTE ~ School Tax Sacrifices Property Owners LTE ~ Try Convincing Seniors to Vote for Public School Failure LTE ~ Coos Bay Low Ranking Public Schools Vestiges of a Failed System LTE ~ School Bond is NOT About Education LTE ~ Study History, Robert E. Lee One Honorable Man Submitted Anonymously, The City Council agenda for Oct. 2, 2018 included item # 8.31 Subject: Pool location in City Park, complete with maps and a recommendation signed by John McLaughlin, City Planning Director. We and at least three of our neighbors went specifically to hear this presentation and brought prepared three-minute comments that we were led to believe would be heard on the record. We know many other concerned citizens who went in the hope of understanding what is going on and to ask questions. However, when we arrived and asked for the sign-up sheet to speak, Mary Schamehorn confronted us demanding to know the, “topic?” When we said “pool” she stated it was NOT on the agenda and there would be no time to speak. Apparently, the agenda had been changed when it became known that an angry crowd may show up. What is being hidden from the Citizens of Bandon and why were we denied the right to speak? City Council often listens to “presentations” by the pool lobby, so why were our opposing views not heard? Why is the City Council bending under pressure from the pool lobby and an anonymous--possibly fictitious--donor? Why has the City Planning Department, used public facilities, public employees and tax-payer dollars, to have a “feasability study” written about sites in City Park in direct violation of the City Council's five-to-one vote of 2.2.18 decreeing “no pool in City Park”? This Planning Dept. plan is giving encouragment to a private enterprise that is assuming it can destroy the Park for the rest of us. We like City Park the way it is! How can the mayor--with a clearly stated and monetarily supported conflict of interest in favor of the pool lobby--legally have the deciding vote if there is a tie in City Council on this matter? How can the Mayor and City Council legally consider donating City land to the pool lobby, a private enterprise? City of Bandon ~ Ballot Measure 6-172 Pool Funding ~ Voting YES Means No Pool Related Posts: LTE ~ Some Questions for Pembina on the Jordan Cove Energy Project Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer's Opinion Piece LTE ~ Speaking Loud & Clear One County at a Time Series of Opinion Pieces by Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer LTE ~ Socialist Selling Counterfeit Virtue LTE ~ Kirby Responds to Barton's Response Waiting Reply LTE ~ Barton Bothered by Anti-LNG Critics LTE ~ It's Time to Change the Narrative About School Shootings LTE ~ Free Speech is what the Editor says it is at the Chronicle Absolutely NO on 101, no more theft. LTE ~ Elvis, The Bundy's, and the Bureau of Land Management LTE ~ School Tax Sacrifices Property Owners LTE ~ Try Convincing Seniors to Vote for Public School Failure LTE ~ Coos Bay Low Ranking Public Schools Vestiges of a Failed System LTE ~ School Bond is NOT About Education LTE ~ Study History, Robert E. Lee One Honorable Man
When the voters of Bandon resoundingly rejected the pool in the General Election of 2012, the city council should have done the right thing and taken any mention of it out of the Urban Renewal Plan and the Comprehensive Parks plan per my recommendation at the meeting following the vote. The council should have honored the will of the people at that time and made it an issue that would always have to go to the people….Rob T. Exhibit "A" RESOLUTION NO. 18-09 REFERRAL MEASURE FOR NOVEMBER 6, 2018 ELECTION BALLOT TITLE CAPTION: Voter Approval Required for City to Expend Funds on Pool QUESTION: Should Bandon's Charter restrict spending (other than private donations or grants) for operation or maintenance of any pool? SUMMARY: Currently, the City has no public swimming pool. There have been public and private organizations that have attempted to organize efforts for construction of a pool. The City has not formally supported any entity's efforts. The Mayor and City Council may determine the City can support a pool construction effort in non-monetary ways but has determined it is not in the best interest of City to risk spending public funds for the maintenance and operation of a swimming pool if a public or private entity is unable after construction of a pool to sustain those costs. The passage of the proposed measure would allow the City to express its support for some swimming pool project but preclude the spending of any tax payer funds for the operation or maintenance, except as specifically authorized by the voters. The City and Urban Renewal would still be able to apply and provide matching funds for capital and construction grants. Related Posts: City of Bandon Considers Using Eminent Domain on Private Property Bandon Utility Commission Still Plotting to TAKE AWAY Voter Authority City of Bandon Ballot Measure #6-172 Urban Renewal Funding for Public/Private Pool Bandon City Council Mulling Amendment Officially Separating the City from the Pool Bandon Planning Department Informally Platting a Pool that the Voters Rejected Coquille River Water Trail Info Sessions in the Cities of Bandon & Coquille City of Bandon Considers Marijuana Ordinance & Public Drinking Ordinance USACE Intends to Dedicate $467,000 in Dredging Funding for Port of Bandon Bandon Plans to Raise Planning Fees Monday May 1, 2017 7:00pm Bandon Budget Committee Meeting April 17, 2017 at 7:00 pm Bandon Initiative Petition I2014002 Failed Due to Not Enough Qualified Signatures Important Message for People Living in Bandon & the Bandon School District City of Bandon ~ Asking Voters to Raise the Water Rates Measure 6-157 CELDF ~ Enviro Snuff Film "We the People 2.0" in Bandon Friday July 22, 2016 State Shared Revenues or Sin Tax Tribute for Counties & Cities 2016-17 LTE ~ Anonymous Letter on the Conduct of the Port of Bandon in the 2013 Election Bandon Changes the Revered Day of Infamy to Trash Art Day TNC Benefits from States Loss & $450 Million More from Taxpayers for LWCF Bandon Cheese Factory Receives Private Financing & Still Pays No Property Taxes Coquille Valley Wildlife Area reopens to public use Coquille Valley Wildlife Area reopens to public use Friday, October 5, 2018 CHARLESTON, Ore – The Coquille Valley Wildlife Area reopens in stages to public use in time for waterfowl season. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will reopen the Beaver Slough tract October 13 and the Winter Lake tract October 20. Both tracts make up the 660-acre wildlife area and have been closed since June 1 for habitat restoration activities including tidal channel construction. “Waterfowl season begins October 13, so we’re pleased we can reopen the Beaver Slough tract for duck and goose hunters,” said Stuart Love, Charleston District Wildlife Biologist. “The Winter Lake tract opens a week later so we can make sure the new tide gate system that will start flooding that portion of the wildlife area is functioning properly.” Hunters should be aware the new tidal channels constructed on the Winter Lake tract will have varying levels of water according to tidal influence. Steep sides and water could make it difficult to get out of the channels, and ODFW advises hunters to wear a personal flotation around the tidal channels. Hunters should also know some aspects of the Winter Lake restoration project are continuing into the fall and can expect to see staff planting vegetation and conducting project monitoring. Other recreationists may also be on the wildlife area. The wildlife area can be accessed from North Bank Lane off Highway 42. An access permit is required and can be obtained at no cost at the information kiosk in the wildlife area’s parking lot on North Bank Lane. ### Contact: Stuart Love or Dominic Rocco: 541-888-5515 Meet the American marten Martes Americana The American marten is weasel-like with a long body and pointy face. The legs are short; the toes, including the pads, are completely furred; and the nails are semiretractile. The tail is bushy and long. The pelage in winter is luxuriant, with a dense underfur and sparse covering of guard hairs. The color varies, but usually is a golden brown shading to dark brown on the feet and tail; the head is lighter. The throat and chest are splotched with orange or yellow. A small dark stripe extends upward from the medial corner of each eye, giving the appearance of a vertical eyebrow. In Oregon, the marten occurs in the Blue and Wallowa mountains, in the Cascade Range, and to a limited extent in the Coast Range. It seems to be absent from the northern Coast Range, the Columbia Basin, the southeastern high desert, and the Willamette Valley. It is a forest species capable of tolerating a variety of habitat types if food and cover are adequate. Martens are active year-round, although they may remain in their dens for a day or two during inclement weather. They commonly use elevated perches from which to pounce on terrestrial pray; they also may follow tracks of prey in snow, excavate burrows, enlarge openings to tree dens, and rob bird nests. Martens cache prey or parts thereof and return to consume them later, sometimes within minutes or after a day or so at other times. The American marten is an Oregon Conservation Strategy Species in these ecoregions: Blue Mountains, Coast Range, East Cascades, Klamath Mountains, and West Cascades. Regular Filing updated at 08:45 AM, on Friday, October 5, 2018 Fish and Wildlife Service Proposed Rules Endangered and Threatened Species: Threatened Species Status for Coastal Distinct Population Segment of the Pacific Marten Filed on: 10/05/2018 at 08:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 10/09/2018 FR Document: 2018-21794 PDF 35 Pages (238 KB) Permalink
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