The City Council agenda for Oct. 2, 2018 included item # 8.31 Subject: Pool location in City Park, complete with maps and a recommendation signed by John McLaughlin, City Planning Director.
We and at least three of our neighbors went specifically to hear this presentation and brought prepared three-minute comments that we were led to believe would be heard on the record. We know many other concerned citizens who went in the hope of understanding what is going on and to ask questions.
However, when we arrived and asked for the sign-up sheet to speak, Mary Schamehorn confronted us demanding to know the, “topic?” When we said “pool” she stated it was NOT on the agenda and there would be no time to speak. Apparently, the agenda had been changed when it became known that an angry crowd may show up.
What is being hidden from the Citizens of Bandon and why were we denied the right to speak?
City Council often listens to “presentations” by the pool lobby, so why were our opposing views not heard?
Why is the City Council bending under pressure from the pool lobby and an anonymous--possibly fictitious--donor?
Why has the City Planning Department, used public facilities, public employees and tax-payer dollars, to have a “feasability study” written about sites in City Park in direct violation of the City Council's five-to-one vote of 2.2.18 decreeing “no pool in City Park”? This Planning Dept. plan is giving encouragment to a private enterprise that is assuming it can destroy the Park for the rest of us. We like City Park the way it is!
How can the mayor--with a clearly stated and monetarily supported conflict of interest in favor of the pool lobby--legally have the deciding vote if there is a tie in City Council on this matter?
How can the Mayor and City Council legally consider donating City land to the pool lobby, a private enterprise?
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