Counterfeit Virtue Sweeping the West
The Radical Far Left has lost their mind… as if that’s something new, but this time they have totally divorced reality. They are not only trying to rid us of history, they are now trying to rid history of the American Revolutionary War. Do these people know nothing about what it is to be American?
To be American is to be free. To be free, you own property, not the least is your own body. If you own your own body, you have a right to self-defense by any means necessary. American Philosophy says that you are a product of your Creator and are made in his image. Since you are made in the image of your Creator, certain traits were passed to you upon conception; these traits are called Unalienable Rights. These Rights cannot be taken or even given away, but the psychotic Far Left believe that they are Morally Superior to you and that they should be able to steal your private property and take away your Right to self-defense as they aggrandize themselves on their journey to extirpate Liberty once and for all.
Obviously these clowns know nothing of history and as I’ve said, know nothing of being an American. History shows us that when you disarm populations and embrace Socialism, you die. History shows us that registration of firearms leads to confiscation… and then you die. These Fanatics and their useful idiots want all of this and more. They want to tell you what you can have, when you can have it, make you register it, tell you how to store it, prevent any more from ever being sold. They want to control if, when, and where you can transport your own private property, but most of all…they want all firearms confiscated from the public. Portland’s lunatics may have done Freedom loving Oregonians a favor though this time with their Counterfeit Virtue and Moral Superiority. Their arrogance has now awakened the sleeping Giant and may turn this state Red if we can stay mad until November.
To the Portland Certifiable Far Left Radical Ameriphobes; switch from Kool-Aid to Tea. It makes you smarter and doesn’t rot your teeth. You may not have our PROPERTY or our RIGHTS. You may not endanger WE THE PEOPLE further in your demented pursuit to enslave us. So, if you want our property, COME AND TAKE THEM.
In Liberty,
Chris Brumbles
Columbia County Coordinator
Oregon Firearms Federation
Founder, OR Irregulars 3%
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