Submitted by Randy Waters, NOW THAT THE ELECTIONS ARE OVER. What have we gained? We're still in the same boat. Seven counties took control of Oregon and left the other twenty nine counties in the control of seven and without representation!. Where do we go from here? It's time to get our act together. It's time we got out from under the thumb of Portland. It's time we demand equal representation throughout our wonderful state. Unfortunately the only way we can do that is to form our own state, The State of Jefferson, out of the rural counties in Oregon. Each county will get one Representative. We will encourage logging and milling our own trees instead of sending them overseas to be milled. We will encourage mining instead of importing the metals and minerals we need. We will encourage farming and ranching to raise the food for our consumption. We will encourage tourism and invite people to move into our new state. As a new state we will demand to be made whole and equal to the original 13 states by filing under the “Equal Footing Doctrine” which means that the state retains control of all public land that is now being managed by USFS and BLM. I can't do all of this by myself. I need people to help run information booths, pass out brochures and inform as many people in each of our rural counties as we can. We need support of everyone in our counties in order to accomplish this. I meet each month on the second Wednesday of the month at Panthers Den Pizza and Deli in Gold Beach at 7:00pm. I also need someone to hold meetings in Brookings, Agness, Port Orford and Langlois. Set your own schedule. I'll help you get started! Come to a meeting or call me at 541-373-0259. My name is Randy Waters and I want to meet YOU!! -- I'm willing to fight and die for my freedom, Are You??? 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LTE ~ Elvis, The Bundy's, and the Bureau of Land Management Related Posts: Coos County State of Jefferson Meeting May 16, 2018 in Coquille Oregon SOJ News ~ Citizens for Fair Representation's Court Case Moves Forward We the People Rally in Sacramento at the California Capitol May 31, 2017 ~ SOJ51 Citizens for Fair Representation File Lawsuit in California to Leverage for SOJ51 Coos County for the State of Jefferson Public Meeting Friday March 3, 2017 7:00pm Curry County State of Jefferson Meeting Wednesday February 8, 2017 Press Release PLEASE SHARE! Citizens for Fair Representation's Court Case Moves Forward August 8, 2017 For immediate release Last week, Federal Court Judge Judge K. Muller, asked the Chief Magistrate to form a 3-judge panel to hear the case; Citizens for Fair Representation vs Secretary of State Alex Padilla. In May, Citizens for Fair Representation (CFR) filed the lawsuit against the State of California, for lack of representation and dilution of vote. The lawsuit was filed on May 8, in the United States District Court, Eastern District, Sacramento Division. The significance of the three-judge panel is paramount, according to the legal team representing the CFR. Issues decided by three judge panels have the right to appeal directly to the United States Supreme Court. Mark Baird, one of the CFR spokespersons, said, “the case will ask important questions: Can one State Senator properly represent one million people? Can one State Assemblyman properly represent one-half million people? Baird added, Californian's have no representation in the state house. The lobbyists and the unions own California and we intend to put the people back in charge of the government through smaller districts where it is cheap and easy to get rid of an incumbent who fails to serve the people. California has the worst representation ratio in the United States and we will prove that to be unconstitutional.” Citizens for Fair Representation is supported by the people of 22 Northern California Counties. How many of you understand the CFR lawsuit? Will you take 8 minutes to do that? Is your Liberty worth 8 minutes of your time? We the People Rally We have just made history! Citizens for Fair Representation has filed suit to the State of California for lack of representation and dilution of vote. Join us for a couple hours to hear how we plan to restore our representation, including details about… EVENTBRITE.COM Citizens File Lawsuit Against State of California Citizens for Fair Representation (CFR) will file a lawsuit against the State of California for lack of representation and dilution of vote. CFR represents citizens from 21 rural counties in the northern area of the State. A long list of plaintiffs have joined CFR in the lawsuit, representing a diversity of cultures, ages, races and political philosophy. Over the last 3 years, most of these plaintiffs have petitioned the California State Legislature and Secretary of State seeking equal/fair representation, tens of thousands of letters, phone calls and emails have gone out to their elected representatives, requesting they introduce a Bill or Resolution that would create a more representative balance in both legislative chambers. The plaintiffs have personally visited individual legislative offices, but plaintiffs claim that all requests have gone ignored, leaving them no choice now but to enter the legal process. Currently, California's population at just under 40 million is represented by 40 State Senators and 80 Assembly members. This is the same number of elected representatives that in 1862 represented 416,640 people. Prior to 1964, just about every County in California was represented by one State Senator. Today, a California State Senator represents an average of 1 million people, with each assembly member representing 500,000. Currently, 11 northern rural counties have one Senator whose vote is diluted by 15 senators representing the single County of Los Angeles. California's imbalance of representation ranks the worst on the list of 50 States. The small state of New Hampshire has 400 in their State House of Representatives, with one representative for less than 4,000 people. There are 24 State Senators or one for every 55,000 citizens. New Hampshire's ratio of balance closely models the representation that CFR is seeking to accomplish for California. If CFR is successful, this would be history in the making, not only for their 21 counties, but all of California's 58 counties and those in other states. Claimants state, “California's refusal to increase its levels of representation to reflect its exponential population growth is both arbitrary and unconstitutional. “ The case, Citizens for Fair Representation vs Secretary of State Alex Padilla, will be filed on May 8th, in the United States District Court, Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division. Citizens for Fair Representation is a 501(C)(4), a nonprofit corporation. # # # Attention News Editors: For interviews or more information, please call Mark Baird, 530-227-6729, Terry Rapoza, 530-246-9706. Terry Gherardi, CFR Public Information Officer - 530-677-4294 Coos County for the State of Jefferson First Committee Formation Meeting Friday Night, March 3, 2017 Starting at 7:00 pm to 8:00pm For more information Email [email protected] The Owen Building, 201 N Adams St, Coquille, OR 97423-1822, United States We are inviting everyone to a public meeting who is interested in the formation of the 51st State of the Union, The State of Jefferson. The Coos County SOJ51 movement will be starting the process of declaring our intentions for the formation of a fifty-first state and we will need active members for the committee. A State of Jefferson meeting will be held at Double D's Café 29441 Ellensburg Ave. Gold Beach, OR 97444 February 8th at 6:00pm Everyone is welcome! If you've never heard about "The State of Jefferson" now is the time to see what we are all about. We're trying to form the 51st State of the United States. Come and see how we're doing. IT WON'T BE LONG NOW!! Randy Waters, Curry County Coordinator 541-373-0259 Committee Meeting: State of Jefferson - Josephine County 1st Thursday of each month 5:30pm Black Forest Restaurant Grants Pass, OR 3rd Thursday of each month 6:00pm Wild River Pizza in Cave Junction, OR ..... yes, this is public info to post on all sites. Josephine County for State of Jefferson Coos County State of Jefferson Facebook page: |
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