I do like to respond to inquiries.
My opinion on a PUBLIC SWIMMING pool is well known. I do not believe that government should be in the pool business. Size or shape does not matter. I do not believe it should be the responsibility of taxpayers to provide a swimming hole to the people. I do not believe the taxpayers need the extra liability. The government has enough trouble just balancing the basics and in many cases they have failed.
My opinion on a PRIVATE POOL is the same as every other business. I wish the best of luck to any individual or group of individuals who want to take on the responsibility of going into the pool business in Bandon. They have the same right of commerce as anyone else. However, they do not have any right to ask me or any other living person to pay for their pleasure. No money, no land, no other resources should be provided to a private business. The government should not force taxpayers to participate or pay for a private endeavor. Otherwise, it is nothing less than the reinstitution of slavery….Rob T.
CC Watchdog seems to have always resisted the very idea.
Presuming you're engaged in a quest for the truth, I have the honor to point out a few random errors which I hope to see you correct.
Tons of cement will not be dumped in the city park. The correct term for the construction materials concrete. A 100,000 square foot building would be 316 feet on a side and would cost well over 15 million dollars. Obviously we envision no such project. Your informant is off by more than an order of magnitude. His information may come from a misheard remark or even a misprint, but anyone of ordinary intelligence would realize that the numbers make no sense.
And finally the citizens of Bandon never voted against a pool, but turned down a certain means of funding it, which is why we have had to turn to other sources.
Dan Green
City of Bandon ~ Ballot Measure 6-172 Pool Funding ~ Voting YES Means No Pool
LTE ~ Bandon Mayor Confronting Citizens for Making Public Comment on Pool
LTE ~ Some Questions for Pembina on the Jordan Cove Energy Project
Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer's Opinion Piece
LTE ~ Speaking Loud & Clear One County at a Time
Series of Opinion Pieces by Commissioner Candidate Steve Scheer
LTE ~ Socialist Selling Counterfeit Virtue
LTE ~ Kirby Responds to Barton's Response Waiting Reply
LTE ~ Barton Bothered by Anti-LNG Critics
LTE ~ It's Time to Change the Narrative About School Shootings
LTE ~ Free Speech is what the Editor says it is at the Chronicle
Absolutely NO on 101, no more theft.
LTE ~ Elvis, The Bundy's, and the Bureau of Land Management
LTE ~ School Tax Sacrifices Property Owners
LTE ~ Try Convincing Seniors to Vote for Public School Failure
LTE ~ Coos Bay Low Ranking Public Schools Vestiges of a Failed System
LTE ~ School Bond is NOT About Education
LTE ~ Study History, Robert E. Lee One Honorable Man