Only in America
Yesterday was a great day in America. January 8, 2018, marked a day when Elvis Presley would have been 93 years old and to Trump that great event (no pun intended), we Had a landmark decision come down from Nevada that made our Country a greater and returned some of the Liberty that has been stolen from us over the past 12 years. We have been shown that no matter how corrupt our Bureaucrats act, or how Tyrannical the Judges and Prosecutors are, we are still America Under God and can win against all odds. If Hitlery would have been President, I believe the cover ups and conspiracies would have been put on steroids and we would be sucking from the cup of sorrow.
The Bundy’s, that stood against the BLM in NV around four years ago, were illegally held captive for 2 long years without bail, have finally been released. The Bundy’s were held because they were said to pose a threat. That was found to be not true when the FBI was finally forced to release their threat assessment sheet that had been concealed for around 2 years stating in no uncertain terms that they “posed no threat”. Hmmm, ever heard of due process or cruel and unusual punishment.
Later a hero emerged by the name of Special Agent Larry C Wooten. He, a dedicated professional, was the Lead Investigator for the BLM in the Bundy case. This man was so appalled at the actions of his comrades that he wrote and disclosed a 17 page report on the unprofessional, illegal, childlike actions of fellow Federal Agents concerning the Bundy’s and others. Go online and read his report and you will see just how far Obozo’s administration was pushing us toward totalitarianism.
I won’t go into the merits of the case, been there, done that, but the assault on our Bill of Rights in this case should wake every one up and prove why we must be vigilante to keep our Liberty and pass it to our children as is our duty.
There are many uninformed talking heads that are spouting off against the Bundy’s and the verdict, but I assure you that they do not understand this case or have even a slight working knowledge of the Constitution and this was a victory for Patriots and all Americans. Go to the Bundy Ranch website for the whole truth.
Only in America could a people come back from such tyranny and oppression against such an overwhelming force. Make no mistake; this is not the end, but the beginning of returning our Country back to the people. Stay tuned, I smell lawsuits and prosecutions coming, as it should be. Rights are not privileges. Time to release the rest of the Cowboys. God Bless the Bundy’s for their sacrifice for us all.
In Liberty,
Chris Brumbles
Columbia County Coordinator
Oregon Firearms Federation
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