Unless vigilantly protected, all elections in this world will become rigged. Zealots will always be tempted to cheat. Our citizens must preserve our electoral institutions.
Continual efforts to rig our elections use these three proven mechanisms. Voters decide if they succeed or fail.
ONE: Our main-stream media, CNN, MSNBC and NPR present themselves as politically neutral, yet comport themselves in sympathy with the left. Their political advocacy gains effectiveness, yet sacrifices integrity, when disguised as objective news. On the other side, certain Fox News hosts and talk radio icons candidly identify as conservatives, supporting Republican ideals. Their huge audiences expect open advocacy.
TWO: Most political pollsters lean toward the left. Polls become a hidden tool, used to encourage left wing voters and dis-hearten those on the right. They try to not overplay their hand, in tempting Democrat loyalists to think their votes are not needed. Every election cycle, pollsters suddenly drift to the right a few days before the election, in a ploy to preserve a modicum of credibility following the election results. They want to be able to sway people’s thinking, yet in the end appear as objective pinnacles of statistical science. The pretense, that this final shift reflects a last-minute drift toward the right, is silly. Few believe it. Most forget it.
THREE: Voter identification is a battleground in American political landscapes. Every legislative effort to require that voters first provide identification is blasted as a racist conspiracy. This is an obvious absurdity. The only people hindered by voter identification laws are those not eligible to vote. Yet, in countless urban precincts, ineligible voters, swayed by promised largesse, surge in by the bus-load. Also, many thousands of ballots for geriatric or deceased voters are high-jacked or forged.
If our elections are rigged enough to pervert the outcomes, it is our own fault. If we persist in tuning in to the mewling media manipulators, if we allow ourselves to be swayed by the endlessly contrived polls, if we acquiesce to the socialist demands that we let anyone vote with no ID required, then it is we ourselves who have rigged our own elections.
I adjure you all to vote for anyone who will work to preserve our Constitution, our Republic and our liberty.
Stan Avery
Bandon Oregon