Our group has been putting out the message that the Department of Interior is corrupt and should in no way have any authority over land in the State of Oregon, much less anywhere else. In the following video you will see an exchange between Rep Labrador and agents from the DOI. It shows exactly why the feds need to leave the states alone. It also proves that the DOI does not intend on doing anything about the corruption in there agency...Rob T.
Hey Folks, Our group has been putting out the message that the Department of Interior is corrupt and should in no way have any authority over land in the State of Oregon, much less anywhere else. In the following video you will see an exchange between Rep Labrador and agents from the DOI. It shows exactly why the feds need to leave the states alone. It also proves that the DOI does not intend on doing anything about the corruption in there agency...Rob T. Here is a link to National Park Service Director: https://www.nps.gov/aboutus/director.htm Hey Folks, House District 1 candidate David Brock Smith wrote and initiated the Curry County resolution opposing the Owyhee Canyonlands Monument, which would take 2.5 million acres and turn it into a conservation and wilderness area. As commissioner, Smith has always been on the side of the people. District One needs a rep like that in Salem........Rob T. ![]() It’s Annual Meeting Time! You may have been getting a few emails from us recently. It’s not because we want to flood your inbox, it’s because we’re really excited about this upcoming year, and we’re thrilled to have you as part of our team. What happens at our annual meeting? We hold our standard board meeting, but then we delve into a review of what we’ve accomplished this last year, and where we’re going next year. We also hold elections for open board seats and our Executive Committee. That’s why we’ve been following up with many of you about your annual commitment cards. We’ll still bill you in whichever month works best for you, but we just need to know that you’re on board for this next year so we can include you in board seat appointments if you’re interested in serving and it helps us solidify our budget which we will be approving at this meeting as well. Oh, and there’s lunch too! Ok, when is it? We will be holding it on June 2nd from 10:00-2:00 at the OSU Extension Building in Myrtle Point (631 Alder St) If you’re planning to attend, please let Shaun know at [email protected] and we’ll make sure to have some tasty food there waiting for you! Annual Meeting Invite What else is happening? Lots! We’ve just hired a new Administrative Assistant, Krystal Moffett. She’ll be starting on Monday. Come by and say hello! Over the weekend, our phone and internet systems will be updated. There are some systems in place to help with the transition, but we may be a bit hard to reach Monday-Wednesday next week. Please feel free to call my cell if you can’t get through (541-808-7774) or email me at [email protected] . The REEF As many of you know, we’ve been working with a large group of partners on developing a center for entrepreneurship. This center would house incubator and accelerator spaces, a commercial kitchen and be a co-location of services with many local agencies that work to support business development in our region. We still have a LONG way to go, but we’ve been busy working on that and we are getting really excited. We’ve also come up with a name, The REEF: The Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Framework. Successful entrepreneurship takes a diverse mixture of players, support systems, and the perfect environment for growth. We are working to develop the ecosystem needed for small business innovation and growth right here on the South Coast. Things are moving right along, and we’ll keep you updated as we make progress. Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Framework We hope to see you all at our Annual Meeting in a couple of weeks. As always if there is ever anything we can help with, please know our door is always open. Have a great weekend! Connie Stopher Executive Director South Coast Development Council 50 Central Avenue, Suite A Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone: 541-266-9753 Cell: 541-808-7774 Email: [email protected] RSVP is not necessary to attend. “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.” Are you part of the AGENDA? When filmmaker Curtis Bowers hit the road in 2010 with his film AGENDA, people began to wake up. AGENDA became one of the best selling independent documentaries of all time, and grass roots America finally had a tool to connect the dots. As he traveled, Bowers found that people were confronted by an overwhelming myriad of issues. From the promotion of Islam to the propaganda of climate change, from the deceit of Common Core to the manipulation of religion, and from the manufactured economic crisis to the unsustainable debt burden, it seems as if America has a hundred different enemies with a hundred different agendas, or was it all part of one AGENDA. Join Curtis Bowers here in Coos County on Tuesday, June 21, in the county annex building at 205 N Adams Street in Coquille as he heads out again with his new documentary, AGENDA 2, the film that will expose the Masters of Deceit and their deliberate, treasonous attacks on our freedoms. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and more information can be found at CoosCountyWatchdog.com, because “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.” What: Documentary Film Showing of AGENDA 2 & Discussion Panel When: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 6:00 pm Where: The Owen Building 205 N Adams Street Coquille, OR https://goo.gl/maps/jRb7mgapQC12 Contact: [email protected] 541-347-9942 Meet the Filmmaker:CURTIS BOWERS BIO: Curtis Bowers is a Christian statesman, husband, father, filmmaker, speaker, and businessman. He served as a State Representative in the Idaho Legislature, started and operated three Award Winning Fondue Restaurants, and produced the $101,000 Grand Prize winning film, AGENDA: GRINDING AMERICA DOWN. Curtis and his wife of 27 years, Lauren, home educate their 9 children and operate the independent film and distribution company COPYBOOK HEADING PRODUCTIONS. The Bowers have traveled to over 40 states singing and speaking to promote their films. Their new film, AGENDA 2: MASTERS OF DECEIT, recently won “Best Documentary” at the 2016 CWVFF. RELATED LINKS: America at a Crossroads FREE 7-Week Series of Classes on Constitutional History America at a Crossroad Part #3 Founders Principles & Philosophies 3-17-2016 America at a Crossroads Part #4 Washington Creates America -2016 America at a Crossroads Part #5 Father of the Constitution 3-30-2016 Related Posts: SCOTUS ~ Upholds Jury As Sole Fact-Finding Authority in Capital Sentencing Jury Nullification, or Jury Discretion and The Second Amendment SCOTUS---Supremes Refused to Hear Legal Challenges to the NDAA SCOTUS---Police Must Get a Warrant to Search Information on a Cellphone, Right ON OFF---Supreme Court Rules Against the Transfer of Guns Between Approved Buyers OFF---Supreme Court to Hear "Straw Purchase" Case SCOTUS---Court Takes up case of Fired Air Marshal for whistle-blowing SCOTUS---Court Vacates Police Immunity Ruling 7th Circuit Court Rules Against Gun Activist Using Precedence Set in the Drug War OR Supreme Court---LOC Celebrates the Fact the Property Owners lose more rights SCOTUS---Is it a fish or an incriminating document? ![]() The Coos County Chapter of Oregon III% will holding a meeting and free training class at Coos Bay Fire Department located at 450 Elrod Ave.in Coos Bay on Friday May 27th from 6:00-8:00 PM. The primary topic will be a presentation on water purification including: -Water filters for camping/backpacking/bug out bags -Affordable home water filtration (alternatives to the "Big Berkey") -Emergency purification with common chemicals (calcium hypochlorite) The III% concept is dedicated to the ideals of personal freedom, limited constitutional government and personal preparedness. We are neighbors helping neighbors and all members of the community are encouraged to join us. If you would like to find out more go to www.oregoniiipercent.com or search for Oregon III% on Facebook. Community Town Hall Events Upcoming Town Hall Meetings The links are from the Senator's website and they are from the wrong date. Typifies his usually quality of work. May 27 Coos County town hall » May 27 2016 10:00AM North Bend High School gym 2323 Pacific St. North Bend, OR May 27 Douglas County town hall » May 27 2016 1:00PM Reedsport Community Charter School auditorium 2260 Longwood Drive Reedsport, OR May 28 Curry County town hall » May 28 2016 10:00AM Gold Beach City Hall 29592 Ellensburg Ave Gold Beach, OR May 28 Jospehine County town hall » May 28 2016 4:00PM Rogue Community College - Rogue Auditorium 3345 Redwood Highway Grants Pass, OR ![]() May 13, 2016 An Election Message to Second Amendment Supporters The election is upon us and many voters are still wondering who to cast their vote for and who will be the right representative to protect the rights of the individual, especially those who believe in the Right to Bear Arms. Oregon State House Representative District One Last year State Rep Wayne Krieger met with groups in the local community, including the leading activists in the Coos County Watchdog network. He asked them who they would like to see as a candidate. Wayne was planning on retiring from his position and he wanted an idea of who the people might like to see run for the district, so he could recruit at least one good candidate. It is a great way to carry on the rural legacy, plus nobody else was concerned enough to file for this position previous the deadline, so it was a good idea to have a quality candidate ready to campaign for the election. There were several names bantered about, but the only name that seemed acceptable to most of the groups was Curry County Commissioner David Brock Smith, because Mr. Smith has a record of working with others including those he disagrees with politically. Smith is also well known for standing up for the rights of the individual over the excesses of the federal and state government. During his career as commissioner Smith was able to enact one of the strictest county coordination programs in the state, which forces the feds to coordinate with the local governing body before a federal agency can begin some overblown project, such as the US Fish & Wildlife’s Bandon Marsh Mosquito Preserve. He worked to stop those types of land grabs and went even further by joining in the effort to garner resolutions from every city, county, and port on the south coast to oppose NOAA’s plans for a National Marine Sanctuary, which would have eliminated the few remaining fishing jobs up-and-down the west coast. The commissioner should be commended in his valiant efforts. When a group of concerned citizens approached the Curry Board of Commissioners to ask that the board pass a resolution against the overreach of state law, SB941 the background checks bill, Smith was the only commissioner to show any interest, because he knew his county had to take a stand for the people’s withering freedoms. He openly supported the county resolution, while the other two commissioners had no clue as to the impact of that very bad antigun legislation. Their constituents had to drag them to the table to make the right choice, and the board did so unanimously under Smith’s direction. With a solid record on the Second Amendment and property rights, David Brock Smith is not only the right choice for state house district one, but the only choice for serious gun owners. Oregon State House Representative District Nine People who still believe in the US Constitution have a decent candidate to write-in for House district nine, Republican Teri Grier. She is relatively new to the state, but has shown a commitment to the community. Teri organized numerous candidate forums drawing in several governor and federal congressional candidates. Unfortunately, one turncoat Republican, Dave Kronsteiner, who is the current Port Commission President for the Port of Coos Bay, is trying to win district nine for the Democratic Party by asking his family and friends to write-in “Caddy McKeown” for the Republican Party write-in candidate. His support of a big-government Democrat shows a deep betrayal to fellow Republicans, while projecting the continuing attitude of the county’s unelected Port Commissioners, who are better known locally as today’s equivalent of the “Old Boy’s Network.” More reasons to write-in a legitimate fiscal conservative and Second Amendment supporter, Teri Grier. She will work to get the port under the authority of the voters again, so the people will no longer have to live under the misguided decisions of governor appointed lackeys. Oregon State Senate District Five The only candidate in the Republican primary for district five is currently a city councilor and named 2014 Man of the Year for Lincoln City, Dick Anderson. The best thing about Mr. Anderson is that he is NOT, Arnie Roblan. Senator Roblan voted for SB941 and he will continue to vote for more gun regulation until the state has disarmed every citizen in Oregon, leaving the honest defenseless. The Oregon Firearm Federation gave Arnie an F for continuously voting against the Right to Bear Arms. Mr. Anderson received a B+ from OFF and he firmly supports the Second Amendment. Remember to sign and seal your ballots before sending. About the author: Rob Taylor is the founder of a virtual network of local activist at www.CoosCountyWatchdog.com, and the chief petitioner for the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance. The Oregon Catalyst http://oregoncatalyst.com/33556-recommendations-oregon-hd1-hd9-sd5-primary.html The World http://theworldlink.com/news/opinion/local/an-election-guide-for-second-amendment-supporters/article_9d65843f-c737-5cc2-9c47-bf91ef214d95.html
![]() Oregon lawmakers need to hear our voices. Will you join us in Salem for Oregon Legislative Days? The House Rural Communities Committee is hosting a meeting to discuss the potential monument designation in Malheur County on Monday, May 23. On Sunday, May 22, around 9 p.m., we will load a bus in Jordan Valley and head to the Oregon Capitol for the meeting. Along the way, we will make a few stops to pick up supporters and so people can stretch their legs and will arrive in Salem by Monday morning in time to attend the 8:30 a.m. meeting. Following the committee meeting, we will host a news conference on the front steps of the Capitol building. Then we will load the bus and return to eastern Oregon by Monday night. Are you interested in joining us? Please let us know by noon tomorrow, May 12, by emailing [email protected]. We hope to see you there. Have you signed our petition? Take a moment to tell lawmakers no monument without a vote of Congress. Related Posts:
BLM ~ Public Meeting New River Management Plan Wednesday, March 9, 2016 BLM ~ Tell Feds “No” on Sage Grouse Land Grab in Oregon O&C Land Wyden Bill Still Not Good for Rural Oregon BLM ~ Guided Hike at New River to Indoctrinate Civilians Saturday July 11, 2015 BLM ~ Loses Fight with Miners for the Sugar Pine Mine Victory for Patriots Outsourcing US Land Management to the Indians BOC ~ Statement of Interest on Transfer of Elliott State Forest December 7, 2015 BLM ~ Redistributes Secure Rural Schools Payments to Western Oregon Counties Public Lands Protest BLM, BIA, USACE, USFWS, USFS Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016 USDA Disguising Access for Sustainability in Region's Travel Analysis Reports USACE Quarterly Permitting Process Meetings Coos County Feb. May, Aug. & Nov TNC Benefits from States Loss & $450 Million More from Taxpayers for LWCF NOAA Proposed Recovery Plan for Coho Salmon September 2015 Fish and Wildlife Commission delists wolves statewide in split vote (4-2) Coos Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Meeting w/ODFW October 16, 2015 Coos County Approves Nature Conservancy's Tide Gate for China Camp Creek ODFW ~ Conservation Opportunity Areas for Stealing Private Property USACE ~ Comment on Permit Application Process Wednesday November 18, 2015 USFWS ~ Treating Private Property off the Bandon Marsh The Mosquitoes Return to the Coquille Valley Why does the Government Own & Hoard Resources? Senator Wyden’s O&C Plan will Bankrupt Counties Part #2 Senator Wyden's O&C Plan will Bankrupt Counties Part #1 MEMORIAL DAY PARADE The Coos Bay Annual Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the Coos County United Veterans Parade Committee will be held Saturday, May 28th at 11:00 a.m. The parade begins at 4th Street and Golden Avenue, and it ends at 2nd Street and Golden Avenue. The length of the parade is just under one mile. For more information on the parade route go to the City of Coos Bay’s website at www.coosbay.org Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday, and it commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while serving in the military. All citizens who would like to honor these Americans who have served are encouraged to join Coos Bay Mayor Shoji to walk in the Memorial Day Parade. “Rain or shine, it’s fun and meaningful to be in of the parade,” said Mayor Shoji. “Bring the family and wear your red, white, and blue.” If you wish, you may carry fresh greenery and/or flowers from your yard. If you would like to join Mayor Shoji in the Memorial Day Parade, please contact Jackie Mickelson in the City of Coos Bay’s City Manager’s Office at 541-269-8912. For information about having your own entry in the parade, contact Chairperson Bill Kehler at 541-888-6556. ![]() 05.02.16 No sheriff in Oregon has done more to stand up for the Constitution and the Second Amendment than Sheriff Glenn Palmer of Grant County. Sheriff Palmer traveled to Salem to oppose the debacle that is SB 941 and vowed he would not enforce this travesty against the people of his county. Time after time the Sheriff has defended liberty and followed his oath in spite of withering attacks by leftists and media hacks posing as "reporters." Now it's time for us to stand up for him. Outrageous and baseless accusations have been made against him as a result of the Harney County occupation. A 911 operator in John Day filed a false police report against him, and other law enforcement agencies have withheld critical information from him, possibly in violation of the law. John Day Police Chief, Richard Gray, has dredged up a 4 year old dispute over computer records. Sheriff Palmer deleted records from his office computer after discovering that there had been unauthorized access to it. Although the Sheriff kept hard copies, the computer files were deleted to protect persons whose information was being accessed. Now Gray is using this old issue as part of a complaint against Palmer. At least one Oregonian "reporter" has displayed what can only be described as a personal vendetta against the Sheriff and has even contacted OFF with baseless and comical claims about our relationship with the Sheriff. (Several years ago our foundation raised money to buy an electronic fingerprint machine for his office.) As a result of numerous politically motivated complaints, the Department of Justice has opened an investigation on the Sheriff. We think it's quite possible that some of the complainants could well find themselves facing criminal charges, but for now we are asking that you consider a donation to the legal expense fund that has been set up for him. We have. It is our hope that this witch hunt ends soon and the Sheriff can go back to work for the people of Grant County. If that happens all donations will be returned to donors in accordance with ORS 244.221 on a pro rata share. What follows is a press release from the Trustee of the fund. Family, Friends and Supporters of Glenn Palmer, we are pleased to announce we have the legal expense trust fund in place and ready to receive your contributions. Contributions may be made in person at Old West Federal Credit Union where you may make a direct contribution to the trust fund, or you may mail me your contribution. Also I can receive the contribution in person. Please make checks payable to: Glenn E. Palmer Legal Expense Trust Fund They can be mailed to: Glenn E. Palmer Legal Expense Trust Fund Jodie Fleck, Trustee 44000 SE Shotgun Road Post, Oregon 97752 Notice: Sheriff Glenn Palmer established the Glenn E. Palmer Legal Expense Trust Fund by receiving written authorization of the Oregon Government Ethics Commission. Under Oregon law, any person may contribute moneys and in-kind assistance to Sheriff Palmer's Trust Fund (with the exception of a principal campaign committee). Contributions will be used to defray legal expenses incurred by Sheriff Palmer in defending himself in an investigation brought by the Oregon Department of Justice and the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training, which investigation specifically relates to and arises from the course and scope of Sheriff Palmer's duties as a public official. Contributions to Sheriff Palmer's Trust Fund will not be used for any personal use. More information about Sheriff Palmer's Trust Fund is available from the Trustee. Contributions may be received by the Trustee in person, by mail, or by deposit to the Trust Fund's account at Old West Federal Credit Union. Thanks for your support. Related Posts: OFF ~ 2016 Candidate Ratings OFF ~ 1515 Derailed Now We Must Stop 4147 OFF ~ If You Don't Act, Kiss Your Rights Goodbye OFF ~ Prozanski's Secret Accusation Bill Formally Introduced OFF ~ Update On The Most Dangerous Gun Bill Ever Senator Whitsett Explains ~ Second Amendment & Due Process Rights Under Attack Jury Nullification, or Jury Discretion and The Second Amendment Former North Bend Resident's Positive Response to Second Amendment Ordinance Coosville Chooses to Preserve the Second While Rejecting Another Tax Media Reports on Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance Measures 6-151 OFF ~ Stop the EMERGENCY (clause) ~ Sign the Petition ~ Defend the People's Right The Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance Wins the Election in Coos County Cease Oregon Gun-Control Nazi’s Call County Voters Fringe Wing of Gun Lobby LTE ~ VOTE YES on 2A Preservation Ordinance OFF ~ OR Legislature Possible New Laws & COURT RULES on GUN BAN ![]() Please broadcast the following PSA on your station and affiliate stations. Thank you The III% Coos County Chapter will be having a meeting and free training class at the Owen Building located at 201 N. Adams, in Coquille Friday the 13th from 6 to 8pm Topics Include: “An introduction to herbs: Making Tinctures” “Tinctures, extracts, and teas” “A holistic approach to natural remedies” Disclaimer: We are regular people using holistic methods for our own use. We are not licensed physicians. All Coos County community members, veteran military, police, fire and EMS are encouraged to attend. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Everyone has useful talents, experience, training and the time to contribute. Our communities desperately need our citizens to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution from continued daily assaults. There's not a moment to spare before our beloved country is driven totally into the ground. Even if you've never taken the oath, as an American, this means you. Let others know, then bring a couple of friends and we'll see you there! To learn more about Oregon III% visit us at www.oregoniiipercent.com/ You can also follow us on Facebook “Oregon III% Coos County Chapter. ![]() Coos County citizens, especially at election time, rely on what is published by The World newspaper as being fact based content. Citizens expect staff reporting to be well researched; we expect the same of “Letters to the Editor”, guest opinions, and Op-Ed pieces. This reader of several local newspapers believes that The World Executive Editor Larry Campbell is doing all humanly possible to provide his readers with a fact based product. The major contributor to the Megan Simms for county treasurer campaign, at least $1,150 (cash and in kind contributions), Dick Leshley of Coos Bay, has again, UNINTENTIONALLY I am certain, misstated fact in his latest letter to the editor that was published 3 May. Leshley makes certain statements in his attempt to secure your vote for his treasurer candidate of choice. Each statement is easily refuted. Citizens deserve facts. Mr. Leshley states: “In reality” Ms. Simms “duties as finance director are the same duties as treasurer.” Wrong! There are two jobs with different functions and responsibilities. Job descriptions covering finance director and treasurer are posted at the county web site. There is collaboration required, no overlap. But, I doubt that the commissioners are through tweaking the treasurer role in county government. “As treasurer she must make sure that the tax dollars are collected in the right way and spent the way the board of commissioners have budgeted.” “Right way”? When visiting the county web site treasurer department page, a page recently updated, a reader will note that the county commissioners, by law, must appoint a Budget Officer and a Tax Collector. The county commissioners wisely assigned those roles to the county treasurer, not to finance director Simms. It should remain that way. “The treasurer does not have budget duties . . .” Wrong! Unless the commissioners tweak the system again, the treasurer is the county Budget Officer with all related duties, functions and responsibilities. “We must have (Ms. Simms) in our county government” Wrong! While there are candidates with egos that require two hands to carry, there is nobody that we “must have” in our federal, state or local government. Ms. Simms is learning the full time finance director job. Would you hire a part time person to manage your Powerball jackpot winnings who tells you that are busy full time learning to be a financial advisor? I doubt it. Be educated. Vote wisely for Treasurer. Fred Kirby Coos Bay Related Posts: LTE ~ Matt Rowe the Only Candidate to Challenge the Authority of the BOC LTE ~ Gurney & the Voters REJECTED the Finance Director/County Administrator Coos County Marijuana Business Licensing Workshop Saturday April 2, 2016 Coos County Finance Director Job Classification & Title as of January 29, 2016 Coos County Treasurer Job Classification & Title as of October 11, 2015 LTE ~ Proponent Kissing Off Local Concerns About JCEP LTE ~ More Transparency for the SCCF Coos Bay School District Contract w/Superintendent Dawn Granger March 2014 LTE ~ Coos Bay School Board Ignoring Parents & Students LTE ~ Leshley Still Uninformed BOC ~ County Dog Board, Prisoner Release, Public Meeting for October 13, 14, & 15 Board of Commissioners Op-Ed for Measure 6-152 Transient Occupancy Tax Coos Bay Alternative Location for Waste Water Treatment Plant Oct. 6, 2015 Bandon Cheese Factory Receives Private Financing & Still Pays No Property Taxes Related Posts: CCRW ~ Vintage Garden Party Saturday, April 16, 2016 FYI ~ Republican Party of Curry County Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday April 9, 2016 Coos County Republican Woman Candidate Meet & Greet March 19, 2016 Lunch with the Candidate ~ Jo Rea Perkins Candidate for CD4 Sat. Feb. 20, 2016 Coos County Republican Women Candidate Roundtable Saturday February 20, 2016 Unholy Alliance Schrader & Westerman Playing Political Games with Public Lands Open Letter to Rep. Bruce Westerman on Origins of CBWR in H.R. 2647 RPCC---Video of Candidate Forum for County Commissioner April 24, 2014 RPCC---Republican Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" April 24, 2014 RPCC---Republican Party Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" February 27, 2014 RPCC---Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting January 23, 2014 Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting December 19, 2013 |
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