Unholy Alliance Schrader & Westerman Playing Political Games with Public Lands
Open Letter to Rep. Bruce Westerman on Origins of CBWR in H.R. 2647
RPCC---Video of Candidate Forum for County Commissioner April 24, 2014
RPCC---Republican Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" April 24, 2014
RPCC---Republican Party Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" February 27, 2014
RPCC---Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting January 23, 2014
Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting December 19, 2013
RPCC---NO Republican Meeting for November have a Happy Thanksgiving.
AFP---Patriots Picnic Saturday October 12, 2013
The Republican Party of Coos County Should Take a Stand
Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting Thursday June 27, 2013
Political Leadership School Saturday June 1, 2013
Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting April 25, 2013
Save the Mingus Memorial---Updated 3/31/2013
Greg Walden wants Your Opinion
Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting 02/28/2013 At Red Lion
Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting 01/24/2013 At Red Lion