The major contributor to the Megan Simms for county treasurer campaign, at least $1,150 (cash and in kind contributions), Dick Leshley of Coos Bay, has again, UNINTENTIONALLY I am certain, misstated fact in his latest letter to the editor that was published 3 May.
Leshley makes certain statements in his attempt to secure your vote for his treasurer candidate of choice. Each statement is easily refuted. Citizens deserve facts.
Mr. Leshley states:
“In reality” Ms. Simms “duties as finance director are the same duties as treasurer.”
Wrong! There are two jobs with different functions and responsibilities. Job descriptions covering finance director and treasurer are posted at the county web site. There is collaboration required, no overlap. But, I doubt that the commissioners are through tweaking the treasurer role in county government.
“As treasurer she must make sure that the tax dollars are collected in the right way and spent the way the board of commissioners have budgeted.”
“Right way”? When visiting the county web site treasurer department page, a page recently updated, a reader will note that the county commissioners, by law, must appoint a Budget Officer and a Tax Collector. The county commissioners wisely assigned those roles to the county treasurer, not to finance director Simms. It should remain that way.
“The treasurer does not have budget duties . . .”
Wrong! Unless the commissioners tweak the system again, the treasurer is the county Budget Officer with all related duties, functions and responsibilities.
“We must have (Ms. Simms) in our county government”
Wrong! While there are candidates with egos that require two hands to carry, there is nobody that we “must have” in our federal, state or local government.
Ms. Simms is learning the full time finance director job. Would you hire a part time person to manage your Powerball jackpot winnings who tells you that are busy full time learning to be a financial advisor? I doubt it.
Be educated. Vote wisely for Treasurer.
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
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