An open letter to Coos Bay Schools Board Members
According to the most recent The World reporting, after recognizing that there is a cancer on the Coos Bay schools system, after many months of discussions hidden from the public regarding the matter, after courageous teachers and administrators have put the students first and apparently have asserted at least 64 written complaints demanding your attention, you have decided that communication and collaboration is the remedy to what ails us. Hopefully you folks did not waste the taxpayer’s money or your time searching for that meaningless solution. Rodney King of can’t we all get along would have offered similar advice for free. Why wasn’t the selected schools superintendent expected to have the skill of communication and collaboration as a part of her bag of tricks when she applied for the job?
I understand that at least 20 teachers and staff have departed the Coos Bay schools system since the arrival of the current schools superintendent. How many more quality people must resign before you get the message? Teachers are in demand across the country. How many over - educated, qualified and under paid teachers are searching for a job here in the boonies? You have an easily identifiable problem; you have kicked the can beyond the end of the road; the solution can be seen by a blind man; please remedy the problem. If you were a public corporation, most of you unable to affect a cure to what ails the schools system would be removed from the board. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Please understand, in this community of grey haired and informed people who are paying the bills and who take the few minutes required to cast the majority vote in such matters, whose family long ago stopped using the schools system, your planned tax increase and other ballot measures will be rejected. You must know that you few won’t be the loser; the children will be.
In the interest of our children, grandchildren and educators whose pleas are being ignored, remedy the problem now.
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
6 November 2015
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