Thanks Dick Leshley for your frequent letters to the editor as unofficial Jordan Cove Energy Project (JCEP) spokesperson. Your 12 September letter regarding the proposed JCEP workers camp gives many of us Coos County citizens concern.
Three times we are told that the workers camp is “required by the permitting process” or to “comply with the permitting process”. No it isn’t. It is implied that all temporary JCEP workers will be “earning at least three times the median income of Coos County”. No they won’t. Try 150% inclusive of benefits. Twice we are told “no one knows” how many will “use” or “live in” the camp. We are told that JCEP workers are “free to live anywhere they wish”. Why should temporary guest JCEP workers from third world countries be permitted to live “anywhere” and perhaps disappear permanently into the USA?
Most Coos County citizens don’t oppose a JCEP workers camp per se. People oppose a camp built on swamp land, in a flood plain, in a tsunami zone, close by a residential neighborhood, with parking for almost 1,900 vehicles that will be joining local and highway 101 traveling private and commercial vehicles, coming and going over a two lane bridge and through a single common intersection.
Mr. Leshley must understand that materials for constructing JCEP do not exist on the North Spit. Materials will be arriving by barge, some by rail, much by hundreds of trucks daily that will damage rural and local roads; trucks that will not be paying the contemplated local five cent / gallon surcharge to repair roads; trucks that will join logging, chip, and other trucks passing through the North Bend and Coos Bay city centers and heading for that same intersection.
Deepening and widening the channel for JCEP will increase the volume and velocity of tsunami waters. Sounds to me like two 200 foot flare stacks with 100 foot flames ready to incinerate unsuspecting USCG helicopter crews en route to protecting maritime interests; deafening noise during and after construction; and a camp at the proposed location where 1900 vehicles and 2000 bodies may travel upstream to Coos Bay during a tsunami just adds to the insanity.
The IBM slogan for years was THINK! It was Adolf Hitler who said “What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.” Prove Adolf wrong. Think, speak and register to vote.
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
13 September 2015
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