On another note, Sweet and challenger Don Gurney have agreed to participate in the first ever Yāhoo Candidate Forum to be held on October 6, beginning at 7PM at the Coquille Community Center – Small Auditorium. The forum is hosted by the Yāhoos of Coos County and everyone is welcome. Questions will submitted from the audience. Forum rules for both attendants and candidates will be posted in the near future.
MGX---Up to Citizens to Use Initiatives to Stop Urban Renewal & Enterprise Zones
MGX---Article on Server Attacks, SCCF Vote, & The Oregonian
MGX---The Yahoos in Rural Coos Could Pick the next County Commissioner
MGX---Mary Geddry offers Critique of The Oregonian Article on CEP
BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County
MGX---CEP/SCCF will Impact ALL of Oregon
MGX---Geddry Slams Koch over Forced Cooperation & Jordon Cove Funding
MGX---Fighting over the Jordan Cove Spoils
MGX---Tioga gun club not priority say commissioners
Tioga Sports Park Gun Range Public Meeting January 30, 2014
MGX---The Jordon Cove Plan using County Tax Dollars
MGX---Mary still tackling taxes and government development
MGX---Citizens may have to solve this problem without elected leaders
MGX---Rebuttal to Wayne Krieger
MGX---Mary slams The World, Jon Barton, Messerle, The ORRCA Board and LNG
MGX---Economic development spin cycle begins again
MGX----Some Damn good Stories from Mary Geddry
MGX---Older Posts, but still relative....