Let's prove 'yahoos' outnumber cronies at the ballot box

Although, in truth, this is hardly a revelation because the prevailing understanding in the area has always been the company would pay the freight during construction as evidenced by all the resolutions supporting the project stating just that. What is strange is that none of the officials who signed those resolutions uttered a peep when David Koch presented the CEP as a solution to the five year exemption period. Curiously, Koch denied any knowledge of these resolutions even though the one of the entities to pass one was his employer, the Port of Coos Bay.
We also learned, or rather received further affirmation, that the individuals behind this scheme and appointed to administer it do not much care for the public, or at least the public process. Even The World newspaper had to rein in its enthusiasm for the South Coast Community Foundation when it became clear that the directors are not interested in involving the public or the paper, for that matter. One of the SCCF directors referred to the public as “yahoos”. ya·hoo noun \ˈyā-(ˌ)hü, ˈyä-\ a boorish, crass, or stupid person
Again, this is hardly a revelation to the public because if the architects and planners of this plan felt any other way the public would have been invited from the very beginning. Or, the plan would be setup as a public trust rather than a private, insular nonprofit that even after all the bylaw revisions, need not meet any public records law standards. Still, while not a revelation, seeing the directors’ blatant disdain and contempt for the average citizen in print in the largest publication in Oregon confirms the worst fears of the plans opponents. The CEP, and its component parts, the SCCF and the Bayfront Investment Corp, will follow historical precedent and benefit a very few at the expense of everyone else.
The SCCF bylaws describe the qualifications for a seat on the board. [emphasis added]
Each director shall possess the qualities of integrity, capability and knowledge of the community which the Foundation serves, and community standing that will help the board carry out its functions
“Community standing” meant here to assure that “yahoos” need not apply. Or it means cronyism. cro·ny·ism – the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.
Two of the three appointed founding SCCF directors, Bill Lansing and John Whitty’s social skills have been sorely tested with each being caught with the proverbial foot in the mouth.
Having their true character displayed for all to see, is a probably a good thing for the public. For the foundation, however, and its ability to function in the community, their impolitic candor may be more of a hindrance.
Speaking of cronyism, it should be noted that the same people who want to shut out the public are also supporting the reelection of Melissa Cribbins for commissioner and very likely John Sweet as well.
With a less than 22% voter turnout now is the time to prove that the yahoos outnumber the cronies in Coos County. Get your ballot in by Tuesday! Hopefully, we can hold Cribbins and Sweet to just two years on the commission.
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