A Community Enhancement Plan (CEP), a concept and a document that covers Jordan Cove Energy fees in lieu of taxes, and more, that is proposed by the private company SCCF, will soon be before the Coos Bay city council for approval.
This is the same government body that apparently bought the Egyptian Theatre for about $400,000 and sold it for a dollar; that practically gave away the Hollering Place to a sovereign nation tribe and then apparently agreed to spend more than a $100,000 of the people’s money for improvements to the tribe property; that built a Hollering Place viewing area that nobody visits and now are building a nearby sidewalk to nowhere; that apparently paid almost $500,000 for a part of the Central Dock that has not returned anything on investment; who will soon seek a higher gasoline tax. Now, they appear eager to accept an incomplete, not negotiated with or accepted by JCEP, CEP document that is intended to be legally binding on the parties for the next 20 years.
The proposed CEP appears to be great for Canadian Veresen / JCEP, a company that will be making billions and who would not find a welcome mat elsewhere along the North America west coast; not so great for us citizen taxpayers. Please read the CEP document at the Port web site. I have six pages of comments and concerns; you may have more.
Where are the CEP safeguards for the people? Who will guarantee JCEP promises? Why are we giving JCEP tens of millions of our tax dollars annually if they honor their contractual obligations and pay fees on time? Why does the agreement say we are paying JCEP because they moved here? Why are we giving an extra 15 years tax relief to JCEP? Why should we agree to lose control of our government and our tax dollars? Why are we permitting private companies SCCF and CCD Business Development Corp. to have control of tens, maybe hundreds, of millions of taxpayer’s money? Shouldn’t a JCEP negotiated and agreed upon document be approved or rejected by the people? Why does the document say JCEP will hire 50 and there is no obligation to hire “local” people? And, much more.
Were those suggesting a money laundering scheme correct? Please tell your employee Coos Bay, North Bend, and county politicians to run fast and far from this CEP concept.
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
Brief answer to your question. Google Oregon Constitution, Article IX, Section 3a. It's on the Internet. Yes, in his letter to the World paper editor of 8 August, John Whitty who brought us the SCCF, stated that fuels taxes can be used for roads repair. Can, with the legal meaning - to have permission. |
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