Current batch of Coos Bay Officials bring Citizens in line by taxing and feeing them. What Officials? City councilors, power hungry to spend, and choose. Increase electricity franchise fees, direct pass through to Citizens, a gas tax, for 20 years of undone road maintenance. The World editor, advocates tax ourselves.
Councils believed the 30 percent of property tax revenue available to the city general fund has no value for roads and sewer upgrades, would require disbanding the UR districts, thus, their UR power.
We held our meeting and no one came, the Committees and Councilors miss read the no vote of confidence, and proceeded with their agenda, after funding consultant.
Two Sewage plants, smaller, Empire, cannot pump sewage to larger main plant, must be rebuild, next to current functional plant. A change order, of plant pumps sludge, in three pipes, to main plant. Just upgrade main plant, pump excess, sewage from Empire, current facility, to finished processing in main plant. Main plant already on drawing board for upgrade.
Councilors took a loan from DEQ, to build new Empire plant, processed it through City Hall, and have tasked the Citizens with fees to pay it back.
Prior Councils, vote bonded a fire station. Two fire stations, not enough unless one is new. Now, two big to run, isolated, not centrality located for response time to cover low staffing, possible closure of Empire station. Mom, send money quick.
Prior Councils rebuild Library, City Hall, the last building standing earth quake standard, the Visitor Center, build City Dock, blocking view. Also, gave Urban Renewal, UR tax dollars to individuals as grants, and to businesses as facade improvements.
Property Tax revenue increase by 3 percent every year, but never enough.
Wife says don’t mention that buzz word, $$$$ Curb Appeal, OK, I won’t.
Denny Powell
LTE ~ LNG Pipeline Man and His Bag of Money
BOC ~ Releases Coos County Strategic Plan
Sweet admits that community service fess are derivatives of tax dollars
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MGX ~ Interesting Proposition for the Voters of Coos County and a Petition
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Less than 24 Hours After Election & the Sweet Deals Start Rolling Out in #CoosCounty
MGX ~ Sweet's Campaign is Getting Desperate to Turn to the Walrus
Candidate Don Gurney is the Right Choice for Coos County Commissioner
OPRD ~ Fascinating Email Exchange Involving Stuntzner, Sweet, & Bandon Biota
LTE ~ Sweet Deals for Sweet Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty Commissioner
MGX ~ Cribbins, Wiese, Heaton & Political Elite Show True Colors & Insult Public
Coos County Commissioner John Sweet & Mayor Of #Bandon Misleading the Public
John Sweet Lied, Mosquitoes Did Not Die ~ Mosquito Meeting October 23, 2014
LTE~ Vote for Don Gurney for #CoosCounty & Stop Appeasing the #USFWS
LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet
Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire
Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare
LTE ~ Why do #CoosCounty Commissioners Support Failed Economic Policies
Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare
Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation
Yes to LNG, No to the CEP