Unfortunately, for the citizens of Bandon, Coos County Commissioner John Sweet has taken the path of least resistance on the mosquito problem. Appeasing the US Fish and Wildlife Service is not going to make the problem go away. The only way to eradicate the mosquito population, without the expensive practice of dumping caustic chemicals on the marsh, is to remove the source of standing water and reinstall the dikes, which is the recommendation of most mosquito specialist.
Go along to get along is not leadership. Since John Sweet is not willing to fight to reinstall the dikes then he will not get my vote in November.
The Bandon Marsh mosquito problem is just another case of local elected officials rolling over and allowing federal control. I do not understand how US fish and Wildlife owns the land in question. Public land is owned by American citizens not government bureaucracy.
Who gave The Service permission to remove the dikes in the first place? We cannot allow the federal government to impose their will to dictate the permanent removal of the dikes. It is statism.
I support and will be voting for Mr. Don Gurney. He will fight against the prolonged and highly speculative treatment of the marsh chosen by US Fish and Wildlife and work for the already proven solution of reinstalling the dikes---all at the expense of The US Fish and Wildlife Service. Don Gurney is a veteran and he has already saved the county from bankruptcy by convincing the Board of Commissioners to save for an emergency. His actions are sound and decisive, and the best indicator of future performance is past performance, so Vote for Don Gurney as Coos County Commissioner in November and don’t get bitten again.
Roy Eikamp
Bandon OR 97411
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