Another Economic Development/"Corporate Welfare" project paid for by the people of Coos Bay, The Central Planners on the city's Urban Renewal Agency are going to use public monies for the purpose of developing a piece of UR property, so an Indian Tribe can build a high end hotel to compliment the new Indian Casino that will be built in the same area.... As well, The Casino is going to be built on land in a trust and it will not be taxed. Oregonians cannot own a Casino, becasue it is unconstitutional, so why should we subsidize another groups Casino?
In the following files is one edition of the Agreement between the city's Urban Renewal Agency and the Confederate Tribes. There may be future modifications to the contract. The American Indians have been fighting for Tribal sovereignty for decades and they demand to be treated like any independent Nation, so why is this tribe asking for the city to foot the bill of developing one of their projects?
Would the people of Coos Bay be happy to have China or Russia use our public money to fund one of their country's development projects, especially one that promoted a vice?. Vices are not crimes and should not be criminalized, but in the same vein, they should not be promoted either.....Rob T.
Coos Bay's Agreement of Disposition of Property for Development:
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