Contact: Megan Harper (541) 751- 4353
July 1, 2015
Guided Hike at New River to Explore Current Management
BANDON, Ore. – The public is invited to join the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for a guided hike of the New River Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) to explore the area and learn about the agency’s current management of this unique stretch of the Oregon Coast.
The hike will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 11, and the hike will last approximately an hour and a half. Hikers should meet at the New River Nature Center. Participants should bring water, wear sunscreen and wear sturdy shoes suitable for walking in the dirt and sand.
The hike will be the informal kick-off of the BLM’s effort to update the plan that guides the agency’s management of the site. The BLM last updated the plan in 2004.
“New River is one of our coastal treasures, and we manage it to protect the unique habitats in the area that are home to native fish, wildlife and plants,” said Kathy Westenskow, BLM Myrtlewood Field Manager. “We hope people take advantage of this opportunity to explore the site and to start thinking about what they would like to see happen at New River in the future.”
New River ACEC is located eight miles south of Bandon, west of Highway 101. Turn right on to Croft Lake Lane and follow the directional signs to Storm Ranch and the Nature Center.
Additional information on the planning process will be forthcoming in mailings and a website. In the meantime, please contact Racheal Jones or Kip Wright at 541-756-0100 with questions.
For additional information, please contact the BLM’s Coos Bay District Office at (541) 756-0100.
Megan Harper
Public Affairs Specialist
Coos Bay District
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