I understand that in the near future you will be having a presentation on the "Marine Reserves" that NOAA / US Fish & Wildlife have planned for the Southern Oregon Coast. I strongly recommend each of you contact other public officials from Bandon to the California border for their thoughts on this pending disaster. This will destroy fishing, recreational and commercial, on the Oregon Coast. I find no coordination of this project in place.
By law, Federal Land Management Policy Act (FLMPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), all Federal agencies are required to "coordinate" with local governments on all federal plans/projects. The agencies will attempt to get "local governments" to be "Cooperating agencies (CA's)". According to federal handbooks these are two different functions. All of your contacts should be with the "Coordinating Officer" assigned to this project and no other official.
The link, http://naturalresources.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=320773 will show that the agencies use flawed science in their studies.
The actual court case can be found at, http://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/Opinions/Published/112337.P.pdf If anyone has questions about the above statement feel free to contact me, Theo Stanley, 347-4307. I have had some experience in this area. Respectfully, a concerned citizen.
BLM, USFWS, USFS, Using ESA to Intimidate, Bully & Threaten Citizens Rights
Links to Videos of Relevant Meetings Leading up to Resolutions Against NMS
Letter to Editor---Facts to Dispense with Reckless Claims of Local Paper on Sanctuary
Federal Legislation To Protect Oceans from Executive Overreach H.R. 4988
Alarming Article on the Encroachment of the National Marine Sanctuary
The Port Orford Reorganized Fishermen Association Opposes Marine Sanctuary
NOAA---Implementing Presidents Ocean Zoning Plan & Expanding Marine Sanctuary
NOAA---Updates Nominating Process for New National Marine Sanctuaries
Letter to Editor---Ph.D. Misinforms People of Port Orford About Marine Sanctuary
Honest Critique of NOAA Meeting in Port Orford
Why does the Government Own & Hoard Resources?
Local Resolutions Against Marine Sanctuary Off the Coast of Southern Oregon
Natural Resources Committee Approves Legislation to Improve Nation's Fisheries
Port Orford "Action Alert" Environmental Extremist Pushing National Marine Sanctuary
Support Local Hatcheries Protest Native Fish Society April 11, 2014
Port Orford---Residents Get Closer to Recalling the Mayor for Bad Decision Making
EPA---Public Comment on Disapproval of OR Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control
City of Port Orford---Argument for the recall of the Mayor
Senator Whitsett---Oregon: Transfer public lands from feds?
Natural Resources Committee--State Forests Management Superior to Federal Forests
Federal Register taking comments on hunting in The Bandon Marsh