From a Watchdog at the Port of Bandon
Sent: 5/22/2014 3:23:36 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time Subj: NMS visitor info . (salesperson) This person has been invited by Leesa Cobb in Port Orford to come on May 27th, 28th, and 29th, to sell the idea of National Marine Sanctuary closing off 1340 miles of fishing grounds. We haven’t gotten the times of any meetings yet, but everyone needs to be aware of this and be there to dissuade them of any sanctuary here. Please feel free to share this with any fishing people who may be able to help. We will give you times and dates as soon as we know any. | Published on Mar 17, 2013 This is part of a series of video presentations from the State of the California Central Coast symposium, held February 27 - March 1, 2013 in Monterey, CA. The symposium focused on the monitoring and management of California's Central Coast regional network of marine protected areas (MPAs). The presentations and panel discussions shared ecological and socioeconomic results from the first five years of MPA monitoring in the region and new approaches for MPA implementation. The results are accessible in an 'e-book' format that includes inteactive graphs, videos and more on The symposium was convened by California Ocean Science Trust and MPA Monitoring Enterprise, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Fish and Game Commission, and the California Ocean Protection Council. |
Support Local Hatcheries Protest Native Fish Society April 11, 2014
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The Bandon Marsh Mosquito Farm
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