Thanks to Tyler at the US Army Corp of Engineers, we know where this permitting process at the federal level is going. Here is the information you will need to make comments on the permitting of the Winter Lake/China Camp Creek Project. I would encourage everyone living in Coos County to send comments to both Tyler Krug at [email protected] and Madeleine VanderHeyden with the USFWS at [email protected]. The Winter Lake Project was sold as an ODFW project, but it seem that the USFWS is the agency in charge of the project.....Rob Taylor
We are currently evaluating the project under several Nationwide Permits. Specifically Nationwide #27 (Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement Activities), potentially Nationwide Permit #3 (Maintenance) and Nationwide Permit #18 (Minor Discharges). Our current thought is that the project impacts are similar in nature and would not cause more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects, thus allowing the use of general permits. I'm emailing the 2012 Nationwide Permits as well as the Nationwide Permit General and Regional Conditions, DEQ 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions and DLCD CZMA concurrence conditions.
I will discuss internally but we do not currently forecast the need to elevate our review to that of an Individual Permit. If you or other landowners in the BSDD have concerns on the proposed work please provide them in writing to the Corps. We will definitely factor those concerns into our evaluation. Our permit evaluation or any decision would not carry any property rights.
As a side note: Corps understand U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service may provide funding for the project. We're working with them to understand who would/could be responsible for compliance with other applicable laws and regulations.
Thank you for the heads up on concerns and please let me know if you have any questions.
Tyler J. Krug
Regulatory Project Manager | USACE Portland District | North Bend Field Office
2201 N. Broadway Suite C | North Bend, Oregon 97459
O: 541.756.2097 |C: 541.520.6278 |Fx: 541.751.1624 |E: [email protected]
Corps Portland District Regulatory Branch Website:
Customer survey - Please let us know how we're doing:
Corps Regulatory Permitting 101 Module:
From: Anonymous Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 11:00 AM To: Krug, Tyler NWP Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Winter Lake, China Camp Creek project: APP0057054 Thank you so much for this information. I will get it printed and will do some reading. I do have comments and am quite appalled that some of the project is on our property yet I have to request the permit, which is dated Nov. 28, 2014, that should have been sent to me up front. I saw nothing in the document that referenced the geo-tech report that was done some time ago, the hydrology report, or the water management plan. Do you have those documents? My hope is to get something put together for you by the first of the week but will try to get it out no later than the end of next week. If this is inadequate, please let me know. Thanks again for your assistance. |
Hi there,
USFWS is taking the lead federal agency role on the project moving forward. I suggest you contact Madeleine VanderHeyden with the USFWS at (541)347-1470 or [email protected]. Also, for project materials you can contact Ms. Merri Martz with TetraTech at [email protected]. She is the consultant working on the project.
Corps is involved but we will be stepping back as USFWS will be taking the lead agency role. We do not distribute the applicant's permit application as our standard process. A Corps decision would carry no property rights or access thereof.
Some things are releasable under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), some aren't. From what I understand the water management plan is still in the works. The project materials are quite large. I suggest you talk to Merri Martz or Fred Messerle to see if they would mail you a CD of the materials for review. You can also submit a FOIA request and we could a lot time to gathering the project info and sending it your way (w/fee).
USFWS is just getting on board and Madeline was going to try to get in touch with you regarding concerns. Please try reaching out to her or Merri.
Thank you,
Tyler J. Krug
Regulatory Project Manager | USACE Portland District | North Bend Field Office
2201 N. Broadway Suite C | North Bend, Oregon 97459
O: 541.756.2097 |C: 541.520.6278 |Fx: 541.751.1624 |E: [email protected]
Corps Portland District Regulatory Branch Website:
Customer survey - Please let us know how we're doing:
Corps Regulatory Permitting 101 Module:
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