The following is the letter sent out by the ODFW to the hunters in a survey on Lead Ammo. California just past an outright ban on the use of lead ammo and eventually some government agency will force that policy on all fifty states through more regulations. In the mean time, hunters who receive this letter can express their opposition to the ban, and if you do not receive the letter, you can still submit your own opinion. Even though, it may not count....Rob T.
OFF---Ban on Lead Ammo Is on the Horizon
ODFW--- Adopt the Coastal Multi-Species Conservation and Management plan
ODFW---Public Comments on Proposed 2015-17 Budget by July 17, 2014
ODFW---Commission Public Meeting Multi-Species Conservation Plan April 25, 2014
ODFW---Public meetings on big game, game bird, and furbearer regulations
ODFW---Public Comment for Coastal Multi-Species Conservation & Management Plan
OWEB Grant Request by The Nature Conservancy 2013
Fishing Alert---The State is forcing a reduction in certain fish populations, Why?
ODFW---A bright outlook for ocean salmon seasons
ODFW---Ice fishing on Diamond Lake
ODFW---Parking permits now required at nine ODFW Wildlife Areas
ODFW---Buy hunting/fishing licenses now
ODFW---Gray whales are migrating along the Oregon Coast
Letter to Editor Eel Lake trade by Bob Main 12-07-2012
Oregon Fish & Wildlife Meeting Subject: EEL LAKE/COQUILLE VALLEY LAND EXCHANGE