You may have been getting a few emails from us recently. It’s not because we want to flood your inbox, it’s because we’re really excited about this upcoming year, and we’re thrilled to have you as part of our team.
What happens at our annual meeting?
We hold our standard board meeting, but then we delve into a review of what we’ve accomplished this last year, and where we’re going next year. We also hold elections for open board seats and our Executive Committee.
That’s why we’ve been following up with many of you about your annual commitment cards. We’ll still bill you in whichever month works best for you, but we just need to know that you’re on board for this next year so we can include you in board seat appointments if you’re interested in serving and it helps us solidify our budget which we will be approving at this meeting as well.
Oh, and there’s lunch too!
Ok, when is it?
We will be holding it on June 2nd from 10:00-2:00 at the OSU Extension Building in Myrtle Point (631 Alder St)
If you’re planning to attend, please let Shaun know at [email protected] and we’ll make sure to have some tasty food there waiting for you!
Annual Meeting Invite
What else is happening?
Lots! We’ve just hired a new Administrative Assistant, Krystal Moffett. She’ll be starting on Monday. Come by and say hello!
Over the weekend, our phone and internet systems will be updated. There are some systems in place to help with the transition, but we may be a bit hard to reach Monday-Wednesday next week. Please feel free to call my cell if you can’t get through (541-808-7774) or email me at [email protected] .
As many of you know, we’ve been working with a large group of partners on developing a center for entrepreneurship. This center would house incubator and accelerator spaces, a commercial kitchen and be a co-location of services with many local agencies that work to support business development in our region. We still have a LONG way to go, but we’ve been busy working on that and we are getting really excited.
We’ve also come up with a name, The REEF: The Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Framework. Successful entrepreneurship takes a diverse mixture of players, support systems, and the perfect environment for growth. We are working to develop the ecosystem needed for small business innovation and growth right here on the South Coast.
Things are moving right along, and we’ll keep you updated as we make progress.
Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Framework
We hope to see you all at our Annual Meeting in a couple of weeks. As always if there is ever anything we can help with, please know our door is always open.
Have a great weekend!
Connie Stopher
Executive Director
South Coast Development Council
50 Central Avenue, Suite A
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Phone: 541-266-9753
Cell: 541-808-7774
Email: [email protected]