Coosville Chooses to Preserve the Second While Rejecting Another Tax
Despite the irrational warnings coming from the gun control alarmists, 8,905 Coos county voters decided to preserve a valued right of the individual to keep and bear arms by successfully ratifying the Second Amendment measure 6-151 with a 61% majority.
In turn, and in a display of sheer dissatisfaction with the leadership on the Board of Commissioners, those same voters rejected another government grab for the people’s hard-earned cash by vetoing the Transient Occupancy Tax, measure 6-152.
One of the better resulting factors of the election was the national media coverage debating the legal validity of the preservation ordinance, which keeps the issue at the forefront of discussion. The spokespersons for the leftist news outlets immediately brought out several law experts rebuking the idea of reaffirming the sacred right of self-defense, while the more constitutionally adherent legal professionals presented rebuttals to the contrary.
The Huffington Post immediately posted this very biased headline on November 03, 2015, “Oregon County Passes Measure Directing Sheriff To Block State And Federal Gun Laws P.S. This is illegal.”
The following is a quote from the article:
“Charlie Hinkle, a constitutional law expert in Portland, Oregon, said (Sheriff) Zanni would be violating his oath of office by enforcing a county ordinance that is contrary to state or federal law. |
Sporting such an outrageous title, it was no surprise their expert espoused this bit of legalese opposing the measure.
““The Coos County referendum to nullify state firearms law and require the sheriff to analyze whether federal and state firearms laws are constitutional displays a gross misunderstanding of the U.S. Constitution,” said Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. “The measure misuses constitutional provisions to support the proposition that a jurisdiction may disobey federal and state laws when residents disagree with those laws on political grounds.”” |
“Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, said the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution leaves “no question that federal law trumps state law” and that any sheriff who violates a state law requirement could run into legal issues.” |
On Sunday, November 8, the publication, The New American, came to the defence of the people’s right to act as the “principal” of the country, and “nullify” unconstitutional laws.
The most effective weapon in the war against small and large tyrannical attacks on liberty is nullification. Nullification occurs when a state, county, city, or other local entity holds as null, void, and of no legal effect any act of any government body that exceeds the boundaries of its constitutional powers. |
First, the Sheriff is NOT an agent of the State. He is an elected representative of The People. The State does not hire a Sheriff; the People elect him, and they expect him to keep his oath to the people. Inherent in that oath is the requirement of the Sheriff to protect the people from all who would take their property in violation of their rights. We expect that our Sheriff, as much as he is able, will help to protect our homes, our property, our lives, and our families from the acts of those who would violate our rights. But what happens when it’s the government itself that takes up the role of one who would take our rights, the role of the criminal? |
Coosville preserves 2nd Amendment and rejects new tax
Media Reports on Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance Measures 6-151
OFF ~ Stop the EMERGENCY (clause) ~ Sign the Petition ~ Defend the People's Right
The Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance Wins the Election in Coos County
Cease Oregon Gun-Control Nazi’s Call County Voters Fringe Wing of Gun Lobby
LTE ~ VOTE YES on 2A Preservation Ordinance
OFF ~ OR Legislature Possible New Laws & COURT RULES on GUN BAN
ACTION ALERT ~ Coos County Vote YES ON measure 6-151 ~ November 3, 2015
Senate Republican Responds to Questions About Preventing Firearm Tragedies
Resistance to 941 Grows Especially Here in Coos County ~ Time to Rally
Coos County Second Amendment Rally Friday August 28, 2015 5 pm to 7 pm
VOTE YES!!! ~ Measure 6-151 The Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance
LTE ~ The Second Amendment Preservation Petition Submitted to County Clerk
Download The John Sweet Recall Flyer & The Second Amendment Preservation Flyer
Cribbins & Sweet Snub Second Amendment Supporters Again
History of the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance
OFF ~ Recall Petitioners Take Heat ~ Sweet Recall Continues