If you are unfortunate enough to have a TV, you have no doubt been hammered with Bloomberg purchased ads promoting the Prozanski/Hoyle gun owner registration law.
The ad features a former Portland Police Chief (and Bloomberg shill) spewing lies before a background of soft-focus child actors playing in a park.
Since the chief sponsors of the bill (Prozanski and Hoyle) are shameless liars, why shouldn't the ad be a collection of lies?
But why would they feel the need to dump millions into ads for a bill they have already passed? Is it because they are fearful that as people start finding out exactly how bad this bill is there will be a backlash?
Well there is a backlash and it's been building.
Today we received a new county resolution opposing SB 941. Douglas County has added itself to the growing list of Counties and Sheriffs going on record against SB 941. We thank the commissioners for their courage and for standing up to the attacks on their constituents.
Of course, the liars who supported this attack on your rights continue to claim that almost 90% of Oregonians are eager to have their privacy invaded, their safety compromised and their property tracked for future confiscation. (Except Val Hoyle who recently dropped the number to "almost 80%".)
With most counties on record opposing 941 and some saying they simply will not enforce it, it must be getting harder and harder for the Bloomberg stooges to trot out their fiction with a straight face. But if you have unlimited funds you can at least run an endless series of ads.
With Douglas County on board, and Lane County having also rejected SB 941, bill sponsor and chief gun grabber, Floyd Prozanski is in an uncomfortable position. You see, Prozanski's district covers parts of both Lane and Douglas Counties. That means that the commissions in both his counties have stood up to his lies and shady maneuvers. But more importantly, it is those very commissioners who will be choosing Prozanski's replacement should he lose his recall election.
The Recall Prozanski campaign is going strong and there is still time to sign the petition to send Floyd back to his day job "prosecuting" traffic tickets. If you live in his district, or know people who do, please visit the recall website to sign a petition. And please consider any support you can give OFFPAC to fund this effort.
Meanwhile, in Coos County, pro-rights activists have bypassed their county commission, which refused to stand up for residents, and have placed a pro-Second Amendment ordinance on the ballot for the November election. This is the kind of action that grass roots activists can take when their elected representatives are too cowardly or too lazy to act on their own.
This battle is far from over. The people are stepping up. We have a long way to go, but with each passing day the resistance to the tyranny of the Bloomberg flunkies is growing.
Coos County Second Amendment Rally
Friday August 28, 2015 5 pm to 7 pm
Coos County Second Amendment Rally Friday August 28, 2015 5 pm to 7 pm
VOTE YES!!! ~ Measure 6-151 The Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance
LTE ~ The Second Amendment Preservation Petition Submitted to County Clerk
Download The John Sweet Recall Flyer & The Second Amendment Preservation Flyer
The Mosquitoes Return to the Coquille Valley
Sweet Recall Meeting 7:00pm Friday July 31, 2015
Cribbins & Sweet Snub Second Amendment Supporters Again
History of the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance
OFF ~ Recall Petitioners Take Heat ~ Sweet Recall Continues
OFF ~ Another Sheriff Says No to SB941 While Cribbins & Sweet Whistle in the Wind
OFF ~ Sine Die Legislature Ends The Local Fight Begins
Second Amendment Deficiency Letter on Initiative ~ the Petition Drive Continues
Special Second Amendment Event in Josephine County July 11, 2015
OFF ~ Democrats Smell Fear & Republicans Are Fearful Sadly Even Krieger & Kruse
IMPORTANT NOTICE ~ Cribbins & Sweet Recall Organizing Meeting June 12, 2015