Robert E Lee is one of the most honorable, virtuous men that ever lived…ever. He was a hero of the Mexican American war and served in the US Army for 32 years before being forced to follow his conscience, resign his commission, and defend the land of his birth from the impending illegal invasion by Lincoln. His motto was God, Family, State, Country in that order and with great sadness for what was coming, he turned down Lincolns offer to lead the Union Army and resigned his commission to join the Confederacy and defend his home and family.
Lee was loved and respected by all, on both sides because of his commitment to duty, work ethic, virtue and character. Lee is to this day; has only been outpointed by one other person at West Point and is the only cadet to ever graduate West Point with NO demerits. He was the epitome of class.
The South DID NOT go to war to protect slavery. Slavery was already legal and the Corwin amendment that would have passed, would have amended the Constitution to allow States to choose whether to have slaves or not. The South went to war to defend against an invasion, to protect State rights and the Constitution, and because the South was being taxed to death and basically had no say in Washington.
Lincolns war was a cultural war kind of like we are seeing today. Confederate Soldiers were the bravest soldiers that have ever lived, doing more with less. The South saw their land being pillaged, burned and destroyed , their women being raped, and their families being killed by the TOTAL WAR that the Union adopted. The South then had to endure hatred and Martial law for twelve years after the war was over as carpetbaggers stole their land and destroyed their States. By the way, the TOTAL WAR tactics used against the South was later used against the Indians.
The cowards that are trying to destroy our history by tearing down Confederate monuments will not stop there. They will soon be coming for monuments of our founding fathers. These are the same kind of Post Modern Marxists Commies that want to get rid of crosses, free speech, Christmas and any kind of tradition or history that helped make us the exceptional nation we are. They don’t like Individualism, Liberty, truth, or the US…they are Ameriphobes and they hate us. Their goal is for a one world socialist government and to them, the end justifies the means no matter what or who they destroy to get it. It didn’t work for Hitler and it won’t work for them. All history needs to be protected whether you like it or not. If we don’t know where we have been, we can’t guide our way through the future. Protect our country, Study History and speek up.
In Liberty,
Chris Brumbles
Columbia County Coordinator
Oregon Firearms Federation
Founder, Irregulars 3%