BALLOT MEASURE 6-172 Voting “Yes” on Ballot Measure 6-172 would approve an amendment to the City Charter, prohibiting the City from spending public funds on the operation & maintenance of a swimming pool, without prior approval by the voters. Voting "Yes" would save tax dollars and voter authority on unnecessary spending. Voting “No” will leave the City Charter, as is, which means the city council will take it as a mandate from the voters to spend every last dime of the public’s money on this sinkhole, no matter how detrimental it might be the city's economic solvency---all for a feel-good policy. |
CAPTION: Voter Approval Required for City to Expend Funds on Pool
QUESTION: Should Bandon's Charter restrict spending (other than private donations or grants) for operation or maintenance of any pool?
SUMMARY: Currently, the City has no public swimming pool. There have been public and private organizations that have attempted to organize efforts for construction of a pool. The City has not formally supported any entity's efforts. The Mayor and City Council may determine the City can support a pool construction effort in non-monetary ways but has determined it is not in the best interest of City to risk spending public funds for the maintenance and operation of a swimming pool if a public or private entity is unable after construction of a pool to sustain those costs. The passage of the proposed measure would allow the City to express its support for some swimming pool project but preclude the spending of any tax payer funds for the operation or maintenance, except as specifically authorized by the voters. The City and Urban Renewal would still be able to apply and provide matching funds for capital and construction grants.
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City of Bandon Ballot Measure #6-172 Urban Renewal Funding for Public/Private Pool
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