Bandon Pool Ballot Measure 6-172 |
Results of the last election with the pool question:
VICTORY for the Taxpayer ~ Measure FAILED Bandon Community Swimming Pool Recreation District Formation Measure (November 6, 2012)A Bandon Community Swimming Pool Recreation District Formation measure was on the November 6, 2012 election ballot in Coos County, which is in Oregon, where it was defeated. If approved, this measure would have formed the Bandon Community Swimming Pool Recreation District with a tax rate of $0.489 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. This District would be formed in order to construct, operate and maintain a public swimming pool in the Bandon city limits.[1] |
Press Release ~ Coos Bay Considers Amending Empire Urban Renewal Tax Scheme
Registered Sex Offender Who Received UR Money Threatens Legal Action
Coos Bay Gave Urban Renewal Money to a Registered Sex Offender
Coos Bay Pays Around $406,000 to Repair Mingus Park Pool
Coos Bay Considers Eliminating Voter Approval for the Sale of Revenue Bonds
Coos County Public Hearing on Extending the Urban Renewal Tax Debt Dec. 13, 2017
The Excesses of Tax-Increment Financing & Urban Renewal
Coos Bay URA Spends $300,000 on North-South Gateway While Streets Deteriorate
Coos Bay Street Action Plan Open House Thursday, June 8, 2017, 5:30pm
Coos Bay Legally Steals from Average Citizens to Decorate a Private Business
Coos Bay Taking from the Poor to Give to the Privileged Using Urban Renewal
Coos Bay Gives $97,000 of Public Money to the Local Drama Club
Coos Bay Redistributing Money to Owners of Historical Places
Coos Bay Giving Away Public Money to a Private Business Using Urban Renewal