During the development, the city planners of CB surmised that people living in the surrounding area would travel to CB to swim in their public pool. The residents of Bandon were part of those statistics, because the city did not have a public pool at the time, and that holds true through today. A pool in Bandon would be a financial loss for the pool in Mingus Park, because it takes more customers to support that pool than are available in the entire city of Coos Bay and they knew this when it was built. North Bend made those same estimations when their city constructed the NB public pool.
Each new public pool in Coos County draws revenue from all previously constructed pools, so at some point these projects will over saturate the county costing the taxpayers millions. The people from the cities without pools have to except the reality of the situation and reside in the fact they will have to travel to do their swimming……Rob T.
The following information is from official city documents and public inquiries
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 2:31 PM
To: Susanne Baker
Subject: Official Inquiry on Mingus Park Pool
The following is an inquiry on the city council meeting for January 23, 2018 about the Mingus Park Pool, Agenda Item 2.E.
The item is in the attachment.
What was the total cost of the repair project?
From: Jim Hossley <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2018 11:00 AM
To: Susanne Baker; Rob Taylor
Subject: RE: Official Inquiry on Mingus Park Pool
Mr. Taylor:
Thanks for your inquiry. The total cost of the Mingus Pool project is $406,704.04. Staff requested authorization to spend up to $408,000 in case another invoice from the project plumber or electrician was to come in late. The $406,704.04 amount includes $276,000 paid to Anderson to provide the equipment. Anderson was not used to perform any of the other work or items they bid on (shown in the list of values you provided below). Plumbing and electrical materials and work were provided by local plumbing and electrical firms. Their costs are also included in the total Mingus Pool project cost, as are equipment rental and other minor work provided by other firms.
I trust this answers your questions.
Jim Hossley
Public Works and Community Development Director
City of Coos Bay
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 11:32 AM
To: Jim Hossley <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Official Inquiry on Mingus Park Pool
The funding for the current project for Mingus Park Pool is coming from the Parks Improvement Fund and The Major Capital Fund, and I know how the city spends the Parks Improvement Fund.
However, what is the purpose of the Major Capital Fund?
Hi Rob:
I answered your questions below in red.
Jim Hossley
Public Works and Community Development Director
City of Coos Bay
How much does it cost annually to operate and maintain the Mingus Park Pool? The City does not operate the pool, a non-profit organization manages the day-to-day operations. They charge fees to swimmers, swim teams, and for tournaments. They provide basic management services, operation, maintenance, and life guard services for the pool. The City pays utility costs, which includes heating the pool, minor maintenance repairs, and the City pays chemical costs. This fiscal year $91,000 is budgeted for the City’s portion of “Pool Operations” which is a single budget line item within the City’s General Fund Parks budget. Through the first six months of the fiscal year the City has spent $23,243 on pool operations. I do not know the pool management organization’s revenues and expenditures.
Is this current project just a repair or is it part of regular maintenance? This project is a repair and refurbishment of the pool mechanical system and not part of regular maintenance.
Would you be able to send me the pool budget from the last FYE? Last FYE 2017, the “Pool Operations” budgeted amount was $70,000. Actual cost was $72,413.
Thank you for all your help and I hope to use this info for the benefit of both cities and especially the tax payer.
Jim Hossley
Public Works and Community Development Director
City of Coos Bay
Agenda Staff Report
This item was previously discussed at Joint URA/Council Worksession on 7/25/2017
MEETING DATE December 12, 2017
FROM: Randy Dixon, Operations Administrator
THROUGH: Rodger Craddock, City Manager
ISSUE: Request for Additional Funding - Mingus Pool Project
SUMMARY: Mingus pool mechanical rehabilitation project is completed. The improvements made to the facility will allow the community many more years of pleasure, and it will allow efficient operation! Anderson Pool Works supplied mechanical equipment, and City staff and service contractors provided the labor for the project. The plumbing portion was estimated to be around $6,500, (T&M) time and material; however, there were a few design changes to the plumbing configuration that affected plumbing cost. The actual plumbing cost came in at $23,869.61. At the August 1, 2017 Council meeting, Jim Hossley requested the project budget not to exceed $328,350.00 including 10% contingency. Given the change order for the pluming portion of the project, the actual overall cost of the project is $347,451.27.
ACTION REQUESTED: If it please the Council, revise the Mingus Pool mechanical project budget not to exceed $347,451.27 which includes the additional plumbing expenses.
BACKGROUND: April 2016, the City applied for a Government Grant (LGGP) through Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to improve Mingus Park Community Pool. September 2015, the City was informed by Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that the City was awarded the LGGP 40/60 grant for a total grant amount of $371,770.00. The project was broken into two phase; Phase 1.) Dressing/Restroom Rehab. Phase 2.) Mechanical Operations Rehab. Last year the dressing/restroom were rehabilitated which cost $96,601.67 of the $371,770 which left $221,774 for Phase 2.
BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: The City will be partially reimbursed for this project from Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Local Government Grant Program and the Energy Trust of Oregon. Matching funds come from in-kind labor and equipment plus cash from Fund 17 Parks Improvement.
This item was previously discussed at
Joint URA/Coucil Worksession on 1/23/2018
MEETING DATE February 6, 2018
FROM: Randy Dixon, Operations Administrator
THROUGH: Rodger Craddock, City Manager
Request Additional Spending Authority for the Mingus Pool Repair Project
SUMMARY: Staff presented to the Council on December 19, 2017 a staff report regarding expenses on the Mingus Pool Project, which at that time, we had thought all material invoices were accounted for. Not so, All Coast Plumbing who is the City service contractor for plumbing did not turn in all the material invoices. The actual plumbing cost T&M (time and material) came in at $63,938.43. It should be noted, Anderson Pool Works bid the plumbing portion for $406,000. Below is breakdown of bid items by Anderson Pool Works on the project before the City self-performed the project. The City accepted bids to rehab the Mingus Pool facility, and we received one bid: $890,650 from Anderson Pool Works. Once the City received only one bid, which was 60% over budget, staff recommended to self-perform using City labor and service contractors plumbing & electrical. Council approved of self-performing the work; therefore, staff requested T&M estimates from service contractors. However, staff only received labor cost not material. Service contractors thought the City was supplying material, so they never provided those cost to the City. This was not realized until about 40% into the project. In an effort to prevent this from ever happening again clear communication and understanding with our service contractors will be established to ensure we have accurate labor and material cost. Additionally, due to the unknowns associated with most of our self-perform projects, project budgets will be crafted to include total cost including 25% contingency.
On December 19, 2017, Council approved project cost of up to $385,000; however, the project is over that amount by $21,704.04. We will need to be adjusted from $385,000, not to exceed $408,000.
ANDERSON POOL BID: Equipment Cost: $276,000 Building Mech: $102,000 Pool Plumbing Mech: $406,000 Pool Shell: $106,650 Total Bid Cost: $890,650
SELF PERFORM: $406,704.04 OPRD Grant: <$163,728.93> City Out Pocket Cost: $242,975.11 The City will also be reimbursed by the Energy Trust of Oregon. At this time staff expects the reimbursement to exceed $10,000.
ACTION REQUESTED: If it please the Council, revise the Mingus Pool mechanical project budget not to exceed $408,000. BACKGROUND: April 2015, the City applied for a Government Grant (LGGP) through Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to improve Mingus Park Community Pool. September 2015, the City was informed by Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that the City was awarded the LGGP 40/60 grant for a total grant and City match amount of $371,770.00. The project was broken into two phase. Phase 1.) Dressing/Restroom Rehab. Phase 2.) Mechanical Operations Rehab. Last year the dressing/restroom was rehabilitated which cost $96,601.67 which left grant funds of approximately $164,000 for Phase 2.
BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: The City will be partially reimbursed for this project from Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Local Government Grant Program and the Energy Trust of Oregon. Matching funds come from in-kind labor and equipment plus cash from Fund 17 Parks Improvement and Fund 34 Major Capital Reserve.The project would need additional Council approval for a total project cost not to exceed $408,000, approval of a supplemental budget to transfer funds to the Parks Improvement Fund from the Major Capital Fund, and Council approval of the increased dollar amount of the task order/contract with All Coast Plumbing from $25,000 per occurrence to $63,938.43 due to the final plumbing costs.
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