Most residents of Bandon think a proposed pool site is next to the Youth Center.
They are unaware of what City Council, the Planning Department and Parks
and Recreation are doing under pressure from the pool lobby.
On record at their Feb. 5, 2018 City Council meeting, the mayor and members
of the Council state the many reasons why a pool would NOT be a good idea
in City Park. The 5-1 vote of the Council was “NO POOL in City PARK.”
However, on Sept. 13, 2018 City employees from the aforementioned
Departments, and at taxpayer’s expense, participated in an extensive
“feasibility plan” in addition to plotting out sites IN the Park--the
ones near the library and off Eighth Street being most favorable.
The big question is “WHY?????” Why did the City order this plan???
As one of the 2/3 of the voters in 2012 who voted against the City having a pool,
I think we deserve some answers. Many questions need to be addressed about
liabilities and how our taxes would be used to support the infrastructure for a
project a huge as this one. Ten or more acres of cement could be poured over
green areas in the park, streets could be reconfigured and many residents, not
just the ones close to the park, would have their homes and lives impacted.
At the Feb. 5 City Council meeting, the mayor and the head of City Council said
if not in the Park they would consider “giving the pool lobby a different piece of
City land.”
WHY would this private enterprise be GIVEN a piece of City property in the Park
or otherwise? If some other private enterprise such as a restaurant or a gas
station lobbied heavily for a piece of City land would they be given it?
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