In his letter to the editor - “Join me in voicing support for Jordan Cove” - published November 16 and November 20 (online), Keith Tymchuk of Reedsport informs us that he is a professional politician “six terms” mayor “on Oregon’s south coast” (it’s Reedsport); that he’s been a “port commissioner for nearly 25 years” (it’s not Coos Bay) and that he is a “huge supporter of the Jordan Cove LNG project”.
Up front, I am neutral on the Jordan Cove Energy Project (JCEP). Unlike my many struggling fixed income neighbors, I can relocate if the JCEP LNG factory and humongous vessels present a threat to my safety.
Mr. Tymchuk further tells us that “our tax dollars support Portland school children”; he fails to mention that Portland tax dollars support our schools. He tells us that JCEP will be paying $250 million into a Community Enhancement Plan (CEP); monies “that will go directly to (south coast) school districts”. Mr. Tymchuk gives us his personal (albeit meaningless) “pledge” that this to be implemented some day CEP agreement between JCEP and a group of folks will be a panacea for all that ails us. He does not explain to all that the CEP is a scheme cooked up by, and to be administered by, a few unelected, unappointed, folks that gives hundreds of millions of JCEP tax dollars as fees in lieu of paying taxes. The taxpaying citizens lose all control over what would be many hundreds of millions of tax dollars.
Whoa Mr. Tymchuk! Concurrently, JCEP is expanding its slick PR campaign. We’ve been receiving JCEP junk mail; now it’s television ads on Eugene TV station KEZI and perhaps other electronic media throughout Oregon. In the JCEP ads that are clearly intended to get the support of all Oregonians for their needed site and operating permits, JCEP tells all that they will be pumping $60 million annually into the Oregon (other than south coast) economy.
It’s time for Salem to spend tax dollars that they don’t have. Isn’t it time for an unbiased knowledgeable investigative reporter to tell Oregon taxpayers, with the glut of natural gas how is JCEP able to guarantee that payment of $250 million, or $60 million annually, to whom, commencing when, for how many years, why the proposed CEP is so wonderful for all Oregon taxpayers?
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
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