ART ROBINSON, for US Representative, 4TH District
KNUTE BUEHLER, for Governor, to end Kate’s failed leadership debacle
TERI GRIER, for State Representative, 9th district
DALLAS HEARD for State Senate, district 1
DAVID BROCK SMITH for State Representative, district 1
State Measures:
A, YES vote on measure 103 to prevent any new taxes on our life sustaining food supply.
A, YES vote on measure 104 to insure that any new TAXES by any other name will need a three-fifths majority to pass through the legislature.
A, YES vote on measure 105 to insure that our Law Enforcement Officials can deal with criminals illegally in our State.
A, YES vote on measure 106 to insure that your tax monies are not be used for any individuals personal decision to abort their pregnancy.
And the Oregon Republican Party urges a NO vote on measure 102 to keep your tax dollars from feeding crony capitalists.
County Measures:
A, YES vote on County Measure 6-168 to repeal Urban Renewal Taxing district
Recording of the Jim Bice Election Special October 22, 2018
Oregon Firearms Federation 2018 General Election Candidate Grades
Vote YES on Coos County Measure 6-168 & End the Debt
Feel-Good Tax Repeal on the Ballot in Coos County
City of Bandon ~ Ballot Measure 6-172 Pool Funding ~ Voting YES Means No Pool