From a Watchdog in Brookings
What's wrong with the NDAA?

Shane Ozbun, Tom McKirgan and Rob Taylor The NDAA is an act that funds the U.S. military and sets policy regarding federal expenditures. But, as Ozbun pointed out, beginning in 2012 it included provisions that allow the federal government to indefinitely detain US citizens without due process or trial! He used several video clips featuring attorney and former prosecutor Kris Anne Hall who provided further details, including the lack of definition for terms such as a "belligerent act" (which may lead to indefinite detention). Ozbun also indicated that state and local government are pushing back with a variety of resolutions condemning part of the NDAA. Four states -- Alaska, California, Michigan and Virginia -- have enacted laws that nullify certain provisions of the NDAA. Similar legislation has been introduced in several other states. McKirgan followed-up with similar comments. He also cited federal government programs that are giving local law enforcement military weapons and armored vehicles. Rob Taylor put a local twist to the event when he described his success in getting the Coos County Commissioners to support a resolution against the NDAA, along with a pending referendum to force the City of Coos Bay to take similar actions. His message was that the NDAA has to be fought first at the local level.
Other speakers included Sheriff Dean Wilson (Del Norte County, CA) who made it clear that various sheriff associations overwhelmingly support local law enforcement over the NDAA and federal military actions.
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