Before any great construction there has to be a plan, the United Nations, with the cooperation of the U.S. federal government, has plans to construct a matrix to control, catalog, and compartmentalize all the natural resources and every living species on the entire planet. The plan has a name and it is very real. It is the agenda, AGENDA 21.
It is not a conspiracy theory or a plot to a spy thriller, because there are millions of easily accessible official government documents pertaining to this subject. There is so much of an overabundance of quantitative and qualitative evidence of this agenda that it is impossible for anyone to deny the existence of this plan. However, there seems to be a stigmatic component to the discussion of any aspects of the Agenda or its effects on the public domain. Lucky for the people of Coos County, there are those brave enough to trek headfirst into this quagmire of political intrigue.
The nonprofit organization “Coos County Today” will be having two meetings, one in Bandon, and one in Coquille, to discuss the subject of Local Agenda 21.
The first meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 11:00 AM in the Bandon Library located at 1204 11th St SW Bandon OR 97411. The meeting will take place in the large conference room.
The Second meeting on this subject is on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 11:00 AM in the Large Conference Room of the Owen Building located on 225 N. Adams Street Coquille OR 97423. For more information, please contact me, Rob Taylor at [email protected] or check out my website at www.CoosCountyWatchdog.com.
I will be giving a power point presentation on Local Agenda 21 and the astounding growth of federal land acquisitions in Oregon and more specifically the Coquille Valley. Other members of the group, Don Chance & Jill Halliburton, will be speaking on future strategies for property owners in Coos County. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend this family friendly event. We will have gourmet coffee and cookies available at both events, as long as supplies last.
The group Americans for Prosperity will be having Lieutenant Robert Powell, Retired U.S. Coast Guard as their main speaker for their groups next meeting on Thursday, May 9th, 2013 starting at 5:30 p.m. in the ESD Building located on 1350 Teakwood Avenue Coos Bay OR 97420. This event is a Potluck Dinner, so please bring your favorite dish.
Lt. Powell will be discussing the liberty damaging factors of Agenda 21 currently occurring in Crook County. The county officials there have passed an ordinance restricting gatherings on private property, Ordinance #235. One new county ordinance, Ordinance #259, adopts new zoning maps from the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, which will further restrict the rights of property owners. There are many in Crook County who are openly opposing the counties transportation plan, healthy cities campaign and of course, the instillation of smart meters. All these meetings are open to the public and are recorded and videotaped for posterity.
Eventually the Agenda will affect you and your family, so it would behoove you to educate yourself on what is happening in the community. The recent “Dark Skies” lighting ordinance passed by the Bandon City council and then defeated by a referendum vote of the people, is very much part of Local Agenda 21. The planned expansion of the Bandon marsh and the closure of the sand dunes to off-roaders are also part of the agenda and these are just a few examples of what is taking place in our county. The people of this country are duty bound to learn about the alternatives and political mechanisms to stop AGENDA 21 or suffer the consequences of its implementation.
Support SB478
NO on Measure 6-148 The Bandon Lighting Ordinance
City of Bandon---Outdoor Lighting Ordinance Measure 6-148
Bandon: The City of Ordinances
Keep the Lights ON in Bandon
Public Law 107-40
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2013
The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
The US Forest Service Is Involved With Another Land Grab in Coos County
My choices for the Ballot in the General Election of November 2012
The Voice of the Voters
The Administrator
Matt Rowe for Mayor Rally
“Coos County Today”
Silent victory over Urban Renewal in Coos County
There was an incident at the Fair.
The Realm of Business
A Meeting About Nothing....