From a Watchdog in Coos Bay:

Publicity Release
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) 3/18/2014
For Immediate Release
The Coos County chapter of Americans for Prosperity, aka AFP, is hosting a presentation by Kathy Jones, the owner of THE SENECA FAMILY OF COMPANIES, of Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday, April 10th, at the South Coast Education Service District, 1350 Teakwood Ave., Coos Bay.
Ms. Jones will address various topics, including, but not limited to:
· The current political agenda concerning O & C lands.
· The Environmental movements effect on lumber harvesting and the financial impact on the rural areas of the state of Oregon.
· Since the Federal Government owns 63% of our forest lands, should those lands be managed by our state rather than east coast environmentalists.
· It cost us over 70,000 jobs thereby choking the life out of our local economies, impacting schools, road maintenance, law enforcement, fire protection, and every other aspect of our local governments.
· We were once the foremost timber/lumber producers of the world with prosperous self-sustaining communities. What happened? What do we need to do to reverse this destructive movement?
The SENECA FAMILY OF COMPANIES, of Eugene, considers these tough questions and requests your presence at the program.
This presentation is open to the public, Thursday, April 10th at the ESD building, just off of Koos Bay Blvd., on Teakwood Ave in Coos Bay, 5 to 8pm. Come enjoy a potluck and enter into the discussion. Ready to deliver the action items to questions regarding our timber industry that have affected the south coast for decades, Ms. Jones is on a mission to impact an industry that hasn't seen this type of enthusiasm in a long, long time. There is no admission charge and the public is welcome.
Rick Hoffine
Asst Chapter Leader
Coos Co. AFP
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson
Thursday, April 10, 5 to 8 pm
1350 Teakwood Ave
Coos Bay, OR 97420
No Host Pot Luck Dinner---Bring your favorite dish....
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