Save American Small Family Farmers! Demand Congressional Investigation!

I issued this Sledgehammer Alert last week, asking activists across the nation to sign the petition to demand a Congressional investigation of the Piedmont Environmental Council. I’m sending it again. It is urgent that we obtain as many signatures on this petition as possible right now.
This is not a local issue in Fauquier County, VA. The Piedmont Environmental Council is just one of hundreds (if not thousands) of such local groups operating in every community in American. They have incredible power and wealth to enforce their agenda on your community, on your lives, on your property, on your job, on your family. They do it with unlimited power granted to them by your elected officials. And they do it with the kind of viciousness that comes with such unlimited power. They must be stopped if we are to have any hope of preserving freedom in this nation.
Martha Boneta has had the courage to challenge and defy them. She has endured every attack they can muster, including invasion of her property for on-sight inspections under the excuse of the conservation easement they forced on her. And when she stood up and said “no more,” she found herself mysteriously facing an IRS audit. Coincidentally, the person who used to head up the IRS under Bill Clinton is on the PEC board of directors. Now, as Martha’s law suit against them comes up for trial, the PEC is moving to have all evidenced sealed by the court in order to hide any wrong doing that may come out at the trial.
This is an evil that lives in the dark corners of every community in the nation. Martha is paving the way to expose it in one case. She needs our help. If she can win against the PEC it will set a precedent for every one of us in our own area of the nation. This is a national issue!
That’s why it is vital that we show massive support behind her by signing this petition calling for a Congressional investigation of the PEC. If only 1,000 sign it, PEC will simply laugh at our feeble effort. If 500,000 sign it they will shake in their earth shoes.
Please, today, if you haven’t already, sign the petition. Get each and every member of your family to sign it. Your friends, neighbors and coworkers too. We need at least 500,000 signatures now. We need to show unity in our movement. We need Shock and Awe. Please -- I need you to join this vital struggle for freedom.
Click here to sign the petition
Small Family Farmers are being Forced off of their Land by Land Trust
We Demand Congressional Investigation!

2. To obtain that goal, it is charged that the PEC operated in collusion with a private real estate firm to lobby a Fauquier county zoning manager, plus members of the elected country board of supervisors, to issue zoning citations against Mrs. Boneta’s property.
3. There is also evidence (through electronic messages) that the PEC met directly with members of the county board of supervisors to specifically discuss and plan direct harassment of the Boneta farm.
4.The PEC is alleged to directly or indirectly be responsible for a sudden IRS audit of the Boneta family, particularly in light of the fact that former IRS Chief, Margaret Richardson now serves as a board member of the PEC.
5. The PEC, a 501(c)3 non-profit Land Trust that has received millions of dollars to acquire conservation easements, entered in to a private confidential documented contract with private real estate entities and in doing so it is believed the PEC has possibly violated their not-for-profit tax status.
6. There is no oversight committee whatsoever to oversee these Land Trusts. As a result they are in a position to abuse power. There must be a congressional oversight committee to protect the welfare of the American public at large.
Therefore, I, the undersigned concerned American citizen demand an immediate congressional investigation into the evidence of the charges of collusion and the harassment campaign waged against the Boneta family by the Piedmont Environmental Council. The PEC’s actions indicate possible violations of its 501c3 educational status as a result of the PEC’s lobbying for legislation and regulations for the purpose of using the power of government to target one farmer for the PEC’s personal gain; and, as a result, the possible need by the IRS to immediately revoke the PEC’s tax-exempt status.
Why is this important?
The PEC is a 501(c)3 non-profit land trust that uses tax payer's money to obtain conservation easements. The PEC is alleged to have acted in direct conflict by engaging in actions that have included contracting with private realtors in a confidential agreement. .
How it will be delivered Email signatures as well as deliver in person with a press conference.
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