From a Watchdog in Curry County:
Update: Is Curry County Really Broke?

summary/overview of my candidacy. This includes topics such as:
• Why I'm running
• Education & Background
• Commissioner lack of Credibility & voter Trust
• My Recommendations Going Forward
That summary/overview is attached.
One astounding expensive event occurred this past Wednesday Oct. 1, 2014 during another
marathon Curry County Commissioner general meeting that lasted nearly three hours.
That event has become the main subject of this update.
The meeting agenda item was 6. k. Hire Order, J. Schmelzer, Director of Administration
This is the 4th Director of Administration hired by commissioners since around mid - 2011.
The electronic "Agenda Packet" as it is now referred to with all the detailed information
(177 pages for this meeting) was not made available online for citizen review until the next
day. So, citizens interested in the particulars of the Hire Order were not privy to any
information until after the fact. Download the packet here:
If I am elected, this intentional lack of transparency will change immediately.
A little background on the recent history of this position:
The Hire Order was to replace Ms. Dickson who, according to Commission Chair Brown
claimed Brown was harassing her and threatened to sue the county. Subsequently
Dickson with no documented background in law enforcement was transferred/promoted
to the position of Executive Administrative Assistant to the Curry County Sheriff effective
September 2, 2014.
Effective July 1, 2014 the Director of Administration pay grade was E12 Step A:
Effective Oct. 1, 2014 the Hire Order elevates the Director of Administration pay grade to:
E12 Step F: $5,555/month: This 5 step increase results in an annual pay increase of
The cost for this position with benefits will exceed that of most senior managers, department
heads and elected officials.
Think this won't cause some internal strife among employees? Think again.
Why not hire a county manager or administrator instead?
Is Curry County Really Broke?
Tom Huxley
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