| Below is a link to the latest info-commercial (#2) on the Home Rule Charter and a copy of my recent letter to the editor on how the county government operates. You may have to cut and paste it to your browser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEUzSgRzSJU&list=UUVbtCmzMwIzyOCSBQqjmhLg&index=1 Ballots are being mailed tomorrow. Please vote YES on 6-149. Feel free to forward this email to all of your friends in Coos County.........Theo |
We all hear about the “Good Old Boys Club” in Washington D. C. and Salem. Well, let me tell you that it is alive and well here in Coos County. You cannot make up these stories. You have to witness the crime in-progress. Here is something I witnessed in the last three weeks.
On Thursday, September 18, 2014, I was approached by a young lady about a letter she had received regarding changes to be made to the Coos County Planning Ordinances. She said she had gone to the Planning Department to get a copy of the changes and was told it would cost 50 cents per page and there were over 700 pages.
Sunday, September 21st I looked at the County web-site for more information on this topic. I found that a work session was scheduled for Monday, September 22nd regarding ordinances changes. I went to the “work session’, not having information as of the agenda, I simply acted as an observer.
One interesting point I picked up on was a comment by Commissioner “A” “how can we hold the public to a higher standard than we are?” Commissioner “B” stated “the feds and state do that to us all the time!’ Commissioner “C” stated “but we are doing it for the public good”. After completing looking at the changes to Coos Planning Ordinances, chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8, a commissioner made a motion to accept the changes and motion passed with three ayes. Normal procedure is this item will be place on the BOC agenda, at a later date, under item 4. “Consent Calendar- administrative matters not up for discussion”.
Now jump to October 16th, the Planning department has a meeting scheduled to accept “Public Comments” on changes to these same chapters which the BOC already approved. So much for “public comment”, I thought public comments came before a decision was reached.
That folks is why you need to “Vote YES on 6-149, Coos County Home Rule Charter’. We may not be able to affect Washington D.C. or Salem but it is time to take our county back from “special interest groups” so that Your Voice is Heard! You cannot make these stories up!!
Respectfully, a Concerned Coos County Citizen and I proudly wear the badge of “Noisemaker” that Mr. Barton bestowed upon me.
Theo Stanley, Bandon
LTE~ Stupid Idea to Include the Voters in Decision Making Process, so They Say
LTE~ Beware #CoosCounty of the Chicken Little Mentality on Home Rule Charter
LTE~ #CoosCounty Citizens have to Take Control & Support the County Charter
LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty
Letter to Editor ~ In Defense of the Charter for #CoosCounty
MGX~The Irony of Barton Complaining on Proposed #CoosCounty Charter
Oregonian Prints Article on Landowners & Eminent Domain for #JordanCove
Letter to Editor---Curry County Charter does not equal Coos County Charter
BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement
Letter to Editor---Jordon Cove Expects Tax Relief
Agenda 21---Sustainable Development & Regionalism
Community Vs. Collectivism
Regionalism - The Blueprint for Your Serfdom
BOC---Regulatory Streamlining and why they want an Administrator