Below are five reason to Vote NO on Measure 6-150. The city officials of Bandon are trying to convince people that they are thrifty with our money, but they need to do better. The following are examples of $257,816.85 worth of places the city could cut the budget and these are all annual expenses, which compound over the years of continual spending.......Rob T.
First Reason: Excessive Overtime for Bandon City Employees = $160,192.85
Second Reason: Bandon Community Center Running Deficit of $40,464
Revenues & Expenditures
Fiscal year ending June 30, 2014
Revenues $21,595
Expenditures ($62,059)
Difference ($40,464)
Third Reason: City Gave Away Public Money to Questionable Groups $25,030
FY 2014-2015
Bandon Senior Nutrition $3,000 Bandon Community Youth Center $2,000 Bandon Prepares $1,000 Bob Belloni Ranch, Inc $0 BRAVO $1,500 Coastal Harvest $1,500 Coos County Area Transit $3,000 E. A. T., Inc. $1,200 | Go Native Project $2,500 Greater Bandon Association $2,500 Historical Society $2,500 Lions Club $1,000 Neighbor to Neighbor $680 RSVP $0 The Washed Ashore Project $2,000 Women's Safety & Resource Center $650 |
Fourth Reason: Overpriced Pay Increase for the City Manager $20,000
Fifth Reason: Useless Expenditure for LOC Conference $12,130
Brian Vick $ 310 $ 428 $ 738
Chris Powell $ 310 $ 428 $ 738
Claudine Hundhausen $ 410 $ 571 $ 981
Mary Schamehorn $ 310 $ 428 $ 738
Matt Winkel $ 310 $ 428 $ 738
Mike Claassen $ 295 $ 428 $ 723
Nancy Drew $ 335 $ 571 $ 906
Shala McKenzie $ 75 $ 428 $ 503
--------- --------- ---------
Total $2,355 $3,710 $6,065
Friday and Saturday breakfast and lunch are included in the above registration fees, as is the cost for the annual banquet for those attending. For other meals while on the trip, and for those not attending the annual banquet, meals are reimbursed at actual cost upon submission of a receipt. The City only pays for meals, but does not pay for alcoholic beverages.
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