Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation and Gun Owners of American Fighting Connecticut Gun Ban
OFEF has contributed to an amicus brief in a lawsuit against Connecticut's unconstitutional firearms and magazine ban. You can read it here.
As attempts are made across the country to eliminate your Second Amendment rights, it is more and more critical that we engage the gun grabbers in court.
You can help us continue these efforts and it won't cost you a dime.
If you shop at Fred Meyers and use a Rewards Card you can designate the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation as a recipient in their Community Rewards Program. Fred Meyers contributes to OFEF and you still receive your reward points, fuel points and rebates. It's a cost free way to help us fight for gun rights and getting involved is easy. Just follow this link for all the details, and thank you.
OFF---Candidate Rating for the Primary 2014
OFF---Two Gun Bills Back in the OR House
Ashland, OR debates the Right to Bear Arms, Two must see videos on the subject
OFF---Public Comment needed for Gun Registration Bill SB1551
OFF---Public Comment needed on the First Gun Bills Scheduled for 2014 Legislature
OFF---Obey The Law, Go To Jail
OFF---Gun Bills Officially Posted
OFF---Five Years In Prison For Giving a Gun to Your Best Friend
OFF---More on Portland Slime Moving South
OFF---Update on anti-gun bill introduction, suggested message, troubling video.
OFF---Santa Claus is Coming To Town. So Is Michael Bloomberg.
OFF---ACTION ALERT: Comment On Obama's Anti-gun Rule Proposal
OFF---Supreme Court to Hear "Straw Purchase" Case