Legislation Briefs and Updates June 23, 2014
SAOVA Friends,
Our volunteers are already busy following primary elections and monitoring HSUS/HSLF political contributions. To date contributions to Democrat federal candidates is $92,000 and to Republicans $45,000. Top Senate recipients are Mary Landrieu (D, LA) with $8,000 followed by Senators Kelly Ayotte (R, NH); Thad Cochran (R, MS); Susan Collins (R, ME); and Jack Reed (D, RI) with $3,000. Top recipients among House Members are Jeff Denham (R, CA) with $5,000; Michael Fitzpatrick (R, PA) with $4,000; Earl Blumenhauer (D, OR) with $3,500; and Julia Brownley (D, CA), Peter DeFazio (D, OR), Jim Gerlach (R, PA), Peter Roskam (R, IL), and Kurt Schrader (D, OR) with $3,000. Planning ahead, HSLF contributed $5,000 to the Mikulski for Senate Committee for the 2016 primary.
Notable listing among HSLF independent expenditures is $41,799 supporting the Congressional campaign of Tony Strickland (R, CA).
Who funds HSLF? Many donors are from within the HSUS or from related organizations. Largest donors to date are Carole Baskin (Big Cat Rescue) $10,000; Eric Bernthal, Esq (HSUS Chair of the Board) $10,000; Jeanne and Ed Daniels (animal rights activists) $10,000; Mary Max (HSUS Board of Directors) $10,000; Marian Probst (Fund for Animals) $10,000; Jason Weiss (HSUS Board of Directors) and Donna Weiss $10,000; Peggy Kaplan (HSUS National Council Chair); Richard Kaplan $10,000; and Arthur Benjamin (HSUS
National Council) $5,000.
The world not only belongs to those who show up, it's controlled by the best informed and most motivated.
Thanks for reading. Cross posting is encouraged.
Susan Wolf
Sportsmen's & Animal Owners' Voting Alliance
Working to Identify and Elect Supportive Legislators
[email protected]
[email protected]
HSUS has petitioned the Department of the Interior to ban the use of lead ammunition when discharging a firearm on federal lands. The petition, signed by the HSUS, the Fund for Animals, Defenders of Wildlife, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Wildlife Conservation Society, and others, asks that the federal government mandate the use of non-lead ammunition for the taking of all species in areas managed by the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This would put one-fifth of the total land
area of the United States off limits to hunters with traditional ammunition.
Last year HSUS successfully lobbied the California legislature to ban the use of lead ammunition.
Call Interior Secretary Sally Jewell today at 202-208-3181 and tell her to reject this scientifically baseless petition from HSUS to ban traditional ammunition. Let the Department of the Interior know that requiring the use of alternative, non-lead ammunition, is nothing more than a back-door way to ban hunting by raising the price of participating in an American sporting tradition.
- There is no sound science to support banning traditional ammunition used
by hunters for centuries.
- There is absolutely no adverse wildlife population impact that warrants
such a drastic measure.
- There is no evidence that consuming game taken with traditional ammunition
poses a human health to hunters and their family.
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