Most people may not know that the Committee to Preserve the Second Amendment has been working since 2016 to convince the Douglas County commissioners to enact the SAPO measure, but like most politicians, they were hesitant to take that risk for the people of their county.
Like many OR county commissioners, they tried to appease their constituents by enacting a symbolic resolution, which was a compromise and did very little to create a legitimate local law that would preserve the Right to Bear Arms.
The commissioners had one problem that was moving into their county, and that would be the Southern Regional Coordinator of our group, Mr. Tom McKirgan. After battling politicians from both parties for three years on this issue, he was going to make sure the commissioners heard his argument, and he was not going to let them off easy. Tom is a former lawman and full-time patriot.
Almost upon arriving in Douglas County, Mr. McKirgan constantly reminded the commissioners of their duty to do something more significant in their county. In March of 2018 when IP43 & IP44 appeared, the commissioners realized they were facing a new threat to the second amendment rights of their county’s residents, so the board decided to hear out the Committee to Preserve the Second Amendment.
Thanks to Mr. Tom McKirgan, the Douglas County BOC will be referring the SAPO to the ballot box in the General Election. The people of Douglas County owe a debt of appreciation for his diligence.
Loyal friends are the most indispensable necessity in the fight against tyranny….Rob Taylor
Entering A Second Amendment Sanctuary County
It is the same ordinance that has been sweeping Oregon in response to state measures IP-43 which bans “assault-style” firearms, large capacity magazines and requires gun registration with the state police, and IP-44, which requires unacceptable trigger locking mechanisms for storage and transport, effectively making home and self-defense nearly impossible.
How do you like the state telling you not to protect yourself, your family, and others with legally owned firearms while turning you into a felon overnight?
I am the Southern Oregon Coordinator for the Committee to Preserve the Second Amendment and had the honor to present the SAPO to the Board of Commissioners for their consideration in placing it on the November 2018 ballot. Oregonians are fed up with the continued relentless assaults on our inherent right to keep and bear arms, and we are not taking it sitting down. We are telling the entire state that our county WILL NOT COMPLY with any law that violates the Supreme Law of the Land; the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions.
Any legislation not made in pursuance of the Constitution cannot exist and is invalid from inception.
Laws coming out of Salem and Portland are based solely on feel-good emotions, not rights. When was the last time you heard of criminals obeying gun laws? The law-abiding will follow these orders, but only to the point of government becoming destructive to their liberty.
There are over 20,000 “common sense” gun laws on the books and not one of them has prevented or will ever prevent a single gun-related death. How will two more liberal gun laws solve the problems they cite? Then there will be three more proposed laws behind them and five more behind those. It will never end until We the People take control of our destiny with the ballot box.
Americans cannot callously ignore that too many have lost their tomorrows to preserve our liberty today. It is now our fundamental responsibility to ensure the same freedoms for our children and beyond just as it was with the founders of this great nation. The Second Amendment holds the same level of protection as every one of the other nine amendments in the Bill of Rights. The attacks on it stop here in Douglas, a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.
Tom McKirgan
Douglas County
Status of the Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties May 26, 2018
SOS ~ 2018 Initiative Petition #43 Certified Ballot Title ~ I WILL NOT COMPLY
LTE ~ Speaking Loud & Clear One County at a Time
OFF ~ Another Anti-gun Ballot Measure
Second Amendment Rally for the Rights of Young Adults
LTE ~ Young Adults Eighteen to Twenty-one have a Right to Own a Gun
OFF ~ The Oregon Firearms Federation urges a "NO" vote on Measure 101
Oregon Firearms Federation ~ Protect Your Rights For Free!
Information on Several Petitions Currently in Circulation in the State of Oregon
OFF ~ The Gun Confiscation Battle Begins
Teri Grier ~ Bill Post ~ Mike Nearman ~ File Referendum on SB719 Gun Confiscation
The Differences Between SB719A & Connecticut's Gun Confiscation Law
LTE ~ SB719 Into the Oven, Out of the Stack
Oregon Firearms Federation Responds to Senator Brian Boquist on SB 719
OFF Late Session Omnibus Anti-Gun Bill Introduced
Senator Arnie Roblan Votes for SB917A The Gun Confiscation Bill ~ Now in House
OFF ~ CALL TO ACTION ~ Contact Senator Prozanski ~ Time to Fix SB941
OFF ~ Bad Idea Becomes Bad Bill SB 868